バンクーバーで1979年からオープンの日系美容室 Misako’s Hair Studio

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2009年09月22日 | Metrotown


張り切ってハロウィンを楽しみました。 朝から仕込みで大忙し!!

お客様から写真を一緒に撮って~と言われる位に、キモかったです! 今年もどんなになるかまだわかりませんが、楽しんで行きたいと思います. 是非!!ハロウィンの日にお店に来てくださいね!キモいのが待ってます。



 We're in the second half of september and it's almost Halloween! Last year, the staffs at the Metrotown Misako Hair Studio changed into costumes and we all had the perfect make-up! We all enjoyed the halloween right from the morning, but the preparation was a lot of work! We were all so monsterous-looking in our costumes that we had customers asking to take photographs with them. We hope that this year's halloween would be an awesome one too. Please visit Metrotown Misako Hair Studio on Halloween! We will be waiting for you in our Grusome halloween outfit!

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