

世界で最も価値のあるもの The Most Valuable Thing in the World

2025-01-19 23:00:53 | 日記
The Most Valuable Thing in the World

Raj was one of six children born into a wealthy *Brahmin* family - the highest caste in the Indian caste system. At the age of twenty-three, Raj encountered Jesus. His family disinherited him. They cut him off. As far as they were concerned he was dead. They even held a funeral service for him. Neither his parents, nor his brothers and sisters have ever spoken to him again. For several weeks he wandered around the streets of Bangalore. He had virtually no food to eat. He walked all day and slept in the park at night.

彼は新しい人生をスタートしました。彼は新たに見つけた信仰について語り始めました。彼を通して、多くの人がイエスに出会いました。彼は数年間、インドの [Alpha]( の全国ディレクターを務めました。彼は、自分は祝福された人生を送っており、神は彼の損失を補って余りあるほどのものをくださったと述べています。彼は「*すべて」*を捨てましたが、イエス・キリストの中に「非常に価値のある真珠」を見いだしました (マタイ 13:45–46)。
He started a new life. He began to speak about his new-found faith. Through him, many other people encountered Jesus. For several years he was the National Director of [Alpha]( in India. He says that he has had a blessed life and that God has more than compensated for his losses. Although he left ‘*everything’*, in Jesus Christ he found *the ‘pearl… of great value*’ (Matthew 13:45–46).

Relationships are our most valuable possession. But there is one special relationship for which you were created. This is the most valuable pearl of all. It is worth selling ‘everything’ in order to get hold of it.

詩篇 11:1-7 NIV [1] 私は主に身を寄せる。それなのに、どうしてあなたは私に言うのか。「鳥のようにあなたの山に逃げよ。[2] 見よ、悪者は弓を張り、矢を弦にかけ、陰から心の正しい者を射かけようとしている。[3] 土台が崩れ去るとき、正しい者は何ができようか。」[4] 主はその聖なる宮におり、主はその天の王座にいます。主は地上のすべての人を見つめ、その目は彼らを吟味します。[5] 主は正しい者を吟味しますが、悪者、暴力を好む者を激しく憎みます。[6] 主は悪者の上に燃える炭火と燃える硫黄を降らせ、焼けつく風を彼らの運命とします。[7] 主は正しく、公正を愛し、正しい者は主の御顔を見るからです。
Psalms 11:1-7 NIV [1] In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain. [2] For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. [3] When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” [4] The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. [5] The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. [6] On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot. [7] For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

The intimate presence of God

Even at the most difficult time of your life you can experience the intimate presence of God. David was in a crisis. He was advised to run away and hide in the mountains. His response was to say, ‘I’ve already run for dear life straight to the arms of God. So why would I run away now?’ (v.1, MSG).

David starts by saying, ‘In the Lord I take refuge’ (v.1). He also finishes by focusing on a relationship with God, with the promise that the upright ‘will see his face’ (v.7). David uses metaphorical language to paint a picture of the intimate presence of the Lord.

His experience and desire for a relationship with God brackets the beginning and end of the psalm. There is no safer place, nothing more valuable in life and nothing that this world offers that can compare with the intimate presence of God – seeing his face.

Lord, today I want to see your face. I ask you to satisfy the deepest longings of my heart with your intimate presence.

