映画「The Curious Case of Benjamin Button」で採用された実写と実写のマッチング方法のビデオが公開されました。
fxguide のインタビューで、マッチムーブによる3DCG合成ではなく、カメラ28台を使って「Mova Countour Capture rig」という方法で俳優の顔と化粧を変えた俳優の顔をキャプチャーして合成しているようです。
fxg: Can you describe the rig that was used to capture Brad Pitt's performance?
Eric Barba: To clarify, we didn’t use Mova to capture his performance, but to capture facial expressions volumetrically. The Mova Countour Capture rig is designed to hold 28 cameras in an array around the actor. They are mounted on a speed rail-like structure that surrounds about 150 degrees of the actor. like a The cameras are all aimed at the actor’s face which is covered with phosphorescent make-up. This allows for frame by frame tracking of patterns and each point can be tracked in 3D space. This is the first system to truly capture someone's face moving in realtime and provide a moving mesh that can be subdivided and rebuilt then retargetted to another mesh to drive a CGI performance. Since Orville Redenbacher, Mova have been constantly working to refine the Contour capture system and we had been working with them on this. It was a collaborative effort. They were invited in to collaborate on Benjamin Button and like all of the vendors were incredibly excited.
To capture Brad’s performance we shot him performing the role on a soundstage with four HD cameras and used image analysis technology to get animation curves and timings that drove our proprietary deformation rig.