

文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(7)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(7)

2011年06月19日 21時41分58秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


      我已經說過, 我向來是不憚以最壞的惡意來推測中國人的。  但這回卻很有幾點出于我的意外。 一是當局者竟會這樣地凶殘,  一是流言家竟至如此之下劣, 一是中國的女性臨難竟能如是之從容。

      我目睹中國女子的辦事, 是始于去年的, 雖然是少數, 但看那幹練堅決, 百折不回的氣概, 曾經累次爲之感歎。 至于這一回在彈雨中互相救助, 雖殒身不恤的事實, 則更足爲中國女子的勇毅, 雖遭陰謀秘計, 壓抑至數千年, 而終于沒有消亡的明證了。 倘要尋求這一次死傷者對于將來的意義, 意義就在此罷。

      苟活者在淡紅的血色中, 會依稀看見微茫的希望; 真的猛士, 將更奮然而前行。

      嗚呼, 我說不出話, 但以此記念劉和珍君!



Typing: Teppei

As I wrote in this article before: I am never afraid of guessing every behavior done by some Chinese is extremly bad. But at this affair, there are several points are out of my suppose. 1 is that government could be so cruelly to do it, 1 is that those rumors-makers could use so despicable ways, 1 is that Chinese women could face disaster by such calm.

I saw Chinese women's action since last year(as written in this article before). Although they were a small number of, I have already shook for their experience, their resolution, and their tough spirit. As for this time, they showed a fact that is to help and save each other during the storm of shooting, even if they would die and didnot fear. This fact is an obvious evidence to prove the brave of Chinese women, to prove even though they were repress over several thousands years by schemes, but they didnot die out.  If someone want to look for the meanings of death and the injured,  I think, this is.

Those who are still for alive but lose someone's dignity in such light bloody slaughter, will lightly see the dim hope; those true fighters, will struggle to follow this action more harder.

I am very angry, I couldnot say anything, I write this just for commemorating Miss Liu hezhen.

the 1st, April




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