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Psychological Warfare Team心理作戦班
Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater米軍インド・ビルマ方面作戦部隊付
APO 689郵便番号
Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation日本軍の捕虜尋問
Report No. 49.レポートNo. 49
Place interrogated: Ledo Stockade尋問場所Ledo Stockade
Date Interrogated: Aug. 20 - Sept. 10, 1944尋問期間1944年 8/20 - 9/10日
Date of Report: October 1, 1944レポート発行日1944年10/1日
By: T/3 Alex Yorichiレポート作成者T/3 Alex Yorichi
Prisoners: 20 Korean Comfort Girls捕虜20名の韓国人慰安婦
Date of Capture: August 10, 1944捕虜とした日1944年 8/10日
Date of Arrival: August 15, 1944 at StockadeStockade到着日1944年 8/15日

> This report is based on the information obtained from the interrogation of twenty Korean "comfort girls" and two Japanese civilians captured around the tenth of August, 1944 in the mopping up operations after the fall of Myitkyina in Burma.
> The report shows how the Japanese recruited these Korean "comfort girls", the conditions under which they lived and worked, their relations with and reaction to the Japanese soldier, and their understanding of the military situation.
> A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. The word "comfort girl" is peculiar to the Japanese. Other reports show the "comfort girls" have been found wherever it was necessary for the Japanese Army to fight. This report however deals only with the Korean "comfort girls" recruited by the Japanese and attached to their Army in Burma. The Japanese are reported to have shipped some 703 of these girls to Burma in 1942.
"慰安婦"は、単に軍人にサービスするため日本軍に付加された売春婦、あるいは"プロの非戦闘従軍者"以上の物ではない。"慰安婦"という言葉は日本人に特有だ。他はレポートは、どこであれ日本軍が戦うために必要な場所で"慰安婦"が見つかる事を示す。このレポートはしかし、単に日本人に募集されて、ビルマの日本軍に配された韓国人"慰安婦"を対象としている。日本人は、1942年にこれらのおよそ 703人の女性をビルマに送ったと報告されている。

> Early in May of 1942 Japanese agents arrived in Korea for the purpose of enlisting Korean girls for "comfort service" in newly conquered Japanese territories in Southeast Asia. The nature of this "service" was not specified but it was assumed to be work connected with visiting the wounded in hospitals, rolling bandages, and generally making the soldiers happy. The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen.

> The majority of the girls were ignorant and uneducated, although a few had been connected with "oldest profession on earth" before. The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the "house master " for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced ...

> Approximately 800 of these girls were recruited in this manner and they landed with their Japanese "house master " at Rangoon around August 20th, 1942. They came in groups of from eight to twenty-two. From here they were distributed to various parts of Burma, usually to fair sized towns near Japanese Army camps.
およそ 800人のこうした女性がこの様に募集され、そして彼女らはその日本の"舎監"と共に1942年 8/20日頃、ラングーン周辺に配された。彼女らは人から 22人のグループに分けられた。ここから、彼女達はビルマの様々な地域、通常は日本軍の陣地近くの相当な大きさの町に配された。

> Eventually four of these units reached the Myitkyina. They were, Kyoei, Kinsui, Bakushinro, and Momoya. The Kyoei house was called the "Maruyama Club", but was changed when the girls reached Myitkyina as Col.Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina, objected to the similarity to his name.

> The interrogations show the average Korean "comfort girl" to be about twenty-five years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese of Caucasian standards. She is inclined to be egotistical and likes to talk about herself. Her attitude in front of strangers is quiet and demure, but she "knows the wiles of a woman." She claims to dislike her "profession" and would rather not talk either about it or her family. Because of the kind treatment she received as a prisoner from American soldiers at Myitkyina and Ledo, she feels that they are more emotional than Japanese soldiers. She is afraid of Chinese and Indian troops.
尋問は、平均して韓国人"慰安婦"はおおよそ 25才、無学で子供っぽく、利己的である事を示す。彼女は、日本の、あるいは白人の、どちらの基準で評価してもかわいくはない。彼女は利己的な傾向があり、自分に関して話す事を好む。彼女の態度は、他人の面前では静かで控え目だが、彼女は"女としての知恵を知っている"。彼女は、彼女の"職業"が嫌だと主張し、その事、あるいは家族に関して話そうとしない。囚人としてミートキーナおよび Ledoの米兵から受けた親切な待遇により、彼女は彼らが日本の軍人より情緒的と感じている。彼女は中国の、そしてインドの兵士を恐れている。

> In Myitkyina the girls were usually quartered in a large two story house (usually a school building) with a separate room for each girl. There each girl lived, slept, and transacted business. In Myitkina their food was prepared by and purchased from the "house master" as they received no regular ration from the Japanese Army. They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received "comfort bags" from home.

