

イエスを認めるAcknowledge Jesus

2024-10-24 03:22:23 | 日記
ヨハネ第一 4:15 NIV [15] イエスが神の子であると認める人は、神がその人の内に住み、その人も神の内に住みます。
1 John 4:15 NIV [15] If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.


平均的な人は 1 日に 35,000 回以上の決断を下します。つまり、1 時間あたり平均 1,500 回の決断です (24 時間起きていた場合)。目を開けてベッドから起き上がることから、この文章を読むことを選択することまで、あなたの人生は、1 日の流れを形作る何千もの一見小さな決断で構成されています。

私たちが下す決断はすべて重要ですが、最も重要な決断は、イエス キリストに従うかどうかです。イエスを信じることは、地上での人生を変えるだけでなく、永遠の人生も決定します。イエスを信じて従う人は、いつの日か天国でイエスに加わります。


ローマ 10:9 NIV

イエスを信じて従うことを選ぶと、すべてが変わります。 私たちは永遠に救われるだけでなく、今日も神との関係を持つことができます。神が私たちの中に生き、私たちも神の中に生きているので、私たちはこの確信を持っています。神の言葉は、私たちが神を信じるなら、神の霊が私たちの中に生き、神の意志に従って生きる力を与えてくれると言っています。


Acknowledge Jesus

The average person makes over 35,000 decisions a day. That’s an average of 1,500 decisions an hour (if you were awake for 24 hours). From opening your eyes and getting out of bed to choosing to read this sentence, your life is composed of thousands of seemingly small decisions that shape the course of your day.

Every decision we make matters, but the most important decision we will ever make is whether we choose to follow Jesus Christ. Believing in Jesus not only changes our life on earth but also determines our life for eternity. Those who believe and follow Jesus will join Him in heaven one day.

In a letter to the churches in ancient Rome, Paul says…
“If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9 NIV

Choosing to believe and follow Jesus changes everything. We are not only saved for eternity, but we also get to have a relationship with God today. We have this assurance because God lives in us, and we live in Him. God’s Word says that when we believe in Him, the Spirit of God lives within us, empowering us to live according to God’s will.

Wherever we go and whatever we do in life, God will always be with us. Since we have a relationship with Him, we can talk with Him anytime. His Spirit will grant us peace when we’re fearful and grace when we mess up.

The first step is to begin a relationship with Jesus. As we grow in our relationship with Him, we will have the opportunity to share the hope we have in Jesus with others. So be bold when you have those opportunities to acknowledge Jesus publicly. God lives in you and goes with you everywhere—you have nothing to fear. Thank Him for His presence and His grace today.

A Prayer to the Son of God

イエス様、私はあなたが神の子であると信じています。あなたに仕え、あなたと親しい関係を持てることを許してくださり、ありがとうございます。あなたの善良さとあなたの民への愛に、私は常に畏敬の念を抱いています。あなたを敬い、他の人々をあなたに近づけるような人生を毎日送れるよう、私を助けてください。 アーメン。
Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. Thank You for allowing me to serve You and have a close relationship with You. I am constantly in awe of Your goodness and love for Your people. Help me each day to live a life that honors You and draws others closer to You. Amen.

