自殺名所・東尋坊でバンジーに批判?!Bungee jumping in Suicide spot
自殺の名所・東尋坊でバンジージャンプに批判?!Bungee jumping in Suicide spot
In the part of the activation plan of the Fukui conference place, the measure "It becomes improving the image and the suicide decreases if the bungee jumping is done" can sleep in east [hiro]. The criticism of considering bereaved family feelings of the suicide though it is an opinion that dashes out from "Prefecture capital activation technical committee" of the Fukui chamber of commerce and industry where the stimulation of economic activity is examined goes up, too. East [hiro] has the commit suicide by jumping down several 20 every year.
東尋坊 2008.12.11 レスキュー出動
Report by bintarou yamaguchi(Japanese Horror writer, occult researcher)
関連記事 自殺
In the part of the activation plan of the Fukui conference place, the measure "It becomes improving the image and the suicide decreases if the bungee jumping is done" can sleep in east [hiro]. The criticism of considering bereaved family feelings of the suicide though it is an opinion that dashes out from "Prefecture capital activation technical committee" of the Fukui chamber of commerce and industry where the stimulation of economic activity is examined goes up, too. East [hiro] has the commit suicide by jumping down several 20 every year.
東尋坊 2008.12.11 レスキュー出動
Report by bintarou yamaguchi(Japanese Horror writer, occult researcher)
関連記事 自殺
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この世からきれいに消えたい。―美しき少年の理由なき自殺 (朝日文庫)藤井 誠二,宮台 真司朝日新聞社このアイテムの詳細を見る |