マタイ13:36-58 NIV [36] それからイエスは群衆を離れて家に入られた。弟子たちがイエスのもとに来て言った、「畑の毒麦のたとえを説明してください。」 [37] イエスは答えられた、「良い種を蒔いたのは人の子である。 [38] 畑は世界であり、良い種は御国の民である。毒麦は悪い者の民である。 [39] それを蒔く敵は悪魔である。収穫は世の終わりであり、収穫する者は御使いである。 [40] 毒麦が引き抜かれて火で焼かれるように、世の終わりにもそのようになる。 [41] 人の子は御使いたちを遣わし、御国から罪を犯すもの、悪を行う者をすべて除き去らせ、 [42] 彼らを燃える炉に投げ込む。その中で泣き叫び、歯ぎしりするであろう。 [43] そのとき、義人たちは父の御国で太陽のように輝きます。耳のある者は聞きなさい。[44] 天の御国は畑に隠してある宝のようなものである。人はそれを見つけると、また隠し、喜びのあまり、行って持ち物を全部売り払って、その畑を買いました。[45] また天の御国は、良い真珠を探している商人のようなものです。[46] 大きな値うちのあるものを見つけると、彼は行って持ち物を全部売り払って、それを買いました。[47] また天の御国は、湖に下ろして、いろいろな魚を捕る網のようなものである。[48] 網がいっぱいになると、漁師たちは岸に引き上げ、すわって、良い魚を籠に集め、悪い魚は捨てていきました。[49] 世の終わりにもそのようになるのです。 御使いたちが来て、正しい者と悪い者とを分け、 [50] 燃える炉に投げ込みます。その中で泣き叫び、歯ぎしりするでしょう。 [51] イエスは、「あなたがたはこれらのことがみな分かりましたか」と尋ねられると、彼らは、「分かりました」と答えました。 [52] イエスは彼らに言われた、「そういうわけで、律法学者で天の御国に弟子として入った人はみな、自分の倉から新しい宝も古い宝も取り出す家の主人のようなものです。」 [53] イエスはこれらのたとえを語り終えると、そこを去って行かれた。 [54] イエスは郷里に帰って会堂で教え始められた。人々は驚いて、「この人は、このような知恵と奇跡を行う力をどこで得たのか」と言った。 [55] 「この人は大工の息子ではありませんか。母親の名はマリアではありませんか。兄弟たちは、ヤコブ、ヨセフ、シモン、ユダではありませんか。 [56] 彼の姉妹は皆私たちと一緒にいるではありませんか。それでは、この人はこれらのことをすべてどこで手に入れたのですか。」 [57] そして彼らはイエスに腹を立てた。しかしイエスは彼らに言われた、「預言者は自分の町や自分の家以外では尊敬されないことはない。」 [58] そして、彼らの信仰の欠如のために、イエスはそこで多くの奇跡を行わなかった。
Matthew 13:36-58 NIV [36] Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.” [37] He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. [38] The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, [39] and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. [40] “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. [41] The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. [42] They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [43] Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear. [44] “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. [45] “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. [46] When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. [47] “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. [48] When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. [49] This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous [50] and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [51] “Have you understood all these things?” Jesus asked. “Yes,” they replied. [52] He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” [53] When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. [54] Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. [55] “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? [56] Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” [57] And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” [58] And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Knowing God’s Son

Some people are desperately searching and then find Jesus. Others, like me, almost stumble into finding him. But once you have found the treasure it is worth giving up everything else.

In between the parable of the weeds and the parable of the net, Jesus tells two very short parables about discovering the kingdom (vv.44–46). The only difference between the two is that in one case the person was actively searching (v.45) and in the other he seemed to stumble across it (v.44). In both, there is something of enormous value (‘treasure’ v.44, ‘fine pearls’ v.45). In both cases it was worth selling everything to get it (vv.44,46).

This is where true ‘joy’ (v.44), real ‘treasure’ (v.44) and ‘great value’ (v.46) are to be found. The kingdom of heaven is all about knowing the King. It is all about Jesus and how you respond to him. How everyone responds to Jesus really matters both for this life and beyond.

When you consider all the evil in the world, do you ever wonder why God does not deal with it straight away and get rid of it? In the parable of the weeds the servant wants to pull up the weeds, but his master refuses (vv.28–29). A judgment will come (vv.36–43,47–50).

He warns about the fate of those who cause sin and all who do evil (vv.41,49–50). He says of the weeds that God will ‘pitch them in the trash’ (v.41, MSG) and that he will ‘cull the bad fish and throw them in the garbage’ (vv.49–50, MSG). He promises on that day that you ‘the righteous’ (made right with God through Jesus) ‘will shine like the sun in the kingdom of [your] Father’ (v.43). It is your relationship with God that causes you to shine and it means that one day you will shine like the sun in the kingdom of God.

But God won’t allow the destruction of all that is evil yet. He wants to gather all the wheat into his barn. He deliberately allows a delay until ‘the end of the age’ (v.39), so that more people have time to respond to the good news about Jesus.

Lord, thank you that a relationship with you is the pearl of great value. Keep me close to you and help me to avoid anything that draws me away from our relationship.

