


2021-03-23 23:48:37 | 心理学


Social responsibility - Are we each conscious of contributing to mass thinking?


Recently I received a letter from a former patient which describes the necessary transformation in simple but trenchant words. She writes:
“Out of evil, much good has come to me. By keeping quiet, repressing nothing, remaining attentive, and by accepting reality—taking things as they are, and not as I wanted them to be—by doing all this, unusual knowledge has come to me, and unusual powers as well, such as I could never have imagined before. I always thought that when we accepted things they overpowered us in some way or other. This turns out not to be true at all, and it is only by accepting them that one can assume an attitude towards them. So now I intend to play the game of life, being receptive to whatever comes to me, good and bad, sun and shadow forever alternating, and, in this way, also accepting my own nature with its positive and negative sides. Thus everything becomes more alive to me. What a fool I was! How I tried to force everything to go according to the way I thought it ought to!” ~Carl Jung, CW 13: Alchemical Studies, Para 70


2021-03-23 23:42:19 | 心理学


Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside of you is only a reflection of the world inside you.

Carl Jung.


"Carl Jung called this his Shadow Work. He said we never see others. Instead we see only aspects of ourselves that fall over them. Shadows. Projections. Our associations.”
Carl Jung.






私たちは、世界が自分の目で見た通りであると仮定しがちであるように、人々が私たちの想像通りであるとナイーブに仮定します。. . .

私たちの無意識の中にあるすべての内容は、常に周囲の環境に投影されています。そして、対象物のある特性を投影または想像として認識することによってのみ、私たちは対象物の実際の特性とそれらを区別することができるのです。. .
Cum grano salis, 我々は常に相手の中に自分の認めていないミスを見る。


The OP likely took its paraphrase from the following quotes:
“A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from outside as projections upon his neighbour.” ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Page 335.

“Psychological cleanliness means not literal purity, but awareness of one’s own dirt. If one is psychologically clean, one will not contaminate one’s environment with shadow projections.”
~Edward Edinger, "Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy"

Our projections on other people behave like the icicle, they return to us, we do not remain unpunished when we make projection. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 18Jan1935, Page 174.

If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against… Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day. ~CG Jung “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.140

Just as we tend to assume that the world is as we see it, we naïvely suppose that people are as we imagine them to be. . . .

All the contents of our unconscious are constantly being projected into our surroundings, and it is only by recognizing certain properties of the objects as projections or imagos that we are able to distinguish them from the real properties of the objects. . .
Cum grano salis, we always see our own unavowed mistakes in our opponent.
Excellent examples of this are to be found in all personal quarrels.
Unless we are possessed of an unusual degree of self-awareness we shall never see through our projections but must always succumb to them, because the mind in its natural state presupposes the existence of such projections.
It is the natural and given thing for unconscious contents to be projected. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 507
“Shadow projection… what’s the social advantage of being aware of the shadow? I can tell you its immense… because as long as one is unconscious of the shadow, almost infallibly it gets projected. It gets projected onto somebody that provides some hook by some quality maybe by some degree that corresponds to the nature of one’s own shadow. And then when that happens, the projector then has the delightful experience of locating evil. It’s out there in you… and now I know what to attack in order to make the world a better place. In lesser shadow projections I guess no great harm is done, its an abrasion in the general mechanics of ordinary human relationships… but once it starts operating on a large collective scale, shadow projection can be disastrous… and I hardly need to spell out the examples of it because they’re everywhere to be seen, where you’ve got one faction opposing another faction and attributing dark evil, if not diabolical implications on the enemy faction. We see this everywhere in the world and I’m not going to go into the details. But this is all a consequence of shadow projection, and it’s really a disgrace for an educated and supposedly and relatively mature human being to be caught engaging in a crude shadow projection in this day and age, but disgrace or not, it happens all the time… and it’s a grave damage to our social fabric. So to the extent to the individual, through the analytic process, becomes aware of his shadow he is then inoculated from shadow projection because he recognizes that the particular quality or idea or mode of living that is so annoying to him in the other person is an expression of his own shadow which accounts for the annoyance. We can have likes or dislikes but when a certain level of affect enters the picture that’s an infallible indication of shadow projection. People unconscious of their shadow are a grave danger to the welfare of society as a whole.”
~Edward F. Edinger, "Science of the Soul". Recorded Interview.


