行き掛かり上、T.Capoteを引くことにした。”Other Voices,Other Rooms”から。
”A Signet Book”「講談社」「明治書院」の版からです。なお、漢字で出ないのも。
”Now a traveler must make his way to Noon City by the best means he can,for there are no buses or trains heading in that direction,tough six days a week a truck from the Chuberry Turpentine Company collects mail and supplies in the next-door town of Paradise Chapel:occationally a person bound for Noon City can catch a ride with the driver of the truck,Sam Radclif.”
”a flower was blooming inside him,and soon,when all tight leaves unfurled,when the noon of youth burned whitest,he would turn and look,as others had,for the opening of another door.In the woods they walked,the tireless singings of larks had sounded a century,and more,and floods of flogs had galloped in moonlight bands;stars had fallen here,and Indian arrows,too;prancing blacks had played guitars,sung ballads of bandit-buried gold,sung songs grieving and ghostly,ballads of long ago:before birth.”
”During supper Amy announced:”It is my birthday.Yes,”she said,”it is indeed,and not a soul to remenber.Now if Angela Lee were here,I should’ve had an immense cake with a prize in every slice:tiny gold rings,and a pearl for my add-a-pearl,and little silver shoebuckles:oh when I think!” ”Happy birthday,”said Joel,though what he wished her was hardly happiness,”
”Randolph crossed his knife and fork,and patted his lips with his kimono sleeve.”I’m sorry,my dear,”he said,”but I’m afraid I haven’t been following:exactly where is it you fancy me at fault?” His cousin shook her head,took a deep,nervous breath;the tears stoped coming,the hiccyos ceased,and all at once she turned on a shy smile.”It’s my birthday,”she said,her voice reduced to a waver. ”How very odd Joel,does it seem to you peculiarly warm for January?” Joel was listening for sounds above their voices:three short whistles and a hoot-owl wail,Idabel’s signal.In his impatince it was as if the clock,having unwounded,had stopped time altogether. ”January,yes;and you,my dear,were born(if one believes a family Bible,though I’ll admit one never should,so many weddings being listed an erroneous nine months early)one January New Year’s.” Amy’s neck dipped turtlewise into shoulders timidly contracting,and her hiccups racked up again,but less indignant now,more mournful.”But Randolph...Randolph I feel as though it was my birthday.” ”A little wine,then,”he said,”and a song on the pianola;”
”Zoo,”he said,”did you see snow?” She looked at him,but her eyes apeared not to make a connection with what they saw;in fact,there was about them a cross-eyed effect,as though they fixed on a solacing inner vision.”Did I see snow!”and she broke into a kind of scary giggle,and threw back her head,lips apart,like an open-mouthed child hoping to catch rain.”There aint’t none,”she said violently shaking her head,her black greased hair waving with a windy rasp like scorched grass.”Hit’s all a lotta foolery,snow and such:that sun!it’s everywhere.”
”Gradually the blinding sunset drained from the glass,darkened,and it was as if snow were falling there,flakes shaping snow-eyes,hair:a face trembled like a white beautiful month,smiled.She beckoned to him,shining and silver,and he knew he must go:unafraid,not hesitating,he paused only at the garden’s edge where,as though he’d forgotten something,he stopped and looked back at the bloomless,descending blue,at the boy he had left beind.”
「九月下旬、けふはことになごりなく和たる海の、暴に東南の雲を生して、小雨そほふり来る。師が許にて傘かりて帰るに、飛鳥の神秀倉見やらるヽ辺より、雨もやヽ頻りなれば、其処なる海郎が屋に立よる。あるじの老はひ出て、「こは大人の弟子の君にてます。かく賤しき所に入せ玉ふぞいと恐まりたる事。是敷て奉らん」とて、円座の汚なげなるを清めてまゐらす。「しばし息るほどは何か厭ふべき。なあはたヽしくせそ」とて休らひぬ。 外の方に麗しき声して、「此軒しばし恵ませ玉へ」といひつヽ入来るを、「奇し」と見るに、年は廿にたらぬ女の、顔容髪のかヽりいと艶ひやかに、遠山ずりの色よき衣着て、了鬘の十四五ばかりの清げなるに、包み物もたせ、しとゞに濡てわびしげなるが、豊雄を見て、面さと打赤めて恥ずかしげなる形の貴やかなるに、不慮に心動きて」
「こヽなんいにしへの人の くるしくもふりくる雨か三輪が崎佐野のわたりに家もあらなくに とよめるは、まことけふのあはれなりける。此家賤しけれどおのれが親の目かくる男なり。心ゆりて雨休玉へ。そもいづ地旅の御宿りとはし玉ふ。御見送りせんも却て無礼なれば、此傘もて出玉へ」といふ。」
”其の篇に題して明月三五夜と曰う。其の詞に白わく、 月を待つ西そうの下、風を迎えて戸半ば開く。垣を払って花影動く、疑うらくは是れ玉人来るかと。 と。”
”因って為にさい娘詩一絶を賦して云う、 清潤なる藩郎玉も如かず、中庭のけい草雪消ゆる初。風流才子春思多く、腸は絶つしょう娘一紙の書。と。”
行き掛かり上、T.Capoteを引くことにした。”Other Voices,Other Rooms”から。
”A Signet Book”「講談社」「明治書院」の版からです。なお、漢字で出ないのも。
”Now a traveler must make his way to Noon City by the best means he can,for there are no buses or trains heading in that direction,tough six days a week a truck from the Chuberry Turpentine Company collects mail and supplies in the next-door town of Paradise Chapel:occationally a person bound for Noon City can catch a ride with the driver of the truck,Sam Radclif.”