創世記 38:1–39:23
Genesis 38:1–39:23
創世記 38:1 新共同訳 [1] そのころ、ユダは兄弟たちと別れて、アドラム人のヒラという人の近くに天幕を張った。

Experiencing God’s blessing

あなたの現在の状況は理想からは程遠いですか? 例えば、あなたはその状況に縛られていると感じていますか? 別の仕事、別の場所、別の人間関係に身を置きたいと願っていますか? あなたの状況がどうであれ、この聖句は、あなたが神に忠実であり続けるなら、あなたが今いる場所で神の存在、神の恵み、神の祝福を経験できることを示しています。
Are your circumstances far from ideal at the moment? For example, do you feel confined by them? Do you wish you were in a different job, a different place, or a different relationship? Whatever your circumstances, this passage shows that if you stay faithful to God you can experience his presence, his favour and his blessing right where you are.

We see here a contrast between Judah’s unfaithfulness and hypocrisy and Joseph’s faithfulness when faced with sexual temptation.

Judah, vulnerable after the death of his wife, fell into sin. His own daughter-in-law, Tamar, posed as a prostitute and he slept with her. As a pledge, he left his seal and its cord and a staff. She became pregnant by him (38:1–18).

When he heard that his daughter-in-law was guilty of prostitution and as a result had become pregnant, Judah said, ‘Bring her out and have her burned to death!’ (v.24). She then produced what he had left behind: the ‘seal and cord and staff’ (v.25). Judah was caught out. He realised his own hypocrisy and sin (v.26).

The grace of God is extraordinary. Perez, one of the sons born as a result of this incident, is listed in the genealogy of Jesus (see Matthew 1:3). In his grace, God takes what the devil intended for evil and uses it for good.

ユダの罪はヨセフの正義と対照的です。「主がヨセフと共におられ、彼は栄えた」(創世記 39:2)。ポティファルは主が彼と共におられ、彼が行うすべてのことに成功を与えて下さったことを知り、ヨセフを全家の管理に任命しました(4節)。その結果、主はヨセフの家を祝福されました(5節)。
Judah’s sin is contrasted with Joseph’s righteousness: ‘The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered’ (Genesis 39:2). Potiphar, who saw that the Lord was with him and had given him success in everything he did, put him in charge of his entire household (v.4). As a result, the Lord blessed his household (v.5).

The expression, ‘The Lord was with [Joseph]’ appears four times in this passage (39:2,3,21,23). However, the fact that the Lord is with you does not stop you facing temptation. Joseph faced great temptation. Potiphar’s wife tried to entice him to come to bed with her. He absolutely refused.

He saw that giving in to this temptation would be a sin against God and against his employer, Potiphar: ‘How could I violate his trust and sin against God?’ (v.9, MSG). Not only did he refuse to go to bed with her, he refused even to be anywhere near that temptation (v.10).

ジョセフは誘惑に対処する素晴らしい例を示しています。誘惑に抵抗する最善の方法は、誘惑から逃げることです (テモテへの手紙 2:22)。大きな誘惑に直面したら、思い切った行動をとってください。ジョセフのように、誘惑から逃げてください。
Joseph shows us a great example of how to deal with temptation. The best way to resist temptation is to flee from it (2 Timothy 2:22). If you are facing great temptation, take radical action. Like Joseph, run from it.

Potiphar’s wife grabbed Joseph by his cloak and said again, ‘“Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house’ (Genesis 39:12).

Look at the contrast with Judah. Judah left his seal, cord and staff in Tamar’s hands. It was the evidence of his guilt. Joseph left his cloak in Potiphar's wife's hands. She used it to prove his guilt, although in fact it was the evidence of his innocence.

In spite of the fact that ‘the Lord was with Joseph’, having resisted temptation, he then suffered terrible injustice (v.19 onwards) and ended up confined in prison (v.20). He lost his liberty but not his freedom.

Even in prison, the Lord was with him. He ‘showed him kindness and granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warden’ (v.21). ‘The head jailer put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners – he ended up managing the whole operation’ (v.22, MSG) – ‘Because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did’ (v.23).

Your circumstances may not be ideal. You might feel like you are in prison – literally in prison, or confined like a prisoner in your job, a health issue, a difficult relationship or other circumstances. Yet in the midst of all this, if you stay faithful to God, you can experience his presence with you, his favour in the sight of others, and his blessing on your life. This is the ‘pearl… of great value’ (Matthew 13:45–46). This is the most valuable thing in the world.

Lord, thank you that even when things seem to be going wrong and there are trials and temptations, I can know that you are with me and experience your blessing on my life.

創世記 39:1–23
Pippa Adds
Genesis 39:1–23
You can’t keep a good person down. God was with Joseph even when everything went wrong. He did not necessarily rescue him from it, but he did use it for good. God was working on Joseph’s character. It was all part of his preparation.

