


2021-03-22 21:05:50 | 心理学



講師 デビッド・ウォルチク(EdD, LP, NCPsyA
あなたは、私たちの初期の人間関係が、その後の大人の人間関係にどのような影響を与え、情報を与え、さらには形作っていくのか、不思議に思ったことはありませんか?もしそうなら、あなたは愛着に興味があるはずです。 このコースでは、愛着の形を見直し、愛着スタイルが大人の生活にどのような影響を与えるかを検証し、愛着の生物学的基盤、つまり神経科学を明らかにします。このコースを修了した参加者は、自分の人生における愛着と、それが自分の大切な人の人生にどのように影響するかについて、実用的な理解を得ることができます。

Attachment in Relationships
5 consecutive Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm ET, Beginning April 15th
Instructor: David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA
7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.
Have you ever wondered how our earliest relationships influence, inform and even shape our later adult relationships? If so, then you’re interested in attachment.  In this course, we will review the forms of attachment, examine how attachment style affects adult life, and delineate the biological basis, that is the neuroscience, of attachment. Participants who complete the course will gain a pragmatic understanding of attachment in their own lives and how it informs the lives of those they care about. 


2021-03-22 20:55:44 | 心理学


ユングの赤の書:言葉とイメージのセミナー(ユングの『黒の書』を参考に)』、『赤の書を読む』の著者、サンフォード・ドロブ氏によるワークショップ、4月17日(土)10:00am-3:00pm。詳細情報と登録はこちら: https://www.cgjungny.org/jungs-red-book-a-seminar-on-the.../

NYS SW's, LP's, LCATsのための4CEコンタクトアワー。NYSのSW、LP、LCATのためのコンタクトアワー。
このクラスでは、ユングの「赤の書」のテキストと主要なテーマ(準備段階の『黒の書』を参照)について議論し、ユングの描いたイメージについて瞑想していきます。 主な目的は、ユングの魂との出会いが、精神、個性化、心理療法のプロセスにどのように関連しているかを理解することです。また、ユングの『赤の書』プロジェクトの認識論的、倫理的、神学的な意味合いを考え、『赤の書』を思想史の文脈の中で位置づけ、『赤の書』とユングの『全集』との関係を論じ、現代の心理学にとっての『赤の書』の重要性を考察します。

Jung’s Red Book: a Seminar on the Words and Images (with reference to Jung's Black Books), workshop led by Sanford Drob, author of Reading the Red Book, Saturday, April 17, 10:00am– 3:00pm. Full info and registration at: https://www.cgjungny.org/jungs-red-book-a-seminar-on-the.../

4 CE Contact hours for NYS SW's. LP's and LCATs.
This class will involve a discussion of the text and major themes of Jung’s Red Book (with reference to his preparatory Black Books) and a meditation upon his painted images. Our primary goal will be to understand the relevance of Jung’s encounter with his soul to the work on the psyche, individuation and the psychotherapeutic process. We will also consider the epistemological, ethical and theological implications of Jung’s Red Book project, place The Red Book within the context of the history of ideas, address the relationship between the The Red Book and Jung’s Collected Works, and consider the importance of The Red Book for contemporary psychology.

ビジョナリーの想像力。C.G.ユング 芸術、活発な想像力、そして創造的プロセス 

2021-03-22 20:50:37 | 心理学


ビジョナリーの想像力。C.G.ユング 芸術、活発な想像力、そして創造的プロセス 
講師 マリア・タベラス、LCSW
積極的な想像力は、ユング心理学の最も急進的な革新であると言えます。 受動的なプロセスである自由連想とは対照的に、能動的な想像力は、自我が積極的に無意識からイメージを呼び起こし、それらのイメージに積極的に関与するプロセスです。 自由連想が内面の独白(無意識から自我への指示)であるのに対し、能動的想像力は内面の対話(自我と無意識の間の会話)です。


A Visionary’s Imagination: C.G. Jung: Art, Active Imagination and the Creative Process
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, ET, Beginning April 14th
Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW
7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.
This course will contrast the Freudian aesthetic based on free association with a Jungian aesthetic based on active imagination.
Active imagination is perhaps the most radical innovation of Jungian psychology. In contrast to free association, which is a passive process, active imagination is a process in which the ego actively evokes images from the unconscious and actively engages those images. Whereas free association is an interior monologue (a dictation from the unconscious to the ego), active imagination is an interior dialogue (a conversation between the ego and the unconscious).
The creative dialogue between the ego and the unconscious and archetypal is an important factor in the creative process since the affect laden ego mixes with the archetypal unconscious to create the artistic product. By creating art out of their own active imagination, dreams, visions, images, dance, or writings, participants will directly embody the relation between art and psyche and then have an opportunity to share with other participants their uniquely personal experience of the creative process.


