The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense , not between right and wrong.
存在の神秘と人間の理解との間には、ある種の共通性があるからだ。"センス "と "ナンセンス "は、合理的に有効な方向感覚を与えるための人造のラベルにすぎない。
私がどん底に落ちた瞬間、私は科学的理解の限界に達した。超越的なもの、つまり元型そのものの性質については、これ以上科学的な記述をすることはできない。~CG Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221
The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 154.
[“Sense” and “nonsense” are merely man-made labels which serve to give us a reasonably valid sense of direction. ~Carl Jung]
If the motif of the mandala is an archetype it ought to be a collective phenomenon, i.e., theoretically it should appear in everyone.
In practice, however, it is to be met with in distinct form in relatively few cases, though this does not prevent it from functioning as a concealed pole round which everything ultimately revolves.
In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self, for which reason this realization can also be called “individuation.”
All life is bound to individual carriers who realize it, and it is simply inconceivable without them.
But every carrier is charged with an individual destiny and destination, and the realization of these alone makes sense of life.
True, the “sense” is often something that could just as well be called “nonsense,” for there is a certain incommensurability between the mystery of existence and human understanding.
“Sense” and “nonsense” are merely man-made labels which serve to give us a reasonably valid sense of direction.
~CG Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 222
[namely the melting together of sense and nonsense, which produces the supreme meaning]
“The spirit of the depths has subjugated all pride and arrogance to the power of judgment. He took away my belief in science, he robbed me of the joy of explaining and ordering things, and he let devotion to the ideals of this time die out in me. He forced me down to the last and simplest things. The spirit of the depths took my understanding and all my knowledge and placed them at the service of the inexplicable and the paradoxical. He robbed me of speech and writing for everything that was not in his service, namely the melting together of sense and nonsense, which produces the supreme meaning.”
~C.G. Jung, The Red Book.
The moment I touched bottom, I reached the bounds of scientific understanding, the transcendental, the nature of the archetypes per se, concerning which no further scientific statements can be made. ~CG Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221
The articles of faith of science are: space, time and causality. The fourth is missing and rejected: the pleroma. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 59.