


2021-03-30 23:01:07 | 心理学

I cannot prove to you that God exists, but my work has proved empirically that the pattern of God exists in every man and that this pattern in the individual has at its disposal the greatest transforming energies of which life is capable. find this pattern in your own individual self and life is transformed.




2021-03-30 21:13:56 | 心理学


"Jung's race-based remarks about Africans and African Americans, though noticed, have only intermittently and partially been publicly repudiated by Jungian analysts and organizations. There are only four African American Jungian analysts in the United States and two are members of our Institute. This scarcity of participation has prompted the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco to examine its own failure to disseminate critical knowledge about Jung's writing and to actively search for examples of how we have perpetuated unconscious systemic racist attitudes, ideas, and practices in our Institute."

J. マーヴィン・スピーゲルマン:C.G.ユングの思い出

"ヨーロッパの聖人たちが必要なんだ。" "自分たちを救うために助けてくれ!"と。

どういう意味ですか?" ユングは私に彼の夢の解釈を求めていたのですか?
一緒に "ホラ "を吹いたのです。
1959年3月の特別な日に私が沈黙した時と同じように、ユングはこれらの夢や空想的な出会いの中で、常に私の個性化をサポートしてくれました。~ J.マーヴィン・スピーゲルマン著、J.E.T.、84-88ページ
ユングは非常に怒って、完全に幸せで満足しているアフリカ人を救うために降りていったヨーロッパ人たちを糾弾しました... - カール・ユング 深層心理学
カール・ユングは、完全に幸福で満足しているアフリカ人を救うために降りていったヨーロッパ人たちを非常に怒り、糾弾しました。- カール・ユング 深層心理学

Jung got very angry and denounced those Europeans who went down to save perfectly happy and contented Africans…
J. Marvin Spiegelman: Memory of C.G. Jung
My memories of Jung come from the period March, 1956, to March, 1959, during which I was a student at the Institute in Zurich.
He was to be seen at least once or twice a year then, at a public or Institute lecture or at a seminar for the advanced students.
At these events, times of great anticipation and excitement for us, Jung was much as he appears in the filmed interviews: alive, vital, intense, serious and attentive to all issues which were raised, yet full of good humor and laughter.
There were two moments during which he departed from those warming and awe-inspiring presentations, at one of which I was an unfortunate participator.
The first moment was during a seminar for advanced students.
One of our group had given Jung a number of paintings done by a patient in analysis and Jung was commenting on them.
At one point, he came upon a painting of a missionary clergyman helping some African blacks.
Jung got very angry and denounced those Europeans who went down to save perfectly happy and contented Africans who didn’t need them.
“We need these saints in Europe,” said Jung, “to help us save ourselves!”
The thinly veiled reference was probably to Schweitzer, but Jung’s anger went way beyond some personal or individual criticism and was enormously heartfelt.
The second moment was at a lecture at the Institute.
Jung opened up to questions of a general sort after his talk and I foolishly raised a question about the nature of the symbol.
I had been having many conversations over the past months with a fellow-student who had very strong Freudian leanings and was trying to reconcile these with his Jungian views and interests.
In those conversations, he often quarreled with Jung’s view of the symbol.
I told him to ask Jung himself, but when the time came at the public lecture, my friend wisely kept his mouth shut.
So I asked the question.
Jung got just furious.
He said, “You can find the answer to that in any book!” and went on to excoriate me for raising the question at all.
Well, I was naturally mortified.
I reddened deeply and sank into my chair as much as I could, which was not nearly enough.
But I weathered the storm, inside and out, and took my bruised ego home to reflect.
It turned out to be a good lesson for me.
Since then, I have appreciated the importance of speaking for myself and not being a mouthpiece for views or reflections that were not my own.
But my more personal encounter with Jung came at the end of my stay, in March, 1959, when I went to him as part of my ritual of completing my work at the Institute.
In my heart, I wanted to receive his blessing, just as I had received the blessing of my grandfather (who, in his middle nineties, was like an Old Testament prophet to me) when I went off to sea as a sailor in World War II.
I was a bit gun-shy from my previous encounter with Jung and couldn’t bring myself to ask for the blessing directly.
I approached the interview, there at his home in Kusnacht, as a most special event indeed and my heart was thumping as I was ushered into the waiting room by the housekeeper.
I was soon calmed, however, by seeing the bookcase filled with paperback American detective stories (my wife would like that, I thought) and a painting of a silly-looking grand potentate surrounded by foolishly adoring people.
Jung was clearly trying to de-inflate people’s images of him and I smiled and relaxed.
He came in shortly and brought me into his famous office, motioning me to sit down in a straw chair just inches from his own.
He lit his pipe and looked at me expectantly.
He seemed totally present.
I was overwhelmed with this closeness, this total availability both physically and psychologically, and babbled something to the effect that my problems were pretty well taken care of by my analyst, but I wanted to see Jung before I left Zurich.
He laughed easily and asked me how I liked the work.
I responded that I was deeply moved and affected by it, and that his books had always been a source of great value for me, although some had been hard to read.
He nodded and then laughed again, saying that they “had been hard to write.”
We were both silent for a while, as if he were trying to sense really where my soul was, since I wasn’t able to convey it to him.

