《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)
中華民國十五年三月二十五日, 就是國立北京女子師範大學為十八日在段祺瑞執政府前遇害的劉和珍楊群兩君開追悼會的那一天, 我獨在禮堂外徘徊, 遇見程君, 前來問我道, “先生可曾為劉和珍寫了一點什麽沒有? ” 我說 “沒有” 。 她就正告我, “先生還是寫一點罷; 劉和珍生前就很愛看先生寫的文章。 ”
這是我知道的, 凡我所編輯的期刊, 大概是因為往往有始無終之故罷, 銷行一向就甚為寥落, 然而在這樣的生活艱難中, 毅然預定了《莽原》全年的就有她。 我也早覺得有寫一點東西的必要了。 這雖然於死者毫不相幹, 但在生者, 卻大抵只能如此而已。 倘使我能夠相信真有所謂“在天之靈”, 那自然可以得到更大的安慰, ——但是, 現在, 卻只能如此而已。
可是我實在無話可說。 我只覺得所住的並間。 四十多個青年的血, 洋溢在我的周圍, 使我艱於呼吸視聽, 那裏還能有什麽言語? 長歌當哭, 是必須在痛定之後的, 而此後幾個所謂學者文人的陰險的論調, 尤使我覺得悲哀。 我已經出離憤怒了。 我將深味這非人間的濃的悲涼; 以我的最大哀痛顯示於間, 使它們快意於我的苦痛, 就將這作為後死者的菲薄的祭品, 奉獻於逝者的靈前。
Typing: Teppei
English Translation: Teppei
On 25th March, the 15th year of the Republic of China(03-25-1926), it is the day that Peking Women Normal University held a memorial ceremony for Miss Liu hezhen and Miss Yang dequn who were killed in front of Duan qirui Government's Building while they were protesting on 18th, March, When I was thinking in front of the hall, I came across Miss Cheng. She came toward and asked me, "Has Chow Sir written something for Miss Liu yet?" I told her, "No." She seriously talked to me, "I think Chow Sir should write something, because Miss Liu very liked to read your articles before she was killed."
I know that. Maybe because of those periodicals that I edited were forced to close often, sales and distribution were bad. Even under this worse enviroment, she was one who subscribed a whole year long of-Mengyuan(name of a periodical)(《莽原》). I have early deciede that I need to write something to her, although she donot get to know it now, for those who are still alive, that is the only 1 thing I could do. If I could believe there are souls, then I would feel more satisfaction for what I will done. But, maybe it is the only that I could do.
However, I really donot know what I could write. I just feel this is not a world where a normal person could live in. Those over 40 being killed youth's blood, were threaten around me, they make me hardly breath, my eyes and ears couldnot bear to see and listen this again in these days. Are there any words that I could say? To write something covered my sadness must be done after I have gotten off the pain. Specially those scholars who wanted to exculpat for government make me feel serious sadness. I am very very angry. I will deeply think and feel the serious sadness and pain that this world where a normal couldnot live in brought to me in my writing. I will show my deepest sorrow in this world where a normal couldnot live in in my writing, to make the government couldnot get their happiness after this killing. My writing would be a small wari for those victims, and for consoling their souls satisfied in heaven.