

鳥取見聞録鳥取市面影 尾崎放哉 

2024年12月30日 | Weblog
尾崎放哉, along with 種田山頭火, is one of the most renowned haiku poets of free-form haiku. He was born in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture. He was notorious for his lack of financial stability, his drinking habits, and his arrogance as a graduate of Tokyo University. 

The dominant strategy refers to the tactic where chain stores concentrate their openings in a specific area.

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場所埼玉川口市「キューポラのない街」「エジプトはナイルの賜物」「川口は荒川の賜物」 EE

2024年12月30日 | Weblog
川口は荒川の賜物 Kawaguchi has prospered for a long time as a foundry town. It is a long-established foundry town. As the sand and clay that make up the riverbed of the Arakawa River were found to be suitable for making sand molds for casting. It is also famous for "begoma," a traditional Japanese spinning toy. But foundries producing begoma gradually went out of business.

エジプトもナイルの賜物 Pyramids were constructed out of millions of stone blocks transported along the river Nile on ships. 


Ancient Egyptians depended on the annual flooding of the Nile River. The Nile was more peaceful at flood time than were the turbulent Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Each year the Nile brought the two things needed for agriculture; rich soil and water. Egypt, it was said, was the "gift of the Nile."


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場所埼玉浦和 調神社とウサギ 

2024年12月30日 | Weblog
This rare shrine has rabbit statues instead of the typical guardian lion-dog statues found at most shrines. "Tsuki", the name of its shrine is phonetically same as "moon" and "good luck" in Japanese. In the Japanese myths, rabbits are considered to be the envoys from the moon. This is the reason there are so many rabbit objects here. (調神社より)



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場所埼玉県南浦和 大谷場氷川神社とキジ

2024年12月30日 | Weblog
The Green or Common pheasant was adopted as the national bird of Japan in 1947. (フェズント) 南浦和駅を出て、すぐ近くの小高い丘に大谷場(おおやば)氷川神社がある。背後の入り口を登っていくと、本殿が見えてくる。そして神社の入り口の方に逆に向かっていくと、狛犬ではなく、雉の像が並んでいる。は日本の国鳥であり、雄は華やかであり、勇敢で桃太郎のお供をしているし、雌は地味だが、子育てをし、複数の雛を育てる。異形な神社だが、よく考えたら、このあたりに雉がいて、この丘にも生息していたのだろう。

浦和はウナギの名所らしく、イメージキャラクターは「おむすびまんの娘」?かと連想させられたが、「浦和うなこちゃん」である。Urawa is famous for eel because it developed as a post town along the Nakasendo during the Edo period, serving travelers and tourists. The surrounding marshlands provided an ideal habitat for eels, which were abundant and caught locally. These eels were prepared as kabayaki (grilled eel) and became highly regarded for their flavor, contributing to Urawa’s reputation as a destination for eel dishes.

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場所鳥取市倉吉市 シリンダー形建築

2024年12月30日 | Weblog

Hakka tulou are characterized by thick earthen walls (up to more than 1.8 meters thick), minimal windows, and a single entrance, designed to prevent intrusion or attacks from the outside, making it difficult for external enemies to break in.

倉吉にもシリンドリカル建築があった。倉吉市立明倫小学校旧校舎である。築50年をこえている。廃墟のようだが、貴重な建造物として保存されている。多くの円形校舎を手がけた坂本 鹿名夫によって設計された。かつては円形校舎が流行し、全国で100棟ほどが建造された時代があった。急増する児童数に対応できず、増築が困難だったため、廃れていく運命にあった。

Sakuragaoka Junior and Senior High School in Takinogawa, Kita Ward, Tokyo, is known for its cylindrical school building. This circular design was adopted to reduce the area of hallways and walls, thereby lowering construction costs. The classrooms are arranged in a fan shape, allowing teachers to easily oversee all students. While such architectural styles have become rare today, this unique building remains in active use at Sakuragaoka Junior and Senior High School.

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