"自分の心理を意識しない限り、私はそれを他の人や物に投影せざるを得ない......だから、投影することで初めて内的な心理的内容に直面することになるのである。" ~ゲアハルト・アドラー『分析心理学の研究』p.15




"As long as I am not conscious of my own psychology, I am bound to project it onto other people or things ... and so it is through projection that I am first confronted with inner psychic content." ~Gerhard Adler, "Studies in Analytical Psychology" p. 15

Nothing has a more divisive and alienating effect upon society than this moral complacency and lack of responsibility, and nothing promotes understanding and rapprochement more than the mutual withdrawal of projections." ~Carl Jung; The Undiscovered Self; Page 72.

 How can we determine if someone is (unconsciously) projecting?
There’s a fairly simple method.
Ask them if they are able to show how they formed their conclusion, or if they can provide the supporting material to back up their opinion.
If they comply in a way that you’re satisfied, then they probably weren’t projecting.
But if they ignore your request and begin attacking you personally (ad hominem), then its quite likely that they were projecting.
If they are being honest with themselves and with you, then they’ll appreciate you showing them their shadow and will thank you for giving them something to work on.
If they’re not being honest, then you will likely have made an enemy – but that’s none of your business.



ルース・フライは1950年代にチューリッヒに留学していたとき、ユングと会話したことを報告しています。ルース・フライは、1950年代にチューリッヒに留学していたとき、ユングとの会話の中で、自分の理論を世間に発表する前には必ず14年間のテストを行うと言っていました。彼は能動的な想像力についても同じように、14年間、経験的、科学的にテストしたのです。~ フライ、R.T.(1974)「能動的想像力の瞑想を教える」、24ページ

"事実が先、理論が後 "というのがユングの仕事の基調です。彼は最初で最後の経験主義者である」。この見解には私も賛成です。~カール・ユング、British Medical Journal(1952年2月9日)、CW18、664ページより引用

"その結果、人々は無意識のうちに主観的な意見の普遍的な有効性を信じるようになります。私がこの事実を述べたのは、過去300年の間に経験主義が強まったにもかかわらず、元来の態度が決して消滅していないことを示すためである。" ~CGユング、CW8、パラグラフ343。

 No, Jung held no opinions nor theories...
"Psychology to me is an empirical science. I observe but I do not invent… The psyche is greater than myself; it is not in the hollow of my hand." ~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p.511

There is not one single thing in my psychology which is not substantiated essentially by actual experiences. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 465.

Ruth Fry reports a conversation with Jung when she was studying in Zurich sometime in the 1950s. He told her he always tested his theories for a period of fourteen years before he shared them with the public. He did the same thing with active imagination, that is, he tested it empirically and scientifically for fourteen years. ~ Fry, R. T. (1974) ‘Teaching active imagination meditation,’ Page 24

"Facts first and theories later is the keynote of Jung's work. He is an empiricist first and last." This view meets with my approval. ~Carl Jung citing British Medical Journal (9 February 1952), CW 18, Page 664

"As a result, people incline unconsciously to a belief in the universal validity of subjective opinions. I mention this fact only to show that, in spite of the growing empiricism of the last three hundred years, the original attitude has by no means disappeared." ~CG Jung, CW 8, paragraph 343.



「個性化とは「個性」になることを意味し、「個性」が私たちの最も内側で最後の比類のない独自性を包含する限り、それはまた自分自身になることを意味します。 したがって、私たちは個性を「自己への到来」または「自己実現」と翻訳することができます。
〜Carl Jung、CW 7、Para 266


 Individuation, or advanced Individuation, equates to Self-realization:
“Individuation means becoming an “individual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization.”
~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 266




それは、キリストが神の子であるという事実にすでに表現されている。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ233




"自分自身を知らない者が他人を知ることはできない。そして、私たち一人ひとりの中には、私たちが知らないもう一人の自分がいる。" ~CGユング、CW10、152ページ。

エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸




In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self, for which reason this realization can also be called "individuation." ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 222.

“The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation.
But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms —amounts to God’s incarnation.

