

どうすれば節電?How is it economy in power consumption?

2011-03-18 | エコ


どうすれば節電?How is it economy in power consumption? Come sta economia in consumo di potere?

手軽に出来ることは、使わない機器のコンセントをぬく。さしているだけで3~5ワット前後の電気を消費します。It pulls an outlet of the machinery which it does not use that it is possible easily.Tira un sbocco dell'apparato che non usa che è facilmente possibile.

エアコン、VHS、DVDレコーダー、携帯電話の充電器、ファンヒーター、デジタルカメラの充電器、などとにかく抜くだけで、みんなが協力すれば、原子力発電機2基分に相当が節約できます air-conditioner, VHS, DVD recorder, mobile telephone battery charger, fan heater, digital camera battery charger, ete cooperation to outrun somehow, saving two nuclear power generation airplanes

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非常電源の確保、Security of an emergency power supply

2011-03-18 | お知らせ

Img_39811 充電式電源、ライト1個、ハンドバッテリーに省電力LEDに全て置き換えました。明かりだけですとハンドパワー2個で400時間、点灯可能

I replaced it with power-saving LED to a charge-type power supply, light 1, hand battery entirely.
When it is only a light, it is with two hand power and can turn on for 400 hours!

Img_39821本田ガソリン式発電機で、冷蔵庫など保冷に対応可能!With a Honda gasoline-type dynamo, refrigerators can support horei!

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