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バロック-イ・ムジチベスト、ミュンシンガー・バロック・ベスト、”Nixon”(Audio Tape)と

2013-11-14 12:38:53 | Weblog
1 “A major work of political biography, Nixon: A Life will inspire historians to recognize the outstanding diplomatic achievements of a man whose journey from tainted politician to respected foreign policy expert and elder statesman has been nothing short of remarkable.”はamazonの紹介から。Pasteした。

2 “Nixon”(Dove Entertainment Inc)を聴いています。原書が手元にないので、引用による紹介はしない。

3 “Nixon and Kissinger : Partners in Power ”(Robert Dallek (著), Eric Conger (監修) :Harper)を注文する。中古で450円。

4 “More than thirty years after working side by side in the White House, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger still stand as two of the most compelling, contradictory, and powerful leaders in America in the second half of the twentieth century. Both were largely self-made men, brimming with ambition, driven by their own inner demons, and often ruthless in pursuit of their goals. From January 1969 to August 1974, their collaboration and rivalry resulted in the making of foreign policy that would leave a defining mark on the Nixon presidency.
Tapping into a wealth of recently declassified documents and tapes, Robert Dallek uncovers fascinating details about Nixon and Kissinger's tumultuous personal relationship and the extent to which they struggled to outdo each other in the reach for foreign policy achievements. With unprecedented detail, Dallek reveals Nixon's erratic behavior during Watergate and the extent to which Kissinger was complicit in trying to help Nixon use national security to prevent his impeachment or resignation.
Illuminating, authoritative, revelatory, and utterly engrossing, Nixon and Kissinger provides a startling new picture of the immense power and sway these two men held in affecting world history.“がその紹介文。同じくamazonからpaste。”HarperAudio; Abridged版“があるが、取りあえず本だけ

4 4つ-2冊の本、2本のaudio。必読/必聴と思う。全部揃えてないのに薦めるのもおこがましいですが、是非買ってください!

5 2枚。「イ・ムジチ合奏団/ベスト・アルバム」(Philips)と「ハッへルベルのカノン/アルビノーニのアダージョ-ミュンシンガー/バロック音楽の楽しみ」(シュトゥッガルト室内管弦楽団:キングレコード)

6 紹介は省略。こちらも必聴と。是非、購入し愉しんでいだければと。

7 クラッシックと英語朗読のaudio tape。組み合わせを考えているわけではありません。長くなると思いますが、取りあえず手元にあるのをかけていきます。