Then he began to speak, from out of himself somewhere.
He spoke of his own life, of his trips to Africa and India, of his own search for himself, of the claims of the individuation process, of the loneliness of it, and how he had been glad of someone’s participation in it.
He spoke of dreams he had, of one in particular that he had dreamt at Bollingen, where soldiers of the Middle Ages appeared.
He delightedly said that Miss von Franz had independently had the same dream when she slept on that spot.
Subsequently, he said, bones of just such soldiers were dug up there.
At another point, as he told a dream that he had in Africa, I made a slight face, hardly anything, but I didn’t really agree with his interpretation.
He stopped at once, looked deeply at me and said, “I don’t understand it at all!
What does it mean?” Jung was asking me to interpret his dream?
My God!
Still later, he spoke of a patient of his from America and showed me some pictures she had painted (she had since died) which were very beautiful.
The mandala lights were incredible, but those paintings done afterwards in America were much bleaker.
He said, “Her light went out in America,” and I sighed for that was exactly what I had feared might happen to me when I returned home.
Then he laughed and said, “But it came on again!”
Throughout all this apparent soliloquy, I was totally present too and I had the experience, subsequently reported by others also, that Jung was “speaking to my condition,” and addressing himself to all my problems, fears, concerns, and deep desires.
Most of all, it was an experience of Self speaking to Self.
At the end-I don’t know whether it was an hour or two-I left with great thanks and a handshake that expressed all that I could not.
Without asking for it, I had received Jung’s blessing.
In the years since then, Jung has appeared now and then in dreams or fantasies.
He was very much present once-together with my grandfather, of all things-when I even had to make a separation with the Jungian collective.
We did a “hora” together.
In all these dreams and fantasy encounters, Jung has always been supportive of my individuation, just as he was through my silence that special day in March, 1959. ~ J. Marvin Spiegelman, J.E.T., Pages 84-88
Jung got very angry and denounced those Europeans who went down to save perfectly happy and contented Africans... - Carl Jung Depth Psychology
Jung got very angry and denounced those Europeans who went down to save perfectly happy and contented Africans... - Carl Jung Depth Psychology



First of all, unconscious people enslaved Africans.
Why where they unconscious?
Because they were Mass-man indoctrinated into a profoundly sick society… and were acting out that indoctrination.
But where do the Anti-Jungians ever bring this matter into their hate speech agenda?
And why?
Because they are also unconscious indoctrinated mass-man imitation of human beings.
Again, they never question their own position in all this. All they see is victim-hood mentality.
“We’ve gotta find the evil others out there” -says the unintegrated Ego.

The first thing on this topic is to question “authority”.
Just because a list of so-called Jungians ganged together and cherry picked Jung’s work in the name of their Biased social activism – does not equate to Truth. But if one only operates from their Ego rather than the Self then one would not know the difference between Truth and such so-called authority.


2021-03-30 02:34:59 | 心理学


It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. Voltair


目に見えない鎖よりも、目に見える鎖に投げ込まれたほうがいいのだ。~カール・ユング著『Liber Novus』293ページ。


It is better to be thrown into visible chains than into invisible ones. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 293.

"I believe that man must get rid of illusions that enslave and paralyze him; that he must become aware of the reality inside and outside of him in order to create a world which needs no illusions. Freedom and independence can be achieved only when the chains of illusion are broken." ~Erich Fromm


