Nietzsche expressed it as "God is dead and he did not realise that in saying this he was still standing within the dogma,
for Christ's death is one of the secret mysteries of Christianity. ~Carl Jung
なぜなら キリストの死は、キリスト教の秘密の謎の一つなのです。~カール・ユング
人々がこの言葉に影響を受けたのは、彼がそう言ったからではなく、広く普及している心理的な事実を述べたからである。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ145。
しかし、この言葉(ニーチェの「神は死んだ」)は、ある耳にとっては、自然の神々の終わりを告げるために海の上に響いてきた古代の叫び声と同じ不気味な響きを持っている。"偉大なるパンは死んだ" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ145。
もし神がいなければ、無神論者もいないだろう。" ~G.K.チェスタトン
“When Nietzsche said “God is dead,” he uttered a truth which is valid for the greater part of Europe.
People were influenced by it not because he said so, but because it stated a widespread psychological fact.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 145.
Yet it [Nietzche’s “God is Dead”] has, for some ears, the same eerie sound as that ancient cry which came echoing over the sea to mark the end of the nature gods: “Great Pan is dead.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 145.
I am not, however, addressing myself to the happy possessors of faith, but to those many people for whom the light has gone out, the mystery has faded, and God is dead. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 148.
It was from the spirit of alchemy that Goethe wrought the figure of the “superman” Faust, and this superman led Nietzsche’s Zarathustra to declare that God was dead and to proclaim the will to give birth to the superman, to “create a god for yourself out of your seven devils.” ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Para 163.
"But what does it really mean when people say that "God is dead"? If there is a God independent of human experience, one may suppose that such a fashionable catchword would not bother him much! The point at issue is rather the fact that our image of God, or our definition of him, is dead for us, although the word is a name for something which was for past generations alive in the highest degree and which represented for them the supreme value. That Something which was so alive in their image of God, that psychologically effective power which evoked in them an impressive reverence for their "God," is, however, not dead (as Jung learned later and sought to verify). God was never really ''captured" in that manmade image, still less in the definitions, so that he is free to leave them behind and "reveal" himself anew. Instead of saying, with Nietzsche, "God is dead," it would have been closer to the truth, in Jung's opinion, to say: ''... the highest value, which gives life and meaning, has got lost." ~Marie-Louise von Franz, C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, p. 16
"If there were no God, there would be no atheists." ~G.K. Chesterton
Atheists express their rage against God, although in their view, he does not exist. ~C.S. Lewis
That an atheist is particularly concerned with God is not understood with us because we are still unspeakably barbarous in that respect, but the East is a bit more differentiated in such matters.
They have the saying that a man who loves God needs seven rebirths in order to be redeemed or to reach Nirvana, but a man who hates God needs only three.
And why?
Because a man who hates God will think of him much oftener than a man who loves God.
So the atheist hates God, but he is in a way a better Christian than the man who loves him. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 72-73
“In the East they knew it long ago; so to them the love of God and the hatred of God are essentially the same. And rightly so, for if it only matters that you are concerned with a thing, then it does not matter whether you are concerned by hatred or by love. Therefore, they have the saying that if a man loves God he needs seven incarnations in order to reach him, but when he hates him he only needs three. As a rule we are really far more concerned when we hate than when we love, and in that Eastern saying one recognizes this kind of psychology. So it does not matter to the self whether you love or despise; it is only important that you are concerned.”
~CG Jung, Zarathustra Seminars.
Unfortunately enough, it is the common fate; even the atheist who is always shouting up to God, "I don't believe that you exist!"-even such a man is already on the way to lose the church entirely.
You see, as long as you can be a member of an atheist club or something of the sort, you are not really outside of the church. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011.
That religion could be psychology has not dawned upon them.
They may be atheists but you know what an atheist is: simply a man who is outside instead of inside the church walls.
Instead of saying, yes, I believe that you exist, he stands outside of the house and says, no, I don't believe that you are God.
That is the only difference: an atheist is just as Catholic as those within the walls.
So they cannot understand of what modern psychology is talking, because this whole world of problems, the symbols we are dealing with, is for them still within the walls of the church, safely walled in. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011
Nietzsche calls himself an atheist, but this formulation is of course a bit influenced by the idea that God is when he is said to be.
In calling yourself an atheist, you make that concession to your primitive magic thinking-as if you could produce something by saying it is.
As Kant said, that word is nothing but a copula in a judgment; you need to use a verb that expresses existence, but you have not produced a thing by it.
If you say you possess a hundred dollars, they don't necessarily exist.
But Nietzsche's idea confirms our explanation of the old wise man as the original Christian revelation continued in the idea of the paraclete, the Comforter, withdrawing slowly from the world and becoming a hermit, re-identifying himself again with the natural background from which he came. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 40-41.
[Because a man who hates God will think of him much oftener than a man" who loves God.
So the atheist hates God, but he is in a way a better Christian than the man who loves him; Nietzsche is a better Christian and far more moral than the Christians before and after him.]
But this expression seems to me very apt, for "bowels" simply means contents, and in "the Unknowable One,"
Nietzsche surely refers to the unknown god who, he said, was dead. It is a funny thing, however, that throughout the whole of Zarathustra you get a feeling as if this god whom he calls dead were not absolutely dead.
