


2021-03-22 11:59:15 | 心理学

リビング・フィロソフィーリビング・フィロソフィー - 心理学、哲学、スピリチュアリティ

The Living PhilosophyThe Living Philosophy - Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality

A wise man (Carl Sagan I think) once said that intelligence has no proven survival value. Could it be that civilisation is an evolutionary dead end? 
"We are beset by an all-too-human fear that consciousness - our Promethean conquest - may not be able to serve as well as nature" - Carl Jung






Every advance in culture is, psychologically, an extension of consciousness, a coming to consciousness that can take place only through discrimination.
Therefore an advance always begins with individuation, that is to say with the individual, conscious of his isolation, cutting a new path through hitherto untrodden territory.
To do this he must first return to the fundamental facts of his own being, irrespective of all authority and tradition, and allow himself to become conscious of his distinctiveness.
“Reflection” should be understood not simply as an act of thought, but rather as an attitude.
It is a privilege born of human freedom in contradistinction to the compulsion of natural law.
As the word itself testifies (“reflection” means literally “bending back”), reflection is a spiritual act that runs counter to the natural process; an act whereby we stop, call something to mind, form a picture, and take up a relation to and come to terms with what we have seen.
It should, therefore, be understood as an act of becoming conscious. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 111

It is just man’s turning away from instinct—his opposing himself to instinct—that creates consciousness.
Instinct is nature and seeks to perpetuate nature, whereas consciousness can only seek culture or its denial.
Even when we turn back to nature, inspired by a Rousseauesque longing, we “cultivate” nature.
As long as we are still submerged in nature we are unconscious, and we live in the security of instinct which knows no problems.
Everything in us that still belongs to nature shrinks away from a problem, for its name is doubt, and wherever doubt holds sway there is uncertainty and the possibility of divergent ways.
And where several ways seem possible, there we have turned away from the certain guidance of instinct and are handed over to fear.
For consciousness is now called upon to do that which nature has always done for her children namely, to give a certain, unquestionable, and unequivocal decision.
And here we are beset by an all-too-human fear that consciousness—our Promethean conquest—may in the end not be able to serve us as well as nature. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 750

When we must deal with problems, we instinctively resist trying the way that leads through obscurity and darkness.
We wish to hear only of unequivocal results, and completely forget that these results can only be brought about when we have ventured into and emerged again from the darkness.
But to penetrate the darkness we must summon all the powers of enlightenment that consciousness can offer. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para752

If psychic life consisted only of self-evident matters of fact—which on a primitive level is still the case—we could content ourselves with a sturdy empiricism.
The psychic life of civilized man, however, is full of problems; we cannot even think of it except in terms of problems.
Our psychic processes are made up to a large extent of reflections, doubts, experiments, all of which are almost completely foreign to the unconscious, instinctive mind of primitive man.
It is the growth of consciousness which we must thank for the existence of problems; they are the Danaan gift of civilization. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 750

Unfortunately in this increasingly technological life..reflection is increasingly becoming a rarity


2021-03-22 11:29:26 | 心理学

「故意に幸福を追求すればするほど、幸福を見つけられなくなることは間違いありません。したがって、忍耐と平静を持って、物事がやってくるときにそれを受け入れる方がはるかに優れています。」 -カール・ユング

"The more you deliberately seek happiness, the more you are sure not to find it. It is therefore far better to take things as they come along, with patience and equanimity." - Carl Jung





2021-03-21 13:09:21 | 心理学




The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense , not between right and wrong.




存在の神秘と人間の理解との間には、ある種の共通性があるからだ。"センス "と "ナンセンス "は、合理的に有効な方向感覚を与えるための人造のラベルにすぎない。


私がどん底に落ちた瞬間、私は科学的理解の限界に達した。超越的なもの、つまり元型そのものの性質については、これ以上科学的な記述をすることはできない。~CG Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221


The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 154.

