《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)
真的猛士, 敢于直面慘淡的人生, 敢于正視淋漓的鮮血。 這是怎樣的哀痛者和幸福者? 然而造化又常常為庸人設計, 以時間的流逝, 來洗滌舊迹, 僅使留下淡紅的血色和微漠的悲哀。 在這淡紅的血色和微漠的悲哀中, 又給人暫得偷生, 維持著這似人的世界。 我不知道這樣的世界何時是一個盡頭!
我們還在這樣的世上活著; 我也早覺得有寫一點東西的必要了。 離三月十八日也已有兩個星期了, 忘卻的救主快要降臨了罷, 我正有寫一點東西的必要了。
Typing: Teppei
A true brave fighter, dare bravely to face dark side, dare bravely to face running blood, they are the person who are respected and happy in their lifes. But the world often controlled by those non-fighters. They want to use time to dilute the truth, and just leave light blood and light sorrow. Under these light blood and light sorrow, people seem to get rid of threaten, and continue to maintain this world where a normal couldnot live in.
We are still living in this world, I think I should write something early. Today has 2 weeks after 18th, March. The oblivion will come soon, so I think I should write something early.