国立アレルギー感染症研究所(NAID)の研究者らは、1918年のパンデミックの犠牲者58人から保存されていた肺組織の一部を調べ、数千の剖検例から抽出した報告書を検討して結論を導き出し、Journal of Infectious Diseases誌のオンライン版に掲載されました。
「この報告書は、Dabid M.Morens, MD, Jeffery K.Thaubenberger, MD, PhD, anc NIAID Director Anthony S.Fauci, MDによるものである。
Bacterial pneumonia was main killer in 1918 flu pandemic.
Aug 22,2008
It was secondary bacterial pneumonia-not the influenza virus by itself-that killed most of the millions who perished in the 1918 flu pandemic,which suggests that current pandemic preparations should include stockpiling of antibiotics and bacterial vaccines, influenza researchers reported this week.
Exprets at the National Indstitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NAID)examined pieces of lung tissue preserved from 58 victims of the 1918 pandemic and reviewed reports distilled from thousands of autpsies to reach their conclusions,published online by the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
”HIstological and bacteriology evidence suggests that the vast majority of influenza deaths resulted from secondary becterial pneumonia,”says the report by Dabid M.Morens,MD,Jeffery K.Thaubenberger,MD,PhD,anc NIAID Director Anthony S.Fauci,MD.
Many accounts of the 1918 pandemic have emphasized how quicly patients succumbed to the infection,creating an impression that a rarge share of the victims died of the virus’s direct effects on the lungs or the immune system’s intense response to the infection.But the new report suggests that more than90% actually died of invading bacterial pneumonia after the virus wiped out cells lining the bronchial tubes and lungs.
“In essens,the Virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch, “said Fauci in an NIAID news release.