

不確実な時代における確実性④ Certainty in time of uncertainty④

2025-01-20 22:13:45 | 日記
ホセア書 6:3 NIV [3] 主を認めよう。主を認めるために努力しよう。太陽が昇るのと同じように、主は必ず現れ、冬の雨のように、地を潤す春の雨のように、私たちのもとに来られる。」
Hosea 6:3 NIV [3] Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

詩篇 18:30 NIV [30] 神の道は完全である。主の言葉は完全である。主に身を寄せる者すべてを守ってくださる。
Psalms 18:30 NIV [30] As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.

Things don’t always go according to our plans, but they will always adhere to the plans of the Lord.

しかし、人生は道の途中での障害なしには生きられません。失敗はこれらの障害の中にあるのではなく、これらの障害によって立ち止まらされたときにあります。遅れに落胆して目的の追求をあきらめないでください。私たちは自分に起こることをコントロールすることはできません。コントロールできるのはそれに対する反応だけです。チャールズ・R・スウィンドル牧師はかつて、人生は自分に起こることの 10% とそれに対する反応の 90% で決まると言いました。
Life, however, is not lived without any bumps in the road. Failure is not found within these bumps, it is found when we allow these bumps to stop us in our tracks. Don’t become so discouraged in the delays that you give up on the pursuit of your purpose. We cannot control what happens to us, we can only control our response to it. Pastor Charles R. Swindoll once said that life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.

Your mindset is a powerful thing. I believe that people who are successful aren’t successful because they are more talented or even more skilled. Successful people are successful because they have a mindset for success even during failure.

We must trust the process, even when the journey gets rocky. God is developing you for the plan that He has created for you to live out. God puts us through what I call “stretching seasons” to prepare us mentally for the destination that we are heading towards.

Having certainty in times of uncertainty does not mean turning a blind eye to what’s going on around you. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have feelings of fear, we’re only human. It means that we, as followers of Christ, choose to have faith among the fear and negativity that may surround us. It means that even with fear in our minds, we know that the Lord will provide us with whatever we need to carry on.

In times of uncertainty, your Bible is certain.

God is sure.

Jesus has made his mind up.

You see, we may live in a limited world but we serve a limitless God.