”a flower was blooming inside him,and soon,when all tight leaves unfurled,when the noon of youth burned whitest,he would turn and look,as others had,for the opening of another door.In the woods they walked,the tireless singings of larks had sounded a century,and more,and floods of flogs had galloped in moonlight bands;stars had fallen here,and Indian arrows,too;prancing blacks had played guitars,sung ballads of bandit-buried gold,sung songs grieving and ghostly,ballads of long ago:before birth.”
”During supper Amy announced:”It is my birthday.Yes,”she said,”it is indeed,and not a soul to remenber.Now if Angela Lee were here,I should’ve had an immense cake with a prize in every slice:tiny gold rings,and a pearl for my add-a-pearl,and little silver shoebuckles:oh when I think!” ”Happy birthday,”said Joel,though what he wished her was hardly happiness,”
”Randolph crossed his knife and fork,and patted his lips with his kimono sleeve.”I’m sorry,my dear,”he said,”but I’m afraid I haven’t been following:exactly where is it you fancy me at fault?” His cousin shook her head,took a deep,nervous breath;the tears stoped coming,the hiccyos ceased,and all at once she turned on a shy smile.”It’s my birthday,”she said,her voice reduced to a waver. ”How very odd Joel,does it seem to you peculiarly warm for January?” Joel was listening for sounds above their voices:three short whistles and a hoot-owl wail,Idabel’s signal.In his impatince it was as if the clock,having unwounded,had stopped time altogether. ”January,yes;and you,my dear,were born(if one believes a family Bible,though I’ll admit one never should,so many weddings being listed an erroneous nine months early)one January New Year’s.” Amy’s neck dipped turtlewise into shoulders timidly contracting,and her hiccups racked up again,but less indignant now,more mournful.”But Randolph...Randolph I feel as though it was my birthday.” ”A little wine,then,”he said,”and a song on the pianola;”
”Zoo,”he said,”did you see snow?” She looked at him,but her eyes apeared not to make a connection with what they saw;in fact,there was about them a cross-eyed effect,as though they fixed on a solacing inner vision.”Did I see snow!”and she broke into a kind of scary giggle,and threw back her head,lips apart,like an open-mouthed child hoping to catch rain.”There aint’t none,”she said violently shaking her head,her black greased hair waving with a windy rasp like scorched grass.”Hit’s all a lotta foolery,snow and such:that sun!it’s everywhere.”
”Gradually the blinding sunset drained from the glass,darkened,and it was as if snow were falling there,flakes shaping snow-eyes,hair:a face trembled like a white beautiful month,smiled.She beckoned to him,shining and silver,and he knew he must go:unafraid,not hesitating,he paused only at the garden’s edge where,as though he’d forgotten something,he stopped and looked back at the bloomless,descending blue,at the boy he had left beind.”
「九月下旬、けふはことになごりなく和たる海の、暴に東南の雲を生して、小雨そほふり来る。師が許にて傘かりて帰るに、飛鳥の神秀倉見やらるヽ辺より、雨もやヽ頻りなれば、其処なる海郎が屋に立よる。あるじの老はひ出て、「こは大人の弟子の君にてます。かく賤しき所に入せ玉ふぞいと恐まりたる事。是敷て奉らん」とて、円座の汚なげなるを清めてまゐらす。「しばし息るほどは何か厭ふべき。なあはたヽしくせそ」とて休らひぬ。 外の方に麗しき声して、「此軒しばし恵ませ玉へ」といひつヽ入来るを、「奇し」と見るに、年は廿にたらぬ女の、顔容髪のかヽりいと艶ひやかに、遠山ずりの色よき衣着て、了鬘の十四五ばかりの清げなるに、包み物もたせ、しとゞに濡てわびしげなるが、豊雄を見て、面さと打赤めて恥ずかしげなる形の貴やかなるに、不慮に心動きて」
「こヽなんいにしへの人の くるしくもふりくる雨か三輪が崎佐野のわたりに家もあらなくに とよめるは、まことけふのあはれなりける。此家賤しけれどおのれが親の目かくる男なり。心ゆりて雨休玉へ。そもいづ地旅の御宿りとはし玉ふ。御見送りせんも却て無礼なれば、此傘もて出玉へ」といふ。」
”其の篇に題して明月三五夜と曰う。其の詞に白わく、 月を待つ西そうの下、風を迎えて戸半ば開く。垣を払って花影動く、疑うらくは是れ玉人来るかと。 と。”
”因って為にさい娘詩一絶を賦して云う、 清潤なる藩郎玉も如かず、中庭のけい草雪消ゆる初。風流才子春思多く、腸は絶つしょう娘一紙の書。と。”