

許しによって変わるTransformed by Forgiveness

2025-01-05 11:28:13 | 日記
ルカ7:47 NIV [47] だから、私はあなた方に言います。彼女の多くの罪は赦されました。彼女の大きな愛のゆえに。しかし、少しだけ赦された者は、少しだけ愛するのです。」
Luke 7:47 NIV [47] Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”

I am Louie with Passion and today our verse is Luke chapter 7 verse 47 and Jesus is speaking. He says, therefore I tell you her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much but he who is forgiven little loves little.
What Jesus is talking about is how our response to him in worship and gratitude shows the depth of which we understand his saving grace in our lives. To love him little, to worship him little, to be slightly moved towards him just shows that we didn't feel like we needed to be saved from very much.
This woman had a rough life and a rough past. She'd made her way into this dinner party. She'd come to where Jesus was reclining at the table. She had this expensive ointment with her and she began to weep and shed tears on his feet and wipe his feet with her hair and put the ointment on his feet and when the religious people who were there saw it they were like oh he obviously doesn't know who this woman is and what her life has been about and then he tells them quickly two people owed money to the same guy one owed a little one owed a lot they both got their debt wiped out which one was more grateful and they all spoke up and said the one who owed a lot was more grateful and he said exactly and this woman she's had a rough go of it and now here she is with gratitude recognizing who I am and because of that I am forgiving her sins not because of her acts and her work he says a verse later your faith has saved you but he said this woman she gets it she knows that no matter how far you go God's love goes further and it can reach you wherever you are and when I see that and you see that when we see that and receive that kind of grace we want to respond to God with everything that is in our heart.
この女性はつらい人生とつらい過去を経験しました。彼女はこのディナーパーティーにやって来ました。彼女はイエスがテーブルに横たわっているところにやって来ました。 彼女は高価な香油を持っていて、泣き始め、イエスの足に涙を流し、自分の髪でイエスの足を拭き、その香油をイエスの足に塗りました。そこにいた宗教関係者は、ああ、イエスはこの女性が誰で、どんな人生を歩んできたのか明らかに知らない、と思いました。するとイエスは、二人が同じ男に借金をしていて、一人は少額、一人は多額の借金をしていて、二人とも借金を帳消しにしてもらったが、どちらがより感謝していたか、皆が声を揃えて、多額の借金をしていた方の方が感謝していた、と言いました。イエスは、まさにその通りだ、この女性は大変な目に遭ったが、今は感謝の気持ちで私が誰であるかを認識し、そのおかげで私は彼女の罪を許している、彼女の行為や働きのためではない、と言いました。次の節でイエスは、「あなたの信仰があなたを救った」と言いますが、この女性は「彼女は理解している、あなたがどれだけ遠くに行っても神の愛はさらに遠くまで届き、どこにいてもあなたに届くことを知っている」と言いました。私がそれを見て、あなたがそれを見て、私たちがそれを見て、そのような恵みを受けるとき、 私たちは心にあるすべてを神に応答したいのです。

A Prayer for Love

God, thank You for saving and loving me. Thank You for forgiveness. Your forgiveness changes everything. Help me to show You the honor and love that You deserve. Give me a heart of gratefulness that prompts me to worship You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

私たちの希望の源 Our Source of Hope

2025-01-05 02:04:47 | 日記
Our Source of Hope

Through faith in Jesus, we can live forever in the presence of God.

テトス 2:11-14 11 神の恵みが現れて、すべての人に救いをもたらしました。 12 この恵みは、不信心と世の欲を捨て、この時代にあって、分別と正義と敬虔とをもって生きるよう私たちに教え、 13 祝福された希望と、私たちの偉大な神であり救い主であるキリスト・イエスの栄光の現れとを待ち望んでいます。 14 キリストは、私たちのためにご自身をお与えになり、私たちをあらゆる不法から贖い出し、ご自分の所有物として、善行に熱心な民をきよめてくださいました。
Titus 2:11-14 11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, 12 instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, 14 who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.

エペソ人への手紙 2:8-9 8 あなたがたは、恵みにより、信仰によって救われたのです。それは自分自身から出たものではなく、神からの賜物です。 9 行いによるのではありません。だれも誇ることのないためです。
Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

ローマ人への手紙 5:12 12 それゆえ、ひとりの人によって罪が世界に入り、罪によって死が入り、こうして、すべての人が罪を犯したので、死がすべての人に広がったのです。
Romans 5:12 12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--

People have different opinions about who goes to heaven. Some believe good behavior will bring automatic admittance. Others, while acknowledging they have bad habits and tendencies, hope traits like generosity or helpfulness will gain them entry.

However, Scripture tells us character and deeds do not determine our eternal state (Ephesians 2:8-9). Rather, it’s our sinful nature that forms a barrier between us and a holy God. As Romans 5:12 teaches, Adam and Eve’s sin caused all mankind to begin physical life dead in our sins. No amount of good works or moral behavior can change our unholy nature. Nor do bad choices make our nature worse.

Without direct help from God, we would be a people without hope—we’d find the entrance to heaven closed and would face everlasting separation from the Lord. But our loving Father sent His Son as our willing substitute: Jesus took our sins on Himself and received the punishment we deserved. What we were helpless to do, He accomplished for us. Through faith in the Savior, we have assurance that we will live in the presence of God forever.

Knowing we’re heaven bound gives hope and meaning to our life. Let’s tell others about Jesus, the source of our hope.