

場所鳥取三朝町 投入堂 日本建築物ランキング1位

2016年09月04日 | 英語学習

大型のバスが2台止まった、たくさんの観光客が乗っている。これはやはり名所なのだ、そう思いながら、混む前に登ってやろうと思い、三徳山三仏寺の大駐車場へ車をとめて、投入堂遙拝コースという道があったので、そこを登り始めると、下草がぼうぼうで、人が歩いている形跡が全然ない! おかしい??と思いつつ、それでも歩き続けると、休憩所・展望所という場所がある。この道を行けばいいと信じて、さらに歩き続けるととうとう道がなくなってしまった。「遥拝」つまり険しい道を登れない人が遠くから眺めるためだけの場所に行ってしまっていた。






We can see a building in that mountain. It is Nageiredo. It is a mysterious structure, the inner sanctum of the Sanbutsu-ji temple, is built on a seemingly inaccessible basalt cliff.

It is built right into the cliff of the mountain although exactly how it was built remains a riddle. It is a national treasure. It is definitely worth the one-hour round trip walk. This place was once prosperous as a sacred place for Shugendo.

Shugendo is a religious order that prescribes ascetic practices in mountains to attain holy powers beneficial to the community. The order combines elements of ancient pre-Buddhist worship of certain mountains as holy ground with esoteric 秘伝の Buddhism. Shugendo emerged in the late 12th century.

I watched several temples in the mountain. Then I paid 200 yen for entrance fee. I began to climb a mountain trail. I found how steeply the trail was! I had to crawl on hands and legs. I saw several sightseeing buses, and there were many people on them. But I could see nobody climbing. I understood it was impossible for the elderly to climb. I could see the chains or ropes for the use of climbing. The a building appeared. It was built on a steep rock. It has a narrow wooden passageway along the edge of the building. I stood on it and a nice broad view spread itself below me. And the view also made me feel chill. I was enjoying the cool breeze at a lonely building on the cliff.

And after I climbed more, a belfry appeared. I could see a magnificent bell there. I struck the bell. And after I climbed more a building appeared under a big rock. Then I finally arrived at Nageiredo. It is built in the cave at 470m. Because of a precipice in front of it we can't access easily. I can see a fence with barbed wires. I climbed over the fence and tried to have a access to the building. I had to clamber はうように進む up the steep slope. I enjoyed nice view and historical, mysterious building. Climbing down the mountain was also risky. I slipped several times. 

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