"考えることは難しい、だから群れに判断を委ねよう!" ~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 652.
一方、権力本能は、すでに世界の半分を共産主義の国家監獄に変えてしまった社会主義的な理想に向かっている。これは、全体性を求める努力が望んでいること、すなわち、他の2つの本能の強制から個人を解放することとは正反対である。目の前の課題は、すべてのエネルギーが使われずに戻ってきて、人間のより高度な発展を常に妨げてきた本能そのものを、ほとんど病的なまでに強化するのである。いずれにしても、それは現代に特有の神経症的な効果を持ち、個人や世界全体の分裂の責任のほとんどを負わなければならない。私たちはただ影を認めようとしないので、右手は左手が何をしているのかわからないのです」。] ~ユング、CW10、パラ652
In case anyone was wondering.., what Jung actually said was;
“Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” ~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 652.
The authentic quote contains the all-important “herd” of which the fake quote leaves out.
[Therefore it does not commend itself to the relatively unconscious man driven by his natural impulses, because, imprisoned in his familiar world, he clings to the commonplace, the obvious, the probable, the collectively valid, using for his motto: “Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” It is an enormous relief to him when something that looks complicated, unusual, puzzling and problematical can be reduced to something ordinary and banal, especially when the solution strikes him as surprisingly simple and somewhat droll.
[…] while the power instinct is driven towards some Socialistic ideal that has already turned half the world into the State prison of Communism. This is the exact opposite of what the striving for wholeness wants, namely, to free the individual from the compulsion of the other two instincts. The task before him comes back with all its energies unused, and reinforces, to an almost pathological degree, the very instincts that have always stood in the way of man’s higher development. At all events it has a neuroticizing effect characteristic of our time and must bear most of the blame for the splitting of the individual and of the world in general. We just will not admit the shadow, and so the right hand does not know what the left is doing.] ~Jung, CW 10, Para 652
It important to realize how Jung is including the reason “thinking is difficult” in this statement… “the herd” is in reference to the unconscious ‘Mass-man’ who blindly operates according to the group narrative rather than from our authentic inner voice that’s buried under layers of indoctrination, conditioning, programming, trauma, etc.
Individuation is the solution.
Here is the expanded context on this “thinking is difficult” quote:
[Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!]
[653] However, a partial interpretation of the symbolism in sexual terms should be taken seriously. If man’s striving for a spiritual goal is not a genuine instinct but merely the result of a particular social development, then an explanation according to sexual principles is the most appropriate and the most acceptable to reason. But even if we grant the striving for wholeness and unity the character of a genuine instinct, and base our explanation mainly on this principle, the fact still remains that there is a close association between sexual instinct and the striving for wholeness. With the exception of religious longings, nothing challenges modern man more consciously and personally than sex. One can also say in good faith that he is possessed even more by the power instinct. This question will be decided according to temperament and one’s own subjective bias. The only thing we cannot doubt is that the most important of the fundamental instincts, the religious instinct for wholeness, plays the least conspicuous part in contemporary consciousness because, as history shows, it can free itself only with the greatest effort, and with continual backslidings, from contamination with the other two instincts. These can constantly appeal to common, everyday facts known to everyone, but the instinct for unholiness requires for its evidence a more highly differentiated consciousness, thoughtfulness, reflection, responsibility, and sundry other virtues. Therefore it does not commend itself to the relatively unconscious man driven by his natural impulses, because, imprisoned in his familiar world, he clings to the commonplace, the obvious, the probable, the collectively valid, using for his motto: “Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” It is an enormous relief to him when something that looks complicated, unusual, puzzling and problematical can be reduced to something ordinary and banal, especially when the solution strikes him as surprisingly simple and somewhat droll. The most convenient explanations are invariably sex and the power instinct, and reduction to these two dominants gives rationalists and materialists an ill-concealed satisfaction: they have neatly disposed of an intellectually and morally uncomfortable difficulty, and on top of that can enjoy the feeling of having accomplished a useful work of enlightenment which will free the individual from unnecessary moral and social burdens. In this way they can pose as benefactors of mankind. On closer inspection, however, things look very different: the exemption of the individual from a difficult and apparently insoluble task drives sexuality into an even more pernicious repression, where it is replaced by rationalism or by soul-destroying cynicism, while the power instinct is driven towards some Socialistic ideal that has already turned half the world into the State prison of Communism. This is the exact opposite of what the striving for wholeness wants, namely, to free the individual from the compulsion of the other two instincts. The task before him comes back with all its energies unused, and reinforces, to an almost pathological degree, the very instincts that have always stood in the way of man’s higher development. At all events it has a neuroticizing effect characteristic of our time and must bear most of the blame for the splitting of the individual and of the world in general. We just will not admit the shadow, and so the right hand does not know what the left is doing.
~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 344, Para 653.
