The story of an economic block in North America and new money [amero] is heard the destination ahead recently. It is said that an economic block in North America is North America version EU of Canada, the United States, and Mexico's making the border free, and uniting money. New money has already been decided, too and it seems to be called [amero]. The doubtful one is a conversion rate with a present dollar. It is said that a present dollar and the ratio to [amero] become about 1000:1 when it is extreme. When the dollar becomes value which the wastepaper is just like even in case of not being extremely here, the people all over the world who are saving it by the dollar receive the severe damage. Moreover, the debt by the dollar that the United States is making Japan and various foreign countries has even the possibility to be made to Chara. Also in Japan, it is said that there was an economic strategy of the ultra C switched to new yen after producing an intentional inflation, and losing the debt of the country though it is an opinion that leaps certainly. It is rumored that that President Obama puts the economy back on its feet at a dash by this feat this time. Again..Japan..United States..economy..selfish..brandish.
Report by bintarou yamaguchi(Japanese Horror writer, occult researcher)
関連記事 経済
| EUとグローバル・ガバナンス (早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所研究叢書 32)福田 耕治,正井 章筰,山本 直,福田 八寿絵,岩野 智,ヒュー リチャードソン,ヴァン デ ヴォールデ,舒 旻,中村 英俊早稲田大学出版部このアイテムの詳細を見る |
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