[“Sense” and “nonsense” are merely man-made labels which serve to give us a reasonably valid sense of direction. ~Carl Jung]

If the motif of the mandala is an archetype it ought to be a collective phenomenon, i.e., theoretically it should appear in everyone.
In practice, however, it is to be met with in distinct form in relatively few cases, though this does not prevent it from functioning as a concealed pole round which everything ultimately revolves.
In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self, for which reason this realization can also be called “individuation.”
All life is bound to individual carriers who realize it, and it is simply inconceivable without them.
But every carrier is charged with an individual destiny and destination, and the realization of these alone makes sense of life.
True, the “sense” is often something that could just as well be called “nonsense,” for there is a certain incommensurability between the mystery of existence and human understanding.
“Sense” and “nonsense” are merely man-made labels which serve to give us a reasonably valid sense of direction.
~CG Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 222

[namely the melting together of sense and nonsense, which produces the supreme meaning]
“The spirit of the depths has subjugated all pride and arrogance to the power of judgment. He took away my belief in science, he robbed me of the joy of explaining and ordering things, and he let devotion to the ideals of this time die out in me. He forced me down to the last and simplest things. The spirit of the depths took my understanding and all my knowledge and placed them at the service of the inexplicable and the paradoxical. He robbed me of speech and writing for everything that was not in his service, namely the melting together of sense and nonsense, which produces the supreme meaning.”
~C.G. Jung, The Red Book.

The moment I touched bottom, I reached the bounds of scientific understanding, the transcendental, the nature of the archetypes per se, concerning which no further scientific statements can be made. ~CG Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221

The articles of faith of science are: space, time and causality. The fourth is missing and rejected: the pleroma. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 59.




"私は通常、問題を解決するには、その問題が私を食い尽くすようにさせることである」 - フランツ・カフカ

2021-03-21 12:09:03 | 心理学

"私は通常、問題を解決するには、その問題が私を食い尽くすようにさせることである」 - フランツ・カフカ

"I usually solve problems by letting them devour me" - Franz Kafka

(「私は通常、問題をむさぼり食わせることで問題を解決します」-フランツ・カフカ) 他の訳



2021-03-21 04:16:48 | 心理学


Burning with rage at our children is a nearly universal experience, and yet it is one that most moms feel great shame and remorse about. It is frightening to find ourselves capable of wrath and perhaps even violent impulses toward those whom we love so greatly. Could it be okay or possibly even important to feel fiery, hot anger toward our kids?
Jung’s concept of the archetype can be helpful in allowing us to come to terms with this dark side of ourselves. Jung posited that there are inborn patterns that precede experience, priming us to respond to certain experiences or images. He called these patterns archetypes, and always stressed that an encounter with archetypal energy will leave our conscious personality feeling dwarfed. According to Jung, the archetype of the Great Mother is one of the big ones – turning up eternally in art, myth, and dreams. Archetypes, importantly, always have two poles, a positive and a negative one, and one pole cannot exist without the other. When the positive aspect of the mother archetype gets constellated, the negative aspect is never very far away.
This makes a lot of sense in practical terms. When we become a mother, we fall deeply in love with our child. We feel protective, maternal, and nurturing. But it is precisely because we love our child so deeply that we can feel such depths of rage and frustration toward him or her. Then for a moment, we may embody the dark aspect of the archetype – the Negative Mother.
While most images of the archetype in Western culture show the positive and negative aspects split and personified by different mythological figures, other cultures have retained both poles of the archetype in one image. In Hindu mythology, Kali is both the giver and taker of life, she who gives birth to new life, but is also capable of devouring her offspring.
We all have both potentials within us, and it can be frightening and confusing to get in touch with our potential for rage and darkness. Verbal abuse can be very damaging, as our children are likely to take in the negative things we say to them, and those thoughts may become part of their self-concept. But is our anger always negative? I think not.
There are many possible benefits to our children experiencing us as capable of anger at times, and I aim to explore some of these in upcoming blog posts. To start, what might it look like if we never got angry with our child? Would that be a good thing?