He is somehow lurking in the background as the great unknowable one of whom you should not speak; you simply should not take him into consideration: he is too dangerous to be mentioned.
So his peculiar expression that you should not be interested in the bowels of the unknowable one means that there is somebody there, only he is utterly taboo.
You see, that is explained psychologically by the fact that Nietzsche calls himself an atheist, for anybody who calls himself an atheist is a negative theist; naturally he would not deny a thing if he did not think it was there to be denied. He would not add the a. It is an admission of God when you call yourself an atheist, because whether you assert a thing or deny it, you confirm that it is: you cannot deny a thing without giving it a certain existence.
It does exist somewhere even if you assume that it exists only in the minds of other people; that it exists in the minds of other people means that it does exist.
So Nietzsche's God exists somewhere and has contents but he must be careful not to mention them.
That an atheist is particularly concerned with God is not understood with us because we are still unspeakably barbarous in that respect, but the East is a bit more differentiated in such matters.
They have the saving that a man who loves God needs seven rebirths in order to be redeemed or to reach Nirvana, but a man who hates God needs only three.
And why?
Because a man who hates God will think of him much oftener than a man" who loves God.
So the atheist hates God, but he is in a way a better Christian than the man who loves him; Nietzsche is a better Christian and far more moral than the Christians before and after him.
You see that explains a great deal of Zarathustra, which is a highly moral book.
If anybody should try to live that teaching, he would have astonishing experiences.
He would certainly feel himself to be a better Christian than all those before him.
He could buy a halo for his own private use and make himself the first and only saint of his private church.
It is true of course that we use that expression "the bowels of ... "rather in connection with the earth, and in a psychological sense we mean the contents of the unconscious, which we think of as below.
But to the Christian era the unconscious was by no means below; it was a fiery and luminous heaven above.
All the heavenly "powers and principalities" of the Catholic church are really the contents of the unconscious,' but at that time they projected the unconscious into the world above, and only through the descent which has taken place in the last four hundred years, has it been brought down into the lower regions, the earth, into the real bowels, the intestinal region, the kingdom of the sympathetic nervous system. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 72– 73.
“Such passages spring from the deepest roots of man, they refer to the Self.
Not the human being, not the ego, is God but the Self is God in man, and it is superior to human consciousness, just as the whole is superior to a part.
We hear next to nothing of the Self in Christian philosophy because it has been left in the hidden truths.
But we should have heard of it if the Church had been able, while it was still strong and powerful, to develop the religion of the Holy Ghost.
That is, if the Church had gone beyond the historical figure of Christ, as he himself intended when he promised that the Holy Ghost should descend on each, as it had descended upon him at his baptism.
He said he was the Son of God, and called others the children of God, by which he recognised them as brothers and sisters.
But this thought was too difficult, it is still too difficult for the Church.
It is, however, impossible for us to recognise our relationship to eastern ideas, or to assimilate these, unless we realise our own Christian background and that such ideas were expressed in the original documents of our own faith.
We suffer from a certain "developpement arrete" , our spiritual development stopped short, whereas that of the East is hypertrophic.
This is because they had and have no institution in the East which can be compared with the Roman Catholic Church.
Buddhism, in this sense, is far from being a Church.
I should like to read you a passage from an author who wrestled with this problem and suffered deeply from the fall of the Church, of historical Christianity, a fall which unfortunately we cannot deny.
. . . 葡萄の木よ!なぜ私を褒めるのだ?私はあなたを切らなかった!
There are optimists who believe they can still deny it but, if we count the multitude who stand extra ecclesiam today, we have to admit that the Church is in a very bad way.
The author I speak of is Nietzsche.
He expressed it as “God is dead” and he did not realise that in saying this he was still standing within the dogma, for Christ's death is one of the secret mysteries of Christianity.
Why we can hear in every sermon that "God is dead."
But Nietzsche did not realise this, he meant God has come to an end.
Nietzsche thought that as God was dead and had no successor, something very unusual had happened to the world.
And he did not realise that he was God's successor!
When his psychosis overcame him he signed his letters: The Crucified, Dionysos, or Zagreus who was also a dismembered God, he, Nietzsche, fulfilled this fate himself.
And he prophesied his own fate when Zarathustra said to the ropedancer: "Thy soul shall be dead even sooner than thy body."
We can not be surprised that in his most essential deepest work, his confession, "Zarathustra," there are many intensely Christian passages, where he moves in a wholly Christian world.
Whether he did so consciously is difficult to say, but he had a western psychology and had to remain in its standpoint and think on in its categories.
So the motif of Zarathustra is that of the suffering god, and I should like to read you some passages from the "Drunken Song" at the end as a "document humain."
Please pay attention to the peculiar symbols m which Nietzsche uses:
"God's woe is deeper, thou strange world! Grasp at God's woe, not at me! What am I?
. . . Thou grape-vine! Why dost thou praise me? Have I not cut thee!
I am cruel, thou bleedest-: what meaneth thy praise of my drunken cruelty?
'Whatever hath become perfect, everything mature - wanteth to die!'
so sayest thou. Blessed, blessed be the vintner's knife! But everything immature wanteth to live: alas!"
~Carl Jung, Modern Psychology aka ETH Lectures V, 1 December 1939, Page 196-197