


2021-03-25 18:47:59 | 心理学

なぜ銀河や星があるのか、なぜ宇宙があるのかはわかりませんが、外界の物質にはある種のマスターパターンがあることがわかってきています。導く力があるのです。 無秩序でランダムなものや現象ではないのです。
画像を見る @estherpi.art

Psychologically speaking, we don’t know where we come from, and we don’t know where we are going. We are part of that cosmic mystery which is the existence of nature and of all things. 
We don’t know why there are galaxies and stars; we don’t know why there’s a universe, but we are beginning to realize that there are certain master patterns in outer matter. There is a directing force.  It’s not a chaotic, random thing or phenomenon. 
Similarly, it looks as if our psychological inner life is also organized by a master pattern. It’s centered somewhere. 
From: The Way of the Dream, Charting the Unconscious 
Image: @estherpi.art


Marie-Louise von Franz

男だからこそ、人類の目標のために血を流さなければならない "ということを決して忘れてはならない。

2021-03-25 18:34:06 | 心理学

"男だからこそ、人類の目標のために血を流さなければならない "ということを決して忘れてはならない。聞いてください、あなたは年齢の割にはまだ幼いです。もっと歳をとるべきだ。年はどんどん減っているのに、あなたの仕事はまだ達成されていない。
C. G.ユング - 黒い本

"Never forget that you are a man and therefore you must bleed for the goal of humanity. Listen you are still too juvenile for your age. You should get older, the years are dwindling and yet your work has not been accomplished. 
Practice solitude assiduously without grumbling so that everything will in time become ready. You should not die unfulfilled. Your years are numbered and many years are still needed for your fulfilment. You should become serious and your work sink heavy as iron into the ground of mankind. 
Let go of too much science. There lies the way that is not the way. Your way goes toward the depths, toward the rarest and deepest." 
C. G. Jung - Black Books.