"判断 "と、人や出来事に対する否定的な意味での "判断 "を混同してはいけません。両者は関係ありません。" ~The Myers & Briggs Foundation
“Do not confuse Judging with being judgmental, in its negative sense about people and events. They are not related.” ~The Myers & Briggs Foundation
"精神的な道で最も価値のある道具は、識別力です。" ~ニール・クレイマー
If you’re going to make judgments at least judge properly.
...and we can’t judge properly is we’re a Mass-man unconsciously projecting the herd-narratives.
Judge others well… discernment is an essential part of our journey.
But don’t be judgmental of others.
How can we know which is which?
To judge/discern means to make a proper assessment or evaluation of a situation or behavior and can show how we arrived at our conclusion.
To be judgmental means that we are projecting unconscious contents such as racism, prejudice, stereotyping and condemning.
Discernment is key… know how to know.
“THE most valuable tool on the spiritual path is discernment.” ~Neil Kramer
The goal is to perceive correctly, consciously, to see what is actually occurring.
But most people misperceive due to unconscious contents – indoctrination, programming, conditioning, trauma, Belief Systems, etc.
判断してはいけない なんということでしょう、私たちは常にジャッジしているのです。そのおかげで、私たちは間違った道を歩いたり、不健康な決断をしたり、人生を台無しにしたりしないで済むのですから、神様に感謝しましょう。判断を批判する人でさえ、判断しているのです。それは人間の経験の基本です。本当の問題は、私たちが判断しているかどうか(あるいは見極めているかどうか)ではなく、なぜ判断しているのかということです。それは善意なのか悪意なのか?不健全なものと健全なものを見分けるための前進的な努力として判断しているのか、それとも未解決の優越感の反映として判断しているのか。私たちが判断するのは、世界の狂気を呼び起こす必要があるからなのか、それとも世界を直接反映したものなのか。私たちはどこから来ているのでしょうか?~ジェフ・ブラウン(Jeff Brown)。
審判の原型は、リー・J・マクロスキー氏が原画と文章で綴った傑作「Tarot ReVisioned」に収録されている22枚のペンとインクの原画のうちの1枚です(上の文章は彼の著書「Tarot ReVisioned」から)。
"In practical terms, this means that good and evil are no longer so self-evident. We have to realize that each represents a judgment. In view of the fallibility of all human judgment, we cannot believe that we will always judge rightly. We might so easily be the victims of misjudgment. The ethical problem is affected by this principal only to the extent that we become somewhat uncertain about moral evaluations. Nevertheless we have to make ethical decisions. The relativity of "good" and "evil" by no means signifies that these categories are invalid, or do not exist. Moral judgment is always present and carries with it characteristic psychological consequences. I have pointed out many times that as in the past, so in the future the wrong we have done, thought, or intended will wreak its vengeance on our souls. Only the contents of judgment are subject to the differing conditions of time and place and, therefore, take correspondingly different forms. For moral evaluation is always founded upon the apparent certitudes of a moral code which pretends to know precisely what is good and what evil. But once we know how uncertain the foundation is, ethical decision becomes a subjective, creative act."
~Carl Jung, MDR, pg. 329-330.
Don’t judge! Oh goodness, we are judging all the time. And thank God for that- it keeps us from walking down the wrong paths, making unhealthy decisions, destroying our lives. Even those who criticize judgment are judging. It's fundamental to the human experience. Perhaps the real question is not IF we are judging (or discerning, if you prefer), but WHY are we judging? Is it benevolently or malevolently intended? Are we judging in a forward-moving effort to distinguish unhealthy from healthy, or are we judging as a reflection of an unresolved superiority complex? Are we judging because we have a need to call out the madness of the world, or as a direct reflection of it? Where are we coming FROM? ~Jeff Brown.
Judgment is the 20th key in the Tarot Arcana and is represented astrologically by the planet Pluto. Pluto is associated with transformation, the unknowable depths of the unconscious, and mass events. In Greek mythology, Pluto was the god of the dead and the underworld. There were no alters or temples erected in his honor and sacrifices to Pluto were performed in the dead of night under the secrecy of darkness.
Judgment is considered an activating path of the intellect, which utilizes critical analysis or discernment to focus the intention of mind for purposes of cultivating new patterns of perception, a process which cannot be forced, only nurtured. Judgment acts on a transpersonal level, which means that much of its influence and insight must be lived and allowed to follow inner cycles of development. Its activating of the intellect is knowledge based in wisdom, which liberates one from fear-based thinking. Intellect should not be confused with rationalization. Judgment teaches trust in the innate timing of inner process and development. Growth cannot be forced or it becomes unbalanced and impermanent. The changes wrought by Judgment forever alter the course and understanding of one's life.
The Judgement archetype is one of 22 original pen and ink drawings by Leigh J McCloskey from his masterwork of original art & writing, “Tarot ReVisioned,” Text above is from his book, Tarot ReVisioned.