分析によって無意識から劣等機能を引き出すためには、今まで活性化されていた無意識の空想の形成を表面化させなければならない。これらの空想を意識的に実現することで、劣等機能が意識され、さらなる発展が可能になる。~CGユング、『定義』、CW6、par. 764.
~ムーア、ロバート・L. Facing the Dragon: 個人的、精神的な誇大妄想に直面して(p.36)。
私はこの中心を「自己」と呼んでいます。知的には、