That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 233

The process of individuation :
"It is not enough to have become aware of the Self’s existence, it is necessary to go on living with it, of acting from this center instead of from the ego. That is where the river of time comes in our dream and with it the realization that the Self is alive and ever-changing, as well as solid and still. And both belong to the Self: our transient everyday life and the invisible luminous point which is the “face of God,” the resting pivot in all changes."
~Marie Louise Von Franz, Psyche and Matter

The significance of man is enhanced by the incarnation. We have become participants of the divine life and we have to assume a new responsibility, viz. the continuation of the divine self-realization, which expresses itself in the task of our individuation. Individuation does not only mean that man has become truly human as distinct from animal, but that he is to become partially divine as well. This means practically that he becomes adult, responsible for his existence, knowing that he does not only depend on God but that God also depends on man. Man's relation to God probably has to undergo a certain important change: Instead of the propitiating praise for an unpredictable king or the child's prayer to a loving father, the responsible living and fulfilling of the divine will in us will be our form of worship of and commerce with God. His goodness means grace and light and His dark side the terrible temptation of power. [Letters, vol. 2, p. 316]
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, Pages 75-78

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi

“No one who does not know himself can know others. And in each of us there is another whom we do not know.” ~CG Jung, CW 10, page 152.

Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis
In what follows we shall be using three terms repeatedly to describe different forms of relatedness between ego and self. These terms should perhaps be introduced at the outset. They are: ego-self identity, ego-self separation, and ego-self axis. The meaning of these terms is indicated by the following figures representing progressive stages in the relationship between ego and self.
(see FIG 1,2, and 3)

These diagrams represent progressive stages of ego-self separation appearing in the course of psychological development. The shaded ego areas designate the residual ego-self identity. The dotted line connecting ego-centre with self-centre represents the ego-self axis—the vital connecting link between ego and self that ensures the integrity of the ego....

Clinical observation leads one to the conclusion that the integrity and stability of the ego depend in all stages of development on a living connection with the self....

Damage to the ego-self axis leads to ego-self alienation. In this condition the ego loses, to a greater or lesser extent, its vital contact with the self—the ego's origin and source of energy and stability. Although ego-self alienation and ego-self separation often occur together, I think it is important to make a clear distinction between them. Ego-self separation ideally leads to a progressive reduction of ego-self identity without damage to the ego-self axis and eventually to consciousness of that axis. Ego-self alienation, however, damages the ego-self axis and causes an arrest or hindrance of growth....


私は、自我と自己の関係を2つの側面から区別しようとしました。一つは、厳密に言えば、関係ではなく、元々の幼児期の全体性の状態から派生した、自我と自己の原始的な膨張したアイデンティティである。もう一つの側面は、ノイマンに倣って「自我-自己軸」と呼ばれており、自我と自己の間にある、自我の機能的自律性を維持するための重要な連結部を指しています。心理療法や精神的発達の過程では、(i)還元的な批判を必要とする自我-自我のアイデンティティの顕在化と、(ii)自我-自我の軸を強化または修復する必要があり、合成的な支援を必要とするアプローチ..... との間で交互に行われるようである。

エドワード・エジンガー(1960). 自我と自己のパラドックス。分析心理学雑誌、Vol.5、pp.3-18
エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸

"個性化: 現代人のための神話"
10.44-「私たちが現代人と呼ぶ人間、つまり現在の瞬間を意識している人間は、決して平均的な人間ではありません。現在を意識するようになった人間は、孤独である。なぜなら、より完全な意識に向かって一歩進むごとに、元来の、純粋に動物的な群れへの参加の神秘性から、共通の無意識の中に沈むことから、さらに遠ざかっていくからである。一歩進むごとに、大勢の人間が住んでいる無意識の母胎から自分を引き剥がすことになる。文明社会においても、心理学的に言えば最下層を形成する人々は、原始人とほとんど変わらない無意識の状態で暮らしている。それに続く層の人々は、人間の文化の始まりに相当する意識レベルで生活している。一方、最上位の層の人々は、過去数世紀の生活を反映した意識を持っています。私たちの言葉の意味での現代人だけが、本当に現在を生きている。彼だけが現代の意識を持ち、彼だけが以前のレベルの生活様式が自分に降りかかってきていることに気づく。過去の世界の価値観や努力は、歴史的な観点を除いては、もはや彼には興味がない。さらに、彼は歴史的でなくなる。彼は、伝統の範囲内で完全に生きている多くの人々から疎外されている。実際、彼が完全に近代的であるのは、世界のギリギリのところまで来て、捨てられたものや古くなったものをすべて捨てて、すべてが成長しうる無の前に立っていることを認めたときだけである。近代の誠実な使命とは、自ら破産を宣言し、新たな意味での清貧と貞節の誓いを立て、さらに苦しいことに、歴史が与える聖なる後光を放棄することを意味します。歴史的でないことは、プロメテウスの罪であり、この意味で現代人は罪深いのである。より高いレベルの意識は、罪悪感の重荷のようなものですが、これまで述べてきたように、過去に属する意識の段階を卒業した人間だけが、現在の完全な意識を得ることができます。そのためには、彼は良い意味で健全であり、熟練していなければならない。これらの資質こそが、彼が次の最高レベルの意識を獲得することを可能にするのである。" ~カール・ユング『現代人の精神的問題』(1928年)149-150項。(1928) パラグラフ149-150, Vol.CW 10: 文明の変遷
エドワード・エジンガー - 「個性化。現代人にとっての神話
エドワード・エジンガー - 個性化。