2021-03-30 02:22:37 | 心理学


“Jung told Robert Johnson that he was not to join any social groups, or any movement that involved "collective opinions". That his life role was to become a whole individuated being, "to become who we genuinely are", and that he was to have one room, one protective magic circle, one outer world mandala, in which he did this work. A whole being cannot be a "mass man", one who identifies with collective opinion, because not only is all contact with the Self ended, but the ego itself is now of no practical importance because its role is to be the agent of the eternal in the outer world. The following is a little difficult to unpack, but restates the above: "If the [ego] prefers the ideas and opinions of collective consciousness and identifies with them, then the contents of the collective unconscious are repressed. The more highly charged the collective consciousness, the more the ego forfeits its practical importance. It is, as it were, absorbed by the opinions and tendencies of collective consciousness, and the result of that is the mass man, the ever-ready victim of some wretched “ism.”
The ego keeps its integrity only if it does not identify with one of the opposites, and if it understands how to hold the balance between them. This is possible only if it remains conscious of both at once. They all want decision in favour of one thing, and therefore the utter identification of the individual with a necessarily one-sided “truth.” Even if it were a question of some great truth, identification with it would still be a catastrophe, as it arrests all further spiritual development. Instead of knowledge one then has only belief."
(paraphrased from; Carl Jung, J.E.T., Pages 36-39)



​ "Many are called, but few are chosen"
The words “many are called, but few are chosen” are singularly appropriate here, for the development of personality from the germ-state to full consciousness is at once a charisma and a curse, because its first fruit is the conscious and unavoidable segregation of the single individual from the undifferentiated and unconscious herd. This means isolation, and there is no more comforting word for it. Neither family nor society nor position can save him from this fate, nor yet the most successful adaptation to his environment, however smoothly he fits in. The development of personality is a favor that must be paid for dearly. But the people who talk most loudly about developing their personalities are the very ones who are least mindful of the results, which are such as to frighten away all weaker spirits.
Yet the development of personality means more than just hatching forth monsters, or of isolation. It also means fidelity to the law of one’s own being.
For the word “fidelity” I should prefer, in this context, the Greek word used in the New Testament, nioris, which is erroneously translated “faith.” It really means “trust,” “trustful loyalty.” Fidelity to the law of one’s own being is a trust in this law, a loyal perseverance and a confident hope; in short, an attitude such as a religious man should have towards God. It can now be seen how portentous is the dilemma that emerges from behind our problem: personality can never develop unless the individual chooses his own way, consciously and with moral deliberation. Not only the casual motive – necessity – but conscious moral decision must lend its strength to the process of building the personality.
If the first is lacking, then the alleged development is a mere acrobatics of the will: If the second, it will get stuck in unconscious automatism. But a man can make a conscious decision to go his own way only if he holds that way to be the best. If any other way were held to be better, then he would live and develop that other personality instead of his own. The other ways are conventionalities of a moral, social, political, philosophical, or religious nature. The fact that the conventions always flourish in one form or another only proves that the vast majority of mankind do not choose their own way, but convention, and consequently develop not themselves but a method and a mode of life at the cost of their own wholeness. ~Carl Jung; The Development of Personality.


"私は、独自の道を歩む者の義務として、発見の航海で見つけたものを社会に伝えることがあると思っています。その発見の真偽を決めるのは、同時代の個人の批判ではなく、未来の世代です。今日はまだ真実ではないことがあり、おそらく我々はあえてそれを真実だとは思わないが、明日はそうなるかもしれない。だから、個人の道を歩むことを運命づけられたすべての人は、自分の孤独とその危険性を常に意識しながら、希望と警戒心を持って進まなければならない。" ~CGユング、CW7、パラ、201。

個性化する人].... は、自分の代わりに身代金を提供しなければなりません。つまり、集合的で個人的な領域における自分の不在に相当する代替物である価値を生み出さなければなりません。このような価値観の生成がなければ、最終的な個性化は不道徳であり、それ以上に自殺的である....


"実際に自分の目で見ない限り、説明には価値がない。" ~ジッドゥ・クリシュナムルティ著『注意の炎』第6章。

Jung and Edinger wrote about how the Self (spirituality) needs to be talked about so that when an awakening experience falls on someone who is not “spiritual” or who is not seeking, that they might have heard about it and then look into it. Otherwise they will likely wind up in a mental institution or on psyche meds to lull them back asleep.
But if we all have a different version or different language to tell our stories then its like the Tower of Babel where nobody can hear anyone else.
“I feel it is the duty of one who goes his own way to inform society of what he finds on his voyage of discovery. Not the criticism of individual contemporaries will decide the truth or falsity of these discoveries, but future generations. There are things that are not yet true today, perhaps we dare not find them true, but tomorrow they may be. So every man whose fate it is to go his individual way must proceed with hopefulness and watchfulness, ever conscious of his loneliness and its dangers.” ~CG Jung, CW7, Para. 201.

[The individuating person].... must offer a ransom in place of himself, that is, he must bring forth values, which are an equivalent substitute for his absence in the collective, personal sphere. Without this production of values, final individuation is immoral and- more than that-suicidal....

