TI OPA134をLTSpiceで使えるようになったので、その方法をメモしておく。
Version 4 SymbolType CELL LINE Normal -32 -32 32 0 LINE Normal -32 32 32 0 LINE Normal -32 -32 -32 32 LINE Normal -28 -16 -20 -16 LINE Normal -28 16 -20 16 LINE Normal -24 20 -24 12 LINE Normal 0 -32 0 -16 LINE Normal 0 32 0 16 LINE Normal 4 -20 12 -20 LINE Normal 8 -24 8 -16 LINE Normal 4 20 12 20 WINDOW 0 16 -32 Left 0 WINDOW 3 16 32 Left 0 SYMATTR SpiceModel LM358.lib SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR Description National LM358 SYMATTR Value LM358 SYMATTR Value2 LM358 PIN -32 16 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName In+ PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN -32 -16 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName In- PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 0 -32 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName V+ PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN 0 32 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName V- PINATTR SpiceOrder 4 PIN 32 0 NONE 0 PINATTR PinName OUT PINATTR SpiceOrder 5
* OPA134 *$ ***************************************************************************** * (C) Copyright 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** ** This model is designed as an aid for customers of Texas Instruments. ** TI and its licensors and suppliers make no warranties, either expressed ** or implied, with respect to this model, including the warranties of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The model is ** provided solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to its quality ** and performance is with the customer. ***************************************************************************** * * This model is subject to change without notice. Texas Instruments * Incorporated is not responsible for updating this model. * ***************************************************************************** * ** Released by: Analog eLab Design Center, Texas Instruments Inc. * Part: OPA134 * Date: 20MAY2011 * Model Type: ALL IN ONE * Simulator: PSPICE * Simulator Version: 16.0.0.p001 * EVM Order Number: N/A * EVM Users Guide: N/A * Datasheet: SBOS058 * * Model Version: 1.0 * ***************************************************************************** * * Updates: * * Version 1.0 : * Release to Web * ***************************************************************************** * CONNECTIONS: NON-INVERTING INPUT * | INVERTING INPUT * | | POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY * | | | NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY * | | | | OUTPUT * | | | | | * PIN CONFIG FOR OPA134 :1 2 3 4 5 * * This model is also applicable to OPA2134 and OPA4134 ***************************************************************************** .SUBCKT OPA134 1 2 3 4 5 C1 11 12 3.240E-12 C2 6 7 8.000E-12 CSS 10 99 1.000E-30 DC 5 53 DX DE 54 5 DX DLP 90 91 DX DLN 92 90 DX DP 4 3 DX EGND 99 0 POLY(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 .5 .5 FB 7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 248.0E6 -250E6 250E6 250E6 -250E6 GA 6 0 11 12 402.0E-6 GCM 0 6 10 99 4.020E-9 ISS 3 10 DC 160.0E-6 HLIM 90 0 VLIM 1E3 J1 11 2 10 JX J2 12 1 10 JX R2 6 9 100.0E3 RD1 4 11 2.490E3 RD2 4 12 2.490E3 RO1 8 5 20 RO2 7 99 20 RP 3 4 7.500E3 RSS 10 99 1.250E6 VB 9 0 DC 0 VC 3 53 DC 1.200 VE 54 4 DC .9 VLIM 7 8 DC 0 VLP 91 0 DC 40 VLN 0 92 DC 40 .MODEL DX D(IS=800.0E-18) .MODEL JX PJF(IS=2.500E-15 BETA=1.010E-3 VTO=-1) .ENDS OPA134 *$
外にはLM358などは便利だろう。 LM358.libは
*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * (C) National Semiconductor, Inc. * Models developed and under copyright by: * National Semiconductor, Inc. *///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * Legal Notice: This material is intended for free software support. * The file may be copied, and distributed; however, reselling the * material is illegal *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * For ordering or technical information on these models, contact: * National Semiconductor's Customer Response Center * 7:00 A.M.--7:00 P.M. U.S. Central Time * (800) 272-9959 * For Applications support, contact the Internet address: * amps-apps@galaxy.nsc.com *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *LM358 DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER MACRO-MODEL *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * connections: non-inverting input * | inverting input * | | positive power supply * | | | negative power supply * | | | | output * | | | | | * | | | | | .SUBCKT LM358 1 2 99 50 28 * *Features: *Eliminates need for dual supplies *Large DC voltage gain = 100dB *High bandwidth = 1MHz *Low input offset voltage = 2mV *Wide supply range = +-1.5V to +-16V * *NOTE: Model is for single device only and simulated * supply current is 1/2 of total device current. * Output crossover distortion with dual supplies * is not modeled. * ****************INPUT STAGE************** * IOS 2 1 5N *^Input offset current R1 1 3 500K R2 3 2 500K I1 99 4 100U R3 5 50 517 R4 6 50 517 Q1 5 2 4 QX Q2 6 7 4 QX *Fp2=1.2 MHz C4 5 6 128.27P * ***********COMMON MODE EFFECT*********** * I2 99 50 75U *^Quiescent supply current EOS 7 1 POLY(1) 16 49 2E-3 1 *Input offset voltage.^ R8 99 49 60K R9 49 50 60K * *********OUTPUT VOLTAGE LIMITING******** V2 99 8 1.63 D1 9 8 DX D2 10 9 DX V3 10 50 .635 * **************SECOND STAGE************** * EH 99 98 99 49 1 G1 98 9 POLY(1) 5 6 0 9.8772E-4 0 .3459 *Fp1=7.86 Hz R5 98 9 101.2433MEG C3 98 9 200P * ***************POLE STAGE*************** * *Fp=2 MHz G3 98 15 9 49 1E-6 R12 98 15 1MEG C5 98 15 7.9577E-14 * *********COMMON-MODE ZERO STAGE********* * *Fpcm=10 KHz G4 98 16 3 49 5.6234E-8 L2 98 17 15.9M R13 17 16 1K * **************OUTPUT STAGE************** * F6 50 99 POLY(1) V6 300U 1 E1 99 23 99 15 1 R16 24 23 17.5 D5 26 24 DX V6 26 22 .63V R17 23 25 17.5 D6 25 27 DX V7 22 27 .63V V5 22 21 0.27V D4 21 15 DX V4 20 22 0.27V D3 15 20 DX L3 22 28 500P RL3 22 28 100K * ***************MODELS USED************** * .MODEL DX D(IS=1E-15) .MODEL QX PNP(BF=1.111E3) * .ENDS *$