Although for descriptive purposes it is helpful to distinguish ego-self separation from ego-self alienation, in practice they always occur together in some measure. This may be due to the fact that in early phases of development the ego-self axis is completely unconscious and therefore cannot be distinguished from the area of ego-self identity. Thus, any disturbing confrontation with reality that alters the latter is likely to affect the former. On the other hand, in psychotherapy, when the ego-self axis is undergoing repair, this simultaneously activates the remaining ego-self identity.....

I have attempted to differentiate two aspects of the relationship between ego and self. One aspect, strictly speaking, is not relationship at all but rather primitive inflated identity of ego and self deriving from the original infantile state of wholeness. The other aspect has been called, after Neumann, the ego-self axis and refers to the vital connecting link between self and ego which maintains the latter's functional autonomy. The process of psychotherapy and psychic development in general seems to alternate between (i) manifestations of ego-self identity, which require reductive criticism, and (ii) the need for enhancing or repairing the ego-self axis, which calls for a synthetic supporting approach.....

Since ego cannot exist without the support of the self and the self apparently needs the ego to realize it, psychic development can be considered a continuous process of dialectic between ego and self leading paradoxically to both greater separation and greater intimacy.
Edward Edinger (1960). The Ego-Self Paradox. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol. 5, pp. 3-18
Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis

"Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man"
Lecture by Edward Edinger.
10.44—“The man we call modern, the man who is aware of the immediate present is by no means the average man. The man who has attained consciousness of the present is solitary. The "modern" man has at all times been so, for every step towards fuller consciousness removes him further from his original, purely animal participation mystique with the herd, from submersion in a common unconsciousness. Every step forward means tearing oneself loose from the maternal womb of unconsciousness in which the mass of men dwells. Even in a civilized community - the people who form, psychologically speaking - the lowest stratum, live in a state of unconsciousness, little different from that of primitives. Those of the succeeding strata live on a level of consciousness which corresponds to the beginnings of human culture. While those of the highest stratum, has a consciousness that reflects the life of the past few centuries. Only the man who is modern in our meaning of the term really lives in the present. He alone has a present day consciousness and he alone finds that the way of life on the earlier levels have begun to fall upon him. Values and strivings of those past worlds no longer interest him, save from the historical stand point. Plus he becomes unhistorical. He has estranged himself from the mass of men who live entirely within the bounds of tradition. Indeed, he is completely modern only when he has come to the very edge of the world leaving behind him all that has become discarded and outgrown and acknowledging that he stands before the nothing out of which all may grow. An honest mission of modernity means voluntarily declaring oneself bankrupt taking the vows of poverty and chastity in a new sense and what is still more painful, renouncing the halo of sanctity which history bestows. To be unhistorical is the promethean sin and in this sense the modern man is sinful. A higher level of consciousness is like a burden of guilt, but as I have said, only the man who has outgrown the stages of consciousness belonging to the past can achieve full consciousness of the present. To do this he must be sound and proficient in the best sense. It is these qualities which enable him to gain the next highest level of consciousness.” ~Carl Jung, The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man. (1928) Paragraph 149-150, Vol. CW 10: Civilization in Transition
Edward Edinger - Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man
Edward Edinger - Individuation:
 A Myth for Modern Man




2021-03-23 23:13:39 | 心理学

- カール・G・ユング
The Psychology of Transference (1964), CW 16, S 400.

"The united personality will never quite lose the painful sense of innate discord. Complete redemption from the sufferings of this world is and must remain an illusion. Christ's earthly life likewise ended, not in complacent bliss, but on the cross."
- Carl G. Jung
The Psychology of Transference (1964), CW 16, S 400.
Art Credit: Sisyphus, by Antonio Zanchi, c1660-65.


2021-03-23 22:07:51 | 心理学

諸富祥彦・教師を支える会編著『教師が悩んだ時に読む本』本日発売です 教師を支える会20年続けてきた結晶。苦しみ悩んだ先生方の手記が圧巻。「こんなふうに悩んできたのは、私だけじゃないんだ」と気づく方も多いはずです]