

真実の愛の結末は? J O Y The Outcome of True Love? J O Y

2024-09-18 09:57:53 | 日記
イザヤ書 40:28-31 NIV [28] あなたは知らないのか。聞いたことがないのか。主は永遠の神、地の果ての創造主である。主は疲れることなく、弱り果てることもない。その悟りは誰にも測り知れない。[29] 主は疲れた者に力を与え、弱い者の力を増す。[30] 若者も疲れて弱り果て、若者もつまずいて倒れる。[31] しかし、主に望みを置く者は力を取り戻す。彼らは鷲のように翼を広げて飛び上がり、走っても疲れず、歩いても弱り果てることがない。
Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV [28] Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. [29] He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. [30] Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; [31] but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

真実の愛の結末は? J O Y
The Outcome of True Love? J O Y

いつの日も、私たちの魂は内在する罪の影響で痛み、私たちの心は弱さに嘆き悲しむことがあります。ジョン・オーウェンは、自分が水のように弱いと感じたと言うでしょう。ある日は他の日よりもずっと難しいことがあります。私たちの人生には風向きが変わり、試練の嵐がやって来ては去ります。敵は非難します。私たちの希望はどこにありますか? キリストの中に! 試練が何ヶ月、何年、何十年も続くとき、愛はどこにありますか? 私たちの希望はどこにありますか? キリストの中に! 神への服従は試され、試みられます。私たちの従順はどこにありますか? キリストを通してです! 試練の苦しみの中で、非常に多くの考えや感情が頭と心を激しく衝突し、ぶつかり、激しく揺れ動きます。私たちのエネルギー、私たちの強さ、私たちの若々しい熱意はどこにありますか? キリストの中に!
On any given day our soul can ache from the effects of indwelling sin, and our heart grieves in our weakness. John Owen would say he felt as weak as water. Some days can be much more difficult than others. The winds change and the storms of trial come and go in our lives. The enemy accuses. Where is our hope? In Christ! When trials hover for months, years, even decades, where is love then? Where is our hope? In Christ! Our submission to God is tested and tried. Where is our obedience? Through Christ! In the throes of a trial, so many thoughts and feelings crash, collide, and careen through our heads and our hearts. Where is our energy, our strength, our youthful zeal? In Christ!

Jesus is your all and all; your everything. Take Him at His Word and believe what He says and not what you think, nor what anyone else says, or what you feel. He is central, foundational, core, everything, preeminent--ALL. Christ! His life, death, and resurrection were all for the sake of unworthy rebellious sinners like you and me. He set aside His position and His crown and laid down His life. We are called to that same death of self for the sake of Christ and others.

Obedience. Obey God’s Word and trust Him in thought, word, and deed. Cling to Christ and His love. Choose to put away feelings and old default ways of thinking and put on faith, believing that what God’s Word says is true.

How do we follow the source of true love and allow His love to flow in and through our lives? How do we learn to remain by His side and in step with His Spirit and follow His impulses and not our own?

First, we must see if we have drifted out from under His banner of love. Ask: “Am I seeing clearly? Am I walking in step with you, Lord?” We can pray a short prayer throughout the day to help us: “Help me believe in your love and walk in your love! Lord, I want to love you. Help me love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and help me to love others.”

Your youth is renewed like the eagles! You find joy in the Lord and strength from that joy!

