

文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(6)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(6)

2011年06月16日 21時29分17秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


      時間永是流逝, 街市依舊太平, 有限的幾個生命, 在中國是不算什麽的, 至多, 不過供無惡意的閑人以飯後的談資, 或者給有惡意的閑人作 “流言” 的種子。 至於此外的深的意義, 我總覺得很寥寥, 因為這實在不過是徒手的請願。 人類的血戰前行的歷史, 正如煤的形成, 當時用大量的木材, 結果卻只是一小塊, 但請願是不在其中的, 更何況是徒手。

      然而既然有了血痕了, 當然不覺要擴大。 至少, 也當浸漬了親族, 師友, 愛人的心, 縱使時光流駛, 洗成緋紅, 也會在微漠的悲哀中永存微笑的和藹的舊影。 陶潛說過,  “親戚或余悲, 他人亦已歌, 死去何所道, 托體同山阿。 ” 倘能如此, 這也就夠了。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei

Time passes forever, the city, the streets in the city are still peaceful, those several lives, are not worth anything, maybe, it would just become some topices for those normal public talk when they are free, or, maybe, it would become some "source" for those lost conscience government supporters to attack those sacrifices. And, the deeper meaning of out of 2, I always think that there isnot, because this is just a unarmed petition. As those fighting, wars ... in the human's history,  a lot of people would die, as the coal's forming, it would waste a great deal of wood, then at last they just became a piece of coal, but petitions werenot inside of them, specially, for those unarmed petition.

But after the bloody affair has happened, it certainly shouldnot be kept in calming. At least, the blood should infuse relations, teachers, classmates, friends, lovers heart, even if time has passed, and washed red blood to become light, their light smile and genialty of the likeness of the deceased should be keep in our minds forever. Taoqian has ever written in a poem: "...(for 1 death)relations maybe still keep some sadness; others who knows the death maybe has sung dirges for him (or her), what could they do for remaining; what could everyone know after death, just let their bodies stay with mountains, just it." If we could keep them in our heart's mountain, that is good enough.




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