> While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping.

> The conditions under which they transacted business were regulated by the Army, and in congested areas regulations were strictly enforced. The Army found it necessary in congested areas to install a system of prices, priorities, and schedules for the various units operating in a particular areas. According to interrogations the average system was as follows:
労働の条件は軍に規制され、そして混雑した地域では規則は厳密に履行された。軍は、混雑した地域では特定の分野で作戦中の様々な部隊に対し、価格、優先順位、およびスケジュールの制度を導入する事が必要だと理解した。 尋問によると、平均的な制度は以下の通り 

> 1. Soldiers 10 AM to 5 PM  1.50 yen  20 to 30 minutes
   一般兵  午前10時午後時  1.5円   2030分
> 2. NCOs  5 PM to 9 PM  3.00 yen  30 to 40 minutes
   下士官  午後時午後時  円    3040分
> 3. Officers  9 PM to 12 PM  5.00 yen  30 to 40 minutes
   将校   午後時午後12時 円    3040分
> These were average prices in Central Burma. Officers were allowed to stay overnight for twenty yen. In Myitkyina Col. Maruyama slashed the prices to almost one-half of the average price.

> The soldiers often complained about congestion in the houses. In many situations they were not served and had to leave as the army was very strict about overstaying. In order to overcome this problem the Army set aside certain days for certain units. Usually two men from the unit for the day were stationed at the house to identify soldiers. A roving MP was also on hand to keep order. Following is the schedule used by the "Kyoei" house for the various units of the 18th Division while at Naymyo.
軍人は、しばしば慰安所の混雑に関し不平を述べた。軍は長居に関して非常に厳しかった事で、多くの状況で彼らはサービスを受ける事なく去らねばならなかった。この問題を克服するため、軍は特定の部隊に特定の日を設定した。通常、当日の部隊から人の男性が、兵士を特定するため慰安所に配置された。秩序を保つため、憲兵が近くを巡回していた。以下は、第18師団の様々な部隊が Naymyoにいた間、"Kyoei"慰安所により使用されたスケジュールだ。

Sunday 18th Div. Hdqs. Staff日、第18師団. 指令部スタッフ
Monday Cavalry月、騎兵
Tuesday Engineers火、技師
Wednesday Day off and weekly physical exam.水、休日および毎週の身体検査
Thursday  Medics木、医療スタッフ
Friday Mountain artillery金、砲兵隊
Saturday Transport土、輜重部隊訳者注兵坦担当

> Officers were allowed to come seven nights a week. The girls complained that even with the schedule congestion was so great that they could not care for all guests, thus causing ill feeling among many of the soldiers.

> Soldiers would come to the house, pay the price and get tickets of cardboard about two inches square with the prior on the left side and the name of the house on the other side. Each soldier's identity or rank was then established after which he "took his turn in line". The girls were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer. This was often done if the person were too drunk.

> The "house master" received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. She turned over seven hundred and fifty to the "master". Many "masters" made life very difficult for the girls by charging them high prices for food and other articles.
"舎監"は、契約にサインした時点で各々の女性がどの位の負債を負っていたかにより、女性の総収益の 5060%を受け取った。これは、女性が平均的に月におよそ1,500円を稼いだ事を意味した。彼女は、750円を"主人"に渡した。多くの"主人"が、彼女らに食物その他の物資に高い価格を請求する事で、彼女らの暮らしを非常に苦しくした。

> In the latter part of 1943 the Army issued orders that certain girls who had paid their debt could return home. Some of the girls were thus allowed to return to Korea.

> The interrogations further show that the health of these girls was good. They were well supplied with all types of contraceptives, and often soldiers would bring their own which had been supplied by the army. They were well trained in looking after both themselves and customers in the matter of hygiene. A regular Japanese Army doctor visited the houses once a week and any girl found diseased was given treatment, secluded, and eventually sent to a hospital. This same procedure was carried on within the ranks of the Army itself, but it is interesting to note that a soldier did not lose pay during the period he was confined.

> In their relations with the Japanese officers and men only two names of any consequence came out of interrogations. They were those of Col. Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina and Maj. Gen.Mizukami, who brought in reinforcements. The two were exact opposites. The former was hard, selfish and repulsive with no consideration for his men; the latter a good, kind man and a fine soldier, with the utmost consideration for those who worked under him. The Colonel was a constant habitu of the houses while the General was never known to have visited them. With the fall of Myitkyina, Col. Maruyama supposedly deserted while Gen. Mizukami committed suicide because he could not evacuate the men.

> The average Japanese soldier is embarrassed about being seen in a "comfort house" according to one of the girls who said, "when the place is packed he is apt to be ashamed if he has to wait in line for his turn". However there were numerous instances of proposals of marriage and in certain cases marriages actually took place.

