バンクーバーで1979年からオープンの日系美容室 Misako’s Hair Studio

『Misako's Hair Studio』から様々な情報をお届けします。

海外で働く美容師 VOL,75

2011年10月25日 | Beach at Thurlow

今回はBeach Hair Studioの新しい仲間KAEをご紹介します
We will introduce you to a new member to our salon "Kae"


★Q1, 美容師になったきっかけは何ですか???
Why did you decide to become a hair stylist?

I've always had an interest for fashion, hair and make up. I wanted to be able to help create them

★Q2, 美容師として心掛けていることは何ですか?
What do you focus most on as a hair stylist?

understanding the taste of my client and making a positive finish in their perspective

★Q3, 日本で働いていた時との違いを感じますか?
Do you feel a difference from working in Japan?

The clients react to my work openly

★Q4, カナダで働いて驚いた事はありますか?
What surprised you, working in Canada?


The fact that there is tip here. Also how theres so many different types and colors of hair. Endless possibility of styles!!

 Q5, バンクーバーのおすすめは何ですか?
What do you recommend in Vancouver?

Please recommend me somewhere nice for I only recently came to Vancouver

Lots of Nature, yet convenient. Seems like a very liveable city.

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