One could say that the whole world with its turmoil and misery is in an individuation process. But people don't know it, that's the only difference.
If they knew it, they would not be at war with each other, because whosoever has the war inside himself has no time and pleasure to fight others. ~ Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 442
Therefore Individuation is a Sin.
If they knew it, they would not be at war with each other, because whosoever has the war inside himself has no time and pleasure to fight others. ~ Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 442
Therefore Individuation is a Sin.
混乱と悲惨を伴う世界全体が個性化の過程にあると言えるでしょう。 しかし、人々はそれを知りません、それが唯一の違いです。
もし彼らがそれを知っていれば、彼らは互いに戦争をしないでしょう。なぜなら、自分の中に戦争を抱えている人には、他人と戦う時間も喜びもないからです。 〜カール・ユング、レターズ Vol. I、442ページ
もし彼らがそれを知っていれば、彼らは互いに戦争をしないでしょう。なぜなら、自分の中に戦争を抱えている人には、他人と戦う時間も喜びもないからです。 〜カール・ユング、レターズ Vol. I、442ページ
親愛なるファン・ウェイヴェレン氏、1946 年 9 月 25 日
十分に意識していれば、彼らはそこから何かを得ます。 もちろん、そのような手続きに耐えられるかどうかは問題です。
しかし、これは人生の問題でもあります。 最近の出来事からわかるように、何百万人もの人々がそれに耐えられませんでした。
もしこれに驚く人がいるとしたら、その人は人生において誰にでも待ち受けていることに対して準備ができていなかったに違いありません。 今後の成功をお祈りします !
~カール・ユング『手紙』Vol. I、442ページ
Dear Mr. van Waveren, 25 September 1946
It has taken a very long time until I was able to get so far in my correspondence that I could answer your letter.
One could say that the whole world with its turmoil and misery is in an individuation process.
But people don't know it, that's the only difference.
If they knew it, they would not be at war with each other, because whosoever has the war inside himself has no time and pleasure to fight others.
Individuation is by no means a rare thing or a luxury of the few, but those who know that they are in such a process are considered to be lucky.
They get something out of it, provided they are conscious enough. Of course, it is a question whether you can stand such a procedure.
But this is the question with life too. Millions of people couldn't stand it, as you know from recent events.
Individuation is just ordinary life and what you are made conscious of.
If anybody should marvel at it, he must have been unprepared for what life holds in store for everybody. My best wishes!
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 442
親愛なるファン・ウェイヴェレン氏、1946 年 9 月 25 日
十分に意識していれば、彼らはそこから何かを得ます。 もちろん、そのような手続きに耐えられるかどうかは問題です。
しかし、これは人生の問題でもあります。 最近の出来事からわかるように、何百万人もの人々がそれに耐えられませんでした。
もしこれに驚く人がいるとしたら、その人は人生において誰にでも待ち受けていることに対して準備ができていなかったに違いありません。 今後の成功をお祈りします !
~カール・ユング『手紙』Vol. I、442ページ
Dear Mr. van Waveren, 25 September 1946
It has taken a very long time until I was able to get so far in my correspondence that I could answer your letter.
One could say that the whole world with its turmoil and misery is in an individuation process.
But people don't know it, that's the only difference.
If they knew it, they would not be at war with each other, because whosoever has the war inside himself has no time and pleasure to fight others.
Individuation is by no means a rare thing or a luxury of the few, but those who know that they are in such a process are considered to be lucky.
They get something out of it, provided they are conscious enough. Of course, it is a question whether you can stand such a procedure.
But this is the question with life too. Millions of people couldn't stand it, as you know from recent events.
Individuation is just ordinary life and what you are made conscious of.
If anybody should marvel at it, he must have been unprepared for what life holds in store for everybody. My best wishes!
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 442