《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅) 三
在四十余被害的青年之中, 劉和珍君是我的學生。 學生雲者, 我向來這樣想, 這樣說, 現在卻覺得有些躊躇了, 我應該對她奉獻我的悲哀與尊敬。 她不是 “茍活到現在的我” 的學生, 是為了中國而死的中國的青年。
她的姓名第一次為我所見, 是在去年夏初楊蔭榆女士做女子師範大學校長, 開除校中六個學生自治會職員的時候。 其中的一個就是她: 但是我不認識。 直到後來, 也許已經是劉百昭率領男女武將, 強拖出校之後了, 才有人指著一個學生告訴我, 說: 這就是劉和珍。 其時我才能將姓名和實體聯合起來, 心中卻暗自詫異。 我平素想, 能夠不為勢利所屈,反抗一廣有羽翼的校長的學生, 無論如何, 總該是有些桀驁鋒利的, 但她卻常常微笑著, 態度很溫和。 待到偏安於宗帽胡同, 貸屋授課之後, 她才始來聽我的講義, 於是見面的回數就較多了, 也還是始終微笑著, 態度很溫和。 待到學校恢復舊觀, 往日的教職員以為責任已盡, 準備陸續引退的時候, 我才見她慮及母校前塗(途), 黯然至於泣下。 此後似乎就不相見。 總之, 在我的記憶上, 那一次就是永別了。
Typing: Teppei
English Translation: Teppei
In those over 40 killed students, Miss Liu hezhen is my student. "She is my student." I thought about this as normal, and call her as normal, but now I am wodering if I could think about and call her as this again? I should ought to present with my great sadness and respection to her. She is not a student of mine-"a man who are still for alive but lose someone's dignity", she is a Chinese youth who dead for her country's future-China's future.
I could see her name the 1st time since last early summer, Ms Xia yinyu, the Master of Peking Women Normal University, expelled 6 students of the organization of students self-management. 1 in 6 was her, Liu hezhen, but I still didnot recognize her at that time. Until later, Liu baizhao( Education Secretary at that time) leaded those hired thugs, pull those students out of university, at that time someone pointed 1 of them and told me, "that is Liu hezhen". Then, I could begin to relate her name and herself together, but I had some surprise at that time. In my mind, I related those students who resist a master who has wide backgroud and power, and wasnot bent by them, actually should be those who have some stubborn and some outstanding. But she is a girl who is always with smiles and with very tender to others. After they(those students who were drive off university) rent several houses to contiune their studying at zongmao lane, I(with some starffs) went to there to teach them some, and since that she began to listen my lessons. Then, the chances that we met has been more. At that time, there are still always smiles on her face, and she was still with very tender to others. When university began to resume to normal, those teachers who went to teach them were going to be back to university. After she knew that, because of worrying about the future of University, she felt miserable and cry for it. After that, it seems not to see each other again. After all, in my memory, this is the last time that I saw her.