Not only has society a right, it also has a duty to condemn the individuant if he fails to create equivalent values, for he is a deserter.... Individuation remains a pose so long as no values are created.
The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempt from the conventional, collective path. A person [who individuates] must accept the contempt of society until such time as he has accomplished his equivalent. ~Carl Jung, CW 15.

Edinger said its important to talk about the Self in public so that we’ll be better prepared if and when we find ourselves actually encountering the Self – a rare happening… and if we’re going to talk about the Self then the discussion about WHY we need to talk about it also includes the very important topic of the Mass-man.
“The explanation has no value so long as we do not actually see it for ourselves.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti, The flame of attention, Chapter 6.

そのような場合には、ユング心理学を意識的に知っていたことにとても感謝します。彼は、いわばロードマップを持っているので、この経験が上から降ってきたときに、自分の方向性を見極めるのに役立ちます。ヨブのように、"以前は耳で聞いていたが、今は目で見ている "と言うことができるのです。
これは、この経験が人に降りかかるときに起こることです。また、何の分析も必要とせずに起こることもあります。また、無意識にこだわることなく起こることもあります。このような理由から、私は公の場で「自己」について語ることが非常に重要だと考えています。なぜなら、私が話しているような経験をしたことのある人、あるいはこれからしようとしている人に向かって話しているかどうかはわからないからです。そのような人は、自分が話したことを思い出して、いざというときに非常に役に立つかもしれません。そのようなことがあることを、私は事実として知っています。" ~エドワード・エジンガー講演「大いなる人格との出会い」より
カール・ユング タオの体験はいつでも起こりうる。

^^ yes, in the immediate sense… however, there’s more to the story as explained by Jung and Edinger here:
[For these reasons I consider it vitally important to talk about the Self in public. Because one can never know whether he is speaking to an individual who has had or is going to have the experience I’m talking about. And such an individual may recall what has been spoken about, and find it immensely helpful in his time of need. I know that for a fact that such things do happen.]
“Now it might very well happen that although this crucial experience, although it is prepared for by analysis, does not take place during the period of analysis at all. It may take place many years after termination of the analysis.
In such a case, one is very grateful for his conscious knowledge of Jungian Psychology. He has a roadmap, so to speak, which helps him get his bearings when this experience falls on him from above. He can say with Job then, “Previously I heard of Thee by the hearing of my ears, but now my eye sees Thee.”
That’s what happens when this experience falls on one. It can also occur without benefit of any analysis at all. It can happen without any particular preoccupation with the Unconscious. For these reasons I consider it vitally important to talk about the Self in public. Because one can never know whether he is speaking to an individual who has had or is going to have the experience I’m talking about. And such an individual may recall what has been spoken about, and find it immensely helpful in his time of need. I know that for a fact that such things do happen.” ~"Encounters with the Greater Personality", Lecture by Edward Edinger.
Carl Jung: The experience of Tao can happen at any time.
The experience of Tao can happen at any time.
If you are in the psychology of the first part of life—it is not necessarily a matter of years—if you fulfill the personal ends of your existence and it is the right moment, you may have such an experience.
For it is quite understood that a young animal still in the process of maturation is just as much a fulfillment of the totality of nature as one that is dying, who, if dying properly, is also fulfilling life because the idea of life includes death, it is a cycle.
There is the same possibility at any moment of life.
You probably experienced Tao when you were a child, when you woke up in your little bed in the morning with the sun shining into your room.
That would be an experience of Tao inasmuch as your parents had not twisted you.
But it is quite possible that your parents put dirt on your nose, and then, even as a child, you could only experience a twisted feeling.
Or you might experience it at fifteen or twenty if you fulfill your own personal and individual expectations which are then valid.
And you can experience the same when you are fading away, dying, if you do it properly, as that fulfillment which is in accordance with the laws of nature.
Just that is demanded and nothing else.
Many people have never in their whole lives felt such a natural fulfillment because they were completely twisted.
But they would experience it in the moment when they were able to liberate themselves from the twist —in that moment they would experience Tao.
~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 761


2021-03-30 01:09:35 | 心理学




古代人から伝わった反キリストのイメージは、古代人がその到来を予見していた新しい神を予告するものである。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』242ページ。

キリストは自らを蛇に例えたが、その地獄の兄弟である反キリストは古い竜そのものである。~カール・ユング著『Liber Novus』318ページ。

特に、龍や蛇が自分の内面を脅かすということは、新しく獲得した意識が本能的な精神、無意識に再び飲み込まれてしまう危険性を指摘しているのである。~カール・ユング、CW 9i; para.282.





