half moon bay

酒と釣りの友 天国の mさんヘ

満月にかかる地球の影 シスコ編

2010-12-22 20:22:41 | 西海岸
Photo & comment by Frederic Larson / MYSTICAL PHOTOGRAPHY /San Francisco Chronicle

Lunar Eclipse
December 20 2010

The moon will turn yellowish brown to blood red tonight while it passes by the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco during the total lunar eclipse. The moon's surface will darken as the earth's shadow slowly creeps by starting at 10:33 PM, with totality beginning at 11:41 PM (PST).

This was my last lunar eclipse, which I captured on August 28, 2007. I am doubtful we will see anything more tonight than the insides of our umbrellas. I hope I am wrong.

天国の mさん この写真がどこか覚えていますか?



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