Page last updated at 08:49 GMT, Saturday, 19 July 2008 09:49 UK
Obama opens foreign tour in Kabul

Afghan police tightened security in Kabul ahead of Mr Obama's visit
1: US Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama has arrived in Afghanistan, at the start of a high-profile international tour.
2: Mr Obama, who flew to Kabul as part of a US congressional team, is expected to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
3: He is later expected to visit Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Germany, France and Britain.
4: Correspondents say Mr Obama is hoping to address security issues, seen as the weakest aspect of his presidential bid.
5: Opinion polls suggest Americans regard Republican John McCain as a better potential commander-in-chief.
6: In a speech earlier this week, Mr Obama said the US military should focus on Afghanistan rather than Iraq.
7: There has been an upsurge in fighting in recent months between Taleban rebels and international and Afghan forces.
8: Asked what message he would convey to Afghan and Iraqi leaders, Mr Obama said: "I'm more interested in listening than doing a lot of talking."
アフガニスタンとイラクの指導者にどんなメッセージを伝えるかと尋ねられて、オバマ氏は言った: 「多くを語るより話を聞く方に関心があります。」
9: Speaking to reporters before leaving, he added: "I'm going over there as a US senator. We have one president at a time, so it's the president's job to deliver those messages."
彼は、出国する前の記者会見で言った: 「私は米国の上院議員として行くのです。大統領は一人しかいないので、メッセージを発するのは大統領の仕事です。」
10:* Mr Obama also said he would talk to commanders both in Afghanistan and Iraq to find out about their concerns.
11: Mr Obama will be accompanied by news anchors from America's major television networks during his foreign tour.
12: *Correspondents say the McCain campaign will seize on every perceived misstep during Mr Obama's trip, and will also point out that Mr McCain's earlier visits to Iraq and elsewhere attracted far less public attention.
13: In his own foreign policy speech, the Republican candidate said Mr Obama's strategy of winning in Afghanistan by pulling out of Iraq "has it exactly backwards".
14:* "It is precisely the success of the surge in Iraq that shows us the way to succeed in Afghanistan," he said on Tuesday.
@:いよいよオバマさんが、外国行脚に出かけました。「メッセージを伝えるのは大統領の仕事なので自分は話をたくさん聞きたい」何という理想的な考えでしょう! 外交には対話が大事なのです。それをオバマさんが大統領になっても実行できればいいなと思います。先ず、大統領になってほしい!
Obama opens foreign tour in Kabul

Afghan police tightened security in Kabul ahead of Mr Obama's visit
1: US Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama has arrived in Afghanistan, at the start of a high-profile international tour.
2: Mr Obama, who flew to Kabul as part of a US congressional team, is expected to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
3: He is later expected to visit Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Germany, France and Britain.
4: Correspondents say Mr Obama is hoping to address security issues, seen as the weakest aspect of his presidential bid.
5: Opinion polls suggest Americans regard Republican John McCain as a better potential commander-in-chief.
6: In a speech earlier this week, Mr Obama said the US military should focus on Afghanistan rather than Iraq.
7: There has been an upsurge in fighting in recent months between Taleban rebels and international and Afghan forces.
8: Asked what message he would convey to Afghan and Iraqi leaders, Mr Obama said: "I'm more interested in listening than doing a lot of talking."
アフガニスタンとイラクの指導者にどんなメッセージを伝えるかと尋ねられて、オバマ氏は言った: 「多くを語るより話を聞く方に関心があります。」
9: Speaking to reporters before leaving, he added: "I'm going over there as a US senator. We have one president at a time, so it's the president's job to deliver those messages."
彼は、出国する前の記者会見で言った: 「私は米国の上院議員として行くのです。大統領は一人しかいないので、メッセージを発するのは大統領の仕事です。」
10:* Mr Obama also said he would talk to commanders both in Afghanistan and Iraq to find out about their concerns.
11: Mr Obama will be accompanied by news anchors from America's major television networks during his foreign tour.
12: *Correspondents say the McCain campaign will seize on every perceived misstep during Mr Obama's trip, and will also point out that Mr McCain's earlier visits to Iraq and elsewhere attracted far less public attention.
13: In his own foreign policy speech, the Republican candidate said Mr Obama's strategy of winning in Afghanistan by pulling out of Iraq "has it exactly backwards".
14:* "It is precisely the success of the surge in Iraq that shows us the way to succeed in Afghanistan," he said on Tuesday.
@:いよいよオバマさんが、外国行脚に出かけました。「メッセージを伝えるのは大統領の仕事なので自分は話をたくさん聞きたい」何という理想的な考えでしょう! 外交には対話が大事なのです。それをオバマさんが大統領になっても実行できればいいなと思います。先ず、大統領になってほしい!