彼はcauda pavonisにおける色の遊びであり、4つの要素への分割である。
彼は、初めにあった両性具有であり、古典的な兄と妹の二重性に分裂し、coniunctioで再結合し、最後に新しい石であるlumen novumの輝きのある形で再び登場する。


Conspiracy theories might be the dragon in the cave that you fear?
“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center.
You find the jewel, and it draws you off.
In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly.”
~Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion

The Depths contain the key to individual completeness, wholeness and healing :
"So these depths, that layer of utter unconsciousness in our dream, contain at the same time the key to individual completeness and wholeness, in other words to healing. The meaning of “whole” or “wholeness” is to make holy or to heal. The descent into the depths will bring healing. It is the way to the total being, to the treasure which suffering mankind is forever seeking, which is hidden in the place guarded by terrible danger. This is the place of primordial unconsciousness and at the same time the place of healing and redemption, because it contains the jewel of wholeness. It is the cave where the dragon of chaos lives and it is also the indestructible city, the magic circle or temenos , the sacred precinct where all the split-off parts of the personality are united."
~C.G. Jung, Tavistock Lectures, para. 270

“In myths the hero is the one who conquers the dragon, not the one who is devoured by it.. Also, he is no hero who never met the dragon, or who, if once he saw it, declared afterwards that he saw nothing. Equally, only one who has risked the fight with the dragon and is not overcome by it wins the hoard, the ‘treasure hard to attain’. He alone has a genuine claim to self-confidence, for he has faced the dark ground of his self and thereby has gained himself.” ~CG Jung, CW 14, para 756.

After death on the cross Christ went into the underworld and became Hell. So he took on the form of the Antichrist, the dragon.
The image of the Antichrist, which has come down to us from the ancients, announces the new God, whose coming the ancients had foreseen. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 242.

Christ himself compared himself to a serpent, and his hellish brother, the Antichrist, is the old dragon himself. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 318.

More especially the threat to one’s inmost self from dragons and serpents points to the danger of the newly acquired consciousness being swallowed up again by the instinctive psyche, the unconscious. ~Carl Jung; CW 9i; para. 282.

Nature gives itself pleasure, or eats itself out of sheer love, so to speak. Nature is then represented as an undivided being, a dragon or a snake biting its own tail, eating itself up from the tail end. ~Carl Jung, Modern Psychology, Page 42.

Psychologically, however, the archetype as an image of instinct is a spiritual goal toward which the whole nature of man strives; it is the sea to which all rivers wend their way, the prize which the hero wrests from the fight with the dragon. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 415

When the alchemist speaks of Mercurius, on the face of it he means quicksilver (mercury), but inwardly he means the world-creating spirit concealed or imprisoned in matter.
The dragon is probably the oldest pictorial symbol in alchemy of which we have documentary evidence.

It appears as the Ouroboros, the tail-eater, in the Codex Marcianus, which dates from the tenth or eleventh century, together with the legend ‘the One, the All’.
Time and again the alchemists reiterate that the opus proceeds from the one and leads back to the one, that it is a sort of circle like a dragon biting its own tail. For this reason the opus was often called circulare (circular) or else rota (the wheel).
Mercurius stands at the beginning and end of the work: he is the prima materia, the caput corvi, the nigredo; as dragon he devours himself and as dragon he dies, to rise again in the lapis.

He is the play of colours in the cauda pavonis and the division into the four elements.
He is the hermaphrodite that was in the beginning, that splits into the classical brother-sister duality and is reunited in the coniunctio, to appear once again at the end in the radiant form of the lumen novum, the stone.
He is metallic yet liquid, matter yet spirit, cold yet fiery, poison and yet healing draught – a symbol uniting all the opposites.”
~C.G. Jung, CW 12, Psychology and Alchemy, Part 3, Chapter 3.1

You don’t understand why certain doors are locked because you don’t know what is behind them, but destroy those doors and you will discover the dragon behind them; you will even think that the doors are identical with this dragon that is your enemy. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 900-902



第一級の知性のテストは、二つの相反する考えを同時に心の中に保持し、なおかつ機能する能力を保持する能力である。~F. スコット・フィッツジェラルド、「The Crack-Up」、エスクァイア誌(1936年2月)。


~トルストイ(Leo Tolstoy

A man who has no more fear is on the brink of the abyss. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 399.

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd. ~Bertrand Russell
This is the great difficulty: the ordinary mind can only think one thing and cannot at the same time think the other thing.
He cannot think of a thing that is and is not, for that is impossible; but the man of superior mind is superior only because he can think in paradoxes. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 281

The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Crack-Up", Esquire Magazine (Feb 1936).

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle.

Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs.
This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking...
~Leo Tolstoy