2021-03-22 18:06:09 | 心理学

-C. C.G.ユング

Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience, and where this is absent even a strong faith which came miraculously as a gift of grace may depart equally miraculously.
-C. G. Jung

そのため、昔から比較的最近まで、「神によって定められた力」(ローマ人への手紙13:1)という言葉がありました。今日では、このような考え方は時代遅れです。教会は伝統的で集団的な信念を表していますが、多くの信者の場合、それはもはや自分の内的な経験に基づくものではなく、人が考え始めるとすぐに消えてしまうことで知られる「無反省な信念」に基づくものです。信念の内容が知識と衝突すると、前者の不合理さが後者の合理的な判断にはかなわないことがよくあります。信仰は内面的な経験の十分な代用にはならず、これがない場合には、恵みの贈り物として奇跡的にもたらされた強い信仰でさえ、同様に奇跡的に去ってしまうことがある。人は信仰を真の宗教的経験と呼ぶが、実はそれは、そもそも何かが私たちに起こり、それが私たちに(ギリシャ語で)信頼と忠誠を植え付けたという事実から生じる二次的な現象であることを考えようとはしない。~CG ユング CW パラ 521



ユング "信念という言葉は私にとって難しいもので、私は信じていません。ある仮説を立てるには理由が必要なのです。あることを知っていても、それを信じる必要がないのです。私は、あることを信じるためだけに、それを信じることを許さない。信じられない!」と思ってしまうのです。しかし、ある仮説を立てるのに十分な理由があるときは、その理由を自然に受け入れることにしている。"
~CGユング『Face To Face』(BBC 1959年)より

"私は本当の知識を求めているので、検証できない憶測はすべて避けています。" ~ C.G.ユング ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第2巻、179-180ページ

[Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience]
In early times and until comparatively recently there was, therefore, talk of “powers ordained by God” (Romans 13:1). Today the conception is antiquated. The Churches stand for traditional and collective convictions which in the case of many of their adherents are no longer based on their own inner experience but on ‘unreflecting belief’, which is notoriously apt to disappear as soon as one begins thinking about it. The content of belief then comes into collision with knowledge, and it often out that the irrationality of the former is no match for the ratiocinations of the latter. Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience, and where this is absent even a strong faith which came miraculously as a gift of grace may depart equally miraculously. People call faith the true religious experience, but they do not stop to consider that actually it is a secondary phenomenon arising from the fact that something happened to us in the first place which instilled (Greek word) into us—that is, trust and loyalty. ~CG Jung CW Para 521.

People speak of belief when they have lost knowledge. Belief and disbelief in God are mere surrogates. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 2, Page 4.

Either I know a thing and then I don't need to believe it; or I believe it because I am not sure that I know it. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Page 706-707

Jung: “You see the word belief is a difficult thing for me, I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing and then I know it, I don’t need to believe it. I don’t allow myself to believe a thing just for the sake of believing it. I can’t believe it! But when there are sufficient reasons to form a certain hypothesis I shall accept these reasons naturally.”
~CG Jung, Face To Face [BBC 1959]

“I seek real knowledge and therefore avoid all unverifiable speculation.” ~ C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 179-180


2021-03-22 16:55:30 | 心理学


What is it about when we try to hold onto something with more force we lose it?



“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.
Seeking means: having a goal.
But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”
~Hermann Hesse.

.... 目的を持たずに待つことができるというのは、最高の緊張状態です......絶えず自分に問いかけることなく。私はそれを管理することができるだろうか?辛抱強く待って、何が来るのか、どう来るのかを見てみましょう。~ユージン・ヘリゲル『弓道における禅』より



....to be able to wait without purpose is the state of highest tension...without continually asking yourself: Shall I be able to manage it? Wait patiently, and see what comes - and how it comes! ~Eugene Herigel , Zen in the Art of Archery

The teaching without words and the benefit of taking no action are without compare in the universe.

Question to Marie-Louise von Franz : Is this stage, then, a permanent condition of active imagination?
Von Franz: “Yes, this is the plane on which active imagination takes control. With the inner nucleus of consciousness you stay in the middle place; you no longer identify with what goes on in the upper or lower planes. You stay within your active imagination, so to speak, and you have the feeling that this is where your life process goes on. For instance, on the one plane you very often notice synchronistic events happening, and on the other are the dreams, but you keep your consciousness turned toward the events that happen on the middle plane, on the events that evolve within your active imagination. This becomes the function with which you move along through life. The other planes still exist for you, but you are not centered in them. The center of gravity shifts away from the ego and its functions into an interim position, into attending to the hints of the Self. For instance, a Chinese text that describes the process says consciousness is then in a position like a cat watching a mouse hole – not too dull and not too tense. If a cat is too tense, it gets cramps and misses the mouse; if it is too dull, the mouse will walk out and the cat will miss it. This kind of (half-dimmed) conscious attention is turned toward the inner process.”