St. John of the Crossの生き方に憧れて


Capoteの”A Christmas Memory”からの引用。それだけですが・・・

2009-12-24 12:56:52 | Weblog

(1) 昨日の続き。で、Truman Capote.”A Christmas Memory”からの幾つかのシーンを。Penguin引用。”Breakfast at Tiffany’s”の一編。幾許かの移入もあって・・・
”Imagine a morning in late November.A coming of winter morning more than twenty years ago.Consider the kitchen of spreading old house in a country town.A great black stove is its main feature;but there is also a big round table and a fireplace with two rocking chairs placed in front of it.Just today the fireplace commenced its seasonal roar.  A woman with short white hair is standing at the kitchen window.She is wearing tennis shoes and a shapeless grey sweater over a summery calico dress.She is small and sprightly,like a bantam hen;but,due to a long youthful illness,her shoulders are pitifully hunched.”

”He demonstrates its sparkle in the sunlight and says:’Two dollars.’  We pay him with nickels and dimes and pennies.Suddenly,jangling the coins in his hand like a fistful of dice,his face softens.’Tell you what,’he proposes,pouring the money back into our bead purse,’just send me one of them fruitcakes instead.’  ’Well,my friend remarks on our way home,’there’s a lovely man.We’ll put an extra cup of raisins in his cake.’  The black stove,stoked with coal and firewood,glows like a lighted pumpkin.”

”My friends waltzes round the stove,the hem of her poor calico skirt pinched between her fingers as though it were a party dress:Show me the way to go home,she sings,her tennis shoes squeaking on the floor.Show me the way to go home.  Enter:two relatives.Very angry.Potent with eyes that scold,tongues that scald.Listen to what they have to say,the words tumbling together into a wrathful tune:’A child of seven!whisky on his breath!are you out of your mind?feeding a child of seven!must be loony!road to ruination!remenber Cousin Kate?Uncle Charlie?Uncle Charlie’s brother‐in‐law?shame!scandal!humiliation!kneel,pray,beg the Lord!’  Queenie sneaks under the stove.My friend gazes at her shoes,her chin quivers,she lifts her skirt and blows her nose and runs to her room.”

”But she says her favourite gift is the kite I built her.And it is very beautiful;though not as beutiful as the one she made me,which is blue and scattered with gold and green Good Conduct stars;moreover,my name is painted on it,’Buddy.’  The wind is blowing,and nothing will do till we’ve run to a oasture below the house where Queenie has scooted to bury her bone(and where,a winter hence,Queenie wll be buried,too).There,plunging through the healthy waist‐high grass,we unreel our kites,feel them twiching at the string like sky fish as they swim into the wind.Satisfied,sun‐warmed,we sprawl in the grass and peel Satsumas and watch our kites
 cavort.Soon I forget the socks and hand‐me‐down sweater.”

”’I’ve always thought a body would have to be sick and dying before they saw the Lord.And I imagined that when He came it would be like looking at the Baptist window:pretty as coloured glass with the sun pouring through,such a shine you don’t know it’s getting dark.And it’s been a coloured glass with the sun pouring through,such a spooky feeling.But I’ll wager it never happens.I’ll wager it never happens.I’ll wager at the very end a body realizes the Lord has already shown Himself.That things as they are’-her hand circles in a gesture that gathers clouds and kites and grass and Queenie pawing earth over her bone-’just what they’ve always seen,was seeing Him.As for me,I could leave the world with today in my eyes.’”
”This is our last Christmas together.  Life separates us.Those who Know Best decide that I belong in a military scool.”

”For a few Novembers she continues to bake her fruitcakes single-handed;not as many,but some:and,of course,she always sends me ’the best of the batch.Also,in every letter she encloses a dime wadded in toilet paper:’See a picuture show and write me the story.But gradually in her letters she tends to confuse me with her other friend,the Buddy who died in the 1880s;”

”A message saying so merely confirms a piece of news some secret vein had already received,severing from me an irreplaceable part of myself,letting it loose like a kite on a broken string.That is why,walking across a school campus on this particular December morning,I keep searching the sky.As if I expected to see,rather like hearts,a lost pair of kites hurrying towards heaven.”

これを書き写していて思っていた事は、移入は7才の時なのか、40数才なのか? 祖母の想い出か、伯父としてか?”Other Voices”は祖母だったが・・・。
Baptist windowの比喩が分ると思う。是非クリスマスには・・・。

(2) 今日の福音より、祈り。
