

夢は神様からの手紙のようなものです。 そろそろ手紙の返事をしてみませんか?

2021-03-28 05:10:33 | 心理学


Dreams are like letters from God.
Isn't it time you answered your mail?


フォン・フランツ しかし、一般的には、非常に若い人たちの夢は、人生に適応するのを助けようとするものだと言えるでしょう。



Marie-Louise von Franz


Our conscious life seems to go through definite stages of development - childhood, adolescence etc. Do dreams show a parallel development?
Von Franz: There is an essential difference between the dreams of very young people and of ageing people, and in the middle of life there is a transition stage where it’s mixed up, but you can say that in general in very young people the dreams try to help them to adapt to life;
 there is an outward moving towards adaptation of life - to fulfil the love life, the personal ambition, the ego identity and all these goals of the first half of life. 

And then the more people are ageing, after 35 or 40 years old, there is an adaptation towards the inner life - finding one’s own meaning of life - but nowadays even that becomes sometimes urgent with young people.

We are so crushed by the mass mindedness of our civilizations due to the problem of overpopulation. Everybody feels superfluous, everybody feels ‘If I would be removed to the cemetery that would change nothing in the whole reality, mankind would just teem on on this planet and there would be just one less who eats the food and that would be really a blessing.’
 So the mass mindedness and our whole situation crushes us and makes us feel superfluous and unimportant. In our professional life we can always be replaced by 20 others who want the same post, there is a bustling around about having the same position, and that has a very destructive effect on modern man; either he compensates it by becoming ambitious and megalomanic and wanting to be the top dog to at least achieve something, or he feels completely crushed and superfluous, and there is a kind of sneaky depression coming up in him. And that sneaky depression you find for instance nowadays in many young people. They are kind of in a hidden way deeply depressed and discouraged. 
They don’t believe in their own life and in the meaning of their own existence. Now all the dreams centre around pointing out to the individual the unique meaning of its unique life and that is perhaps the most important aspect of the dreamlife.

Marie-Louise von Franz


