Photo by Frederic Larson / MYSTICAL PHOTOGRAPHY /San Francisco Chronicle
Reap the harvest
September 27 2010
During sunrise the city was crowned with highlights and the fog danced around the Golden Gate's south tower. In the month of September, it's harvest time for photographers.
I've heard it's better to be lucky than good, which I'm starting to believe is true.
フォトチャンネル ch16901 sf photo gallery2 の写真を少し追加しましたのでよろしければ再度お訪ねください。
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Reap the harvest
September 27 2010
During sunrise the city was crowned with highlights and the fog danced around the Golden Gate's south tower. In the month of September, it's harvest time for photographers.
I've heard it's better to be lucky than good, which I'm starting to believe is true.
フォトチャンネル ch16901 sf photo gallery2 の写真を少し追加しましたのでよろしければ再度お訪ねください。