

文学:「記念劉和珍君」(魯迅)(5)Commemorate Miss Liu hezhen(5)

2011年06月14日 21時30分31秒 | 語学堂

《記念劉和珍君》 (魯迅)      


     但是, 我還有要說的話。

     我沒有親見; 聽說, 她, 劉和珍君, 那時是欣然前往的。 自然, 請願而已, 稍有人心者, 誰也不會料到有這樣的羅網。 但竟在執政府前中彈了, 從背部入, 斜穿心肺, 已是致命的創傷, 只是沒有便死。 同去的張靜淑君想扶起她, 中了四彈, 其一是手槍, 立仆(扑); 同去的楊群君又想去扶起她, 也被擊, 彈從左肩入, 穿胸偏右出, 也立仆(扑)。 但她還能坐起來, 一個兵在她頭部及胸部猛擊兩棍, 於是死掉了。

     始終微笑的和藹的劉和珍君確是死掉了, 這是真的, 有她自己的屍骸為證; 沈勇而友愛的楊群君也死掉了, 有她自己的屍骸為證; 只有一樣沈勇而友愛的張靜淑君還在醫院裏呻吟。 當三個女子從容地轉輾於文明人所發明的槍彈的攢射中的時候, 這是怎樣的一個驚心動魄的偉大呵(啊)! 中國軍人的屠戮婦嬰的偉績, 八國聯軍( 註釋: 這裏的八國聯軍並非是指1900年(庚子年)以軍事行動侵入中國的英、法、、俄、美、日、意、奧的八國, 而是指日本於1926年所糾合的八國軍隊。 )的懲創學生的武功, 不幸全被這幾縷血痕抹殺了。

     但是中外的殺人者卻居然昂起頭來, 不知道個個臉上有著血汙。

Typing: Teppei

English Translation: Teppei

But, I want to say more again.

I didnot see this scene with my own eyes; just heard of, she, Miss Liu hezhen, was pleased to go without any misgivings. Certainly, just a petition, those who has normal human's minds won't foresee there was a such arrangement and trap. Miss Liu went so far as to be hit by bullet in front of Duan Government, shot from back, cut through the heart, it has become a fatal hit, but this didnot make her die at once. Then, Miss Zhangjingshu who went with her wanted to support her body with her hands, hit by 4 shoots, 1 was from a pistol, she fell at once; Miss Yang dequn, another who went with them wanted to support again, hit again, bullet shot in from left shoulder, cut through chest and from right side, she also fell at once. But, at that time, she could still sit on the ground again, then a soldier gave her 2 clubs at the head and chest, she died.

Miss Liu hezhen, who is a girl always with smile and genialty has died, this is true, there is her body proving it; Miss Yang dequn who is a girl with gentle and friendly has died, there is her body proving it; only Miss Zhang jingshu who is also a girl with gentle and friendly still were pained in the hospital. When these 3 girls calmed to be shot by those guns that were invent by those claiming civilization people, I have to say this is a what a honorable invention it is! The glory was won by those Chinese troops slaughter Chinese children and women in other places... the power was shown by those the Eight-Power Allied Forces(comment: it doesnot mean that 8 countries that invaded China at late Ching Dynasty, it just means 8 countries that Japan band together in 1926.) slaughter students... were all eclipsed in front of this bloody event.

But, those whoever Chinese or whoever foreign killer actually are raising their heads, seem not to know that everyone's face was splashed by blood...




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