> All the girls agreed that the worst officers and men who came to see them were those who were drunk and leaving for the front the following day. But all likewise agreed that even though very drunk the Japanese soldier never discussed military matters or secrets with them. Though the girls might start the conversation about some military matter the officer or enlisted man would not talk, but would in fact "scold us for discussing such un-lady like subjects. Even Col. Maruyama when drunk would never discuss such matters."

> The soldiers would often express how much they enjoyed receiving magazines, letters and newspapers from home. They also mentioned the receipt of "comfort bags" filled with canned goods, magazines, soap, handkerchiefs, toothbrush, miniature doll, lipstick, and wooden clothes. The lipstick and cloths were feminine and the girls couldn't understand why the people at home were sending such articles. They speculated that the sender could only have had themselves or the "native girls".

> "In the initial attack on Myitleyna and the airstrip about two hundred Japanese died in battle, leaving about two hundred to defend the town. Ammunition was very low.
"Myitleynaと滑走路への初期の攻撃では、およそ 200人の日本人が戦死し、町を防衛する 200人が残った。弾薬は非常に少なかった”。

> "Col. Maruyama dispersed his men. During the following days the enemy were shooting haphazardly everywhere. It was a waste since they didn't seem to aim at any particular thing. The Japanese soldiers on the other hand had orders to fire one shot at a time and only when they were sure of a hit."

> Before the enemy attacked on the west airstrip, soldiers stationed around Myitkyina were dispatched elsewhere, to storm the Allied attack in the North and West. About four hundred men were left behind, largely from the 114th Regiment. Evidently Col. Maruyama did not expect the town to be attacked. Later Maj. Gen. Mizukami of the 56th Division brought in reinforcements of more than two regiments but these were unable to hold the town.
敵が滑走路の西を攻撃する前、ミートキーナ周辺に配置された兵士は、北方および西方での連合軍の攻撃を迎撃するため、他の場所に急派された。主に第114連隊からおよそ 400人の兵士が残された。明らかに、丸山大佐は、町が攻撃されると予想していなかった。その後、第56師団の水上少将は連隊以上の援軍を引き連れてきたが、これらは町を維持できなかった。

> It was the consensus among the girls that Allied bombings were intense and frightening and because of them they spent most of their last days in foxholes. One or two even carried on work there. The comfort houses were bombed and several of the girls were wounded and killed.

> The story of the retreat and final capture of the "comfort girls" is somewhat vague and confused in their own minds. From various reports it appears that the following occurred: on the night of July 31st a party of sixty three people including the "comfort girls" of three houses (Bakushinro was merged with Kinsui), families, and helpers, started across the Irrawaddy River in small boats. They eventually landed somewhere near Waingmaw, They stayed there until August 4th, but never entered Waingmaw. From there they followed in the path of a group of soldiers until August 7th when there was a skirmish with the enemy and the party split up. The girls were ordered to follow the soldiers after three-hour interval. They did this only to find themselves on the bank of a river with no sign of the soldiers or any means of crossing. They remained in a nearby house until August 10th when they were captured by Kaahin soldiers led by an English officer. They were taken to Myitleyina and then to the Ledo stockade where the interrogation which form the basis of this report took place.
退却および"慰安婦"が最終的に捕虜となる話は、彼女達自身の心の中でいくらか曖昧であり混乱している。様々なレポートから、以下の事が起こったように見える7/31日の夜、軒の慰安所"Bakushinro"は "Kinsui"に合併されたの"慰安婦"を含む 63人の集団家族、およびアシスタントは、小さいボートにてイラワジ川を渡河し始めた。彼らは Waingmaw近くのどこかに上陸し、そこに 8/4日まで留まり、しかし Waingmawに決して入らなかった。そこから、敵と小競り合いがあり集団が散り々々となる 8/7日まで、彼らは兵士の一団の後に続いた。女性達は時間のインターバルの後に兵士に続くよう命令された。彼女達はこのようにした結果、兵士達の影も形も無く、あるいは渡河するための手段も無いまま川岸に残されている事を知った。英国人将校に指揮された Kaahin兵に捕虜にされた 8/10日まで、彼女達は近くの家に留まっていた。彼女達は、"Myitleyina"へ、そしてこのレポートの基礎となる尋問が行われた Ledoの営倉に連行された。

> None of the girls appeared to have heard the loudspeaker used at Myitkyina but very did overhear the soldiers mention a "radio broadcast."

> They asked that leaflets telling of the capture of the "comfort girls" should not be used for it would endanger the lives of other girls if the Army knew of their capture. They did think it would be a good idea to utilize the fact of their capture in any droppings planned for Korea.