


2021-03-13 23:15:14 | 心理学

映画『ネバー・ルック・アウェイ』(Werk ohne Autor)は、ドイツの映画監督フロリアン・ヘンケル・フォン・ドナースマーチが脚本・監督を務めた、大胆かつ壮大な芸術作品です。
ユング派の分析家エーリッヒ・ノイマンが著書『アートと創造的無意識』の中で述べているように、"創造的な人間は、自らの苦しみの中で、その集団や時代の深い傷を経験し、自分自身だけでなく、コミュニティにも癒しをもたらすことのできる再生力を心の奥底に秘めている "のです。個人的にも、文化的にも、そして集団的にも、大きな苦しみの中にあっても、癒しと個性化への指針を与えてくれる可能性のある、この映画の美しいイメージ、シンボル、テーマについて、私と一緒に対話してください。


Presented by Ronnie Landau 
The film Never Look Away, Werk ohne Autor, is a daring and magnificent work of art written and directed by the German film maker Florian Henckel von Donnersmarch. 
This German speaking film with English subtitles takes place in Berlin during the outbreak of World War 11. It is a story of both personal and a cultural trauma, war, love, and the capacity for creativity to facilitate profound healing and transformation. 
The inspiration behind Donnersmarch’s making of this film is his strong belief that “great art is deeply biographical.” It has been referenced that the world- renowned artist Gerhard Richter was a muse for Donnersmarch’s fascination in telling this “fictional” story. 
Never Look Away offers us an entrée into the psychological pain and suffering of cultural and personal trauma during the Nazi era. Beneath this horrific historical tragedy, we can race Jung’s ideas of the influence of archetypal dynamics, including Jung’s concept of the Self, the unconscious forces that exert influence over consciousness not only in times of extreme difficulty but as a universal aspect of our humanity.
 The theme of redemption is manifested in the finale of this film along with the particular role of creativity, specifically the qualities within the artistic character which help to facilitate healing and individuation, meaning Jung’s notion of the active libidinal life force in each of us to become who we are meant to be. 
Given the extreme turmoil and uncertainty of our current times, this film offers a moving Eros-infused mapping of the process of working with our dreams and our creative instincts to promote healing not only in ourselves but in the world around us, Jung’s Anima Mundi or World Soul. 
As Jungian analyst Erich Neumann stated in his book Art and the Creative Unconscious, “in his own suffering the creative man experiences the profound wounds of his collectivity and his time, he carries deep within him a regenerative force capable of bringing forth a cure not only for himself but also for community.” Please join me in dialogue with this film, it’s beautiful imagery, symbols, and themes which potentially offer us guidance towards healing and individuation during times of great suffering; personally, culturally, and collectively.

"2つの人格の出会いは、2つの化学物質の接触のようなものです。もし反応があれば、両者は変容します。" ~ カール・ユング

2021-03-13 16:24:39 | 心理学

"2つの人格の出会いは、2つの化学物質の接触のようなものです。もし反応があれば、両者は変容します。" ~ カール・ユング

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.“ ~ Carl Jung


“An old alchemist gave the following consolation to one of his disciples: “No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you.”
~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 2, Page 595.






[For two personalities to meet is like mixing two different chemical substances: if there is any combination at all, both are transformed]
[163] The needs and necessities of mankind are manifold. What sets one man free is another man’s prison. So also with normality and adaptation. Even if it be a biological axiom that man is a herd animal who only finds optimum health in living as a social being, the very next case may quite possibly invert this axiom and show us that he is completely healthy only when leading an abnormal and unsocial life. It is enough to drive one to despair that in practical psychology there are no universally valid recipes and rules. There are only individual cases with the most heterogeneous needs and demands — so heterogeneous that we can virtually never know in advance what course a given case will take, for which reason it is better for the doctor to abandon all preconceived opinions. This does not mean that he should throw them overboard, but that in any given case he should use them merely as hypotheses for a possible explanation. Not, however, in order to instruct or convince his patient, but rather to show how the doctor reacts to that particular individual. 
For, twist and turn the matter as we may, the relation between doctor and patient remains a personal one within the impersonal framework of professional treatment. By no device can the treatment be anything but the product of mutual influence, in which the whole being of the doctor as well as that of his patient plays its part. In the treatment there is an encounter between two irrational factors, that is to say, between two persons who are not fixed and determinable quantities but who bring with them, besides their more or less clearly defined fields of consciousness, an indefinitely extended sphere of non-consciousness. Hence the personalities of doctor and patient are often infinitely more important for the outcome of the treatment than what the doctor says and thinks (although what he says and thinks may be a disturbing or a healing factor not to be underestimated). For two personalities to meet is like mixing two different chemical substances: if there is any combination at all, both are transformed. In any effective psychological treatment the doctor is bound to influence the patient; but this influence can only take place if the patient has a reciprocal influence on the doctor. You can exert no influence if you are not susceptible to influence. It is futile for the doctor to shield himself from the influence of the patient and to surround himself with a smoke-screen of fatherly and professional authority. By so doing he only denies himself the use of a highly important organ of information. The patient influences him unconsciously none the less, and brings about changes in the doctor’s unconscious which are well known to many psychotherapists: psychic disturbances or even injuries peculiar to the profession, a striking illustration of the patient’s almost “chemical” action. One of the best known symptoms of this kind is the counter-transference evoked by the transference. But the effects are often much more subtle, and their nature can best be conveyed by the old idea of the demon of sickness. According to this, a sufferer can transmit his disease to a healthy person whose powers then subdue the demon — but not without impairing the well-being of the subduer.
~CG Jung, Practice of Psychotherapy, CW16, Para 163.


2021-03-13 08:29:30 | 心理学


“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud."
~Jung's address to the Society for Psychical Research in England.



I sometimes think that, ultimately anything makes sense and can be understood in some way, some time, by some person


“They're talking about things of which they don't have the slightest understanding, anyway. It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves.”
~Franz Kafka, The Trial.



You can put the most marvelous things before the eyes of a stupid person and they will make no impression on him, for all impressions come from inside ourselves. ~CG Jung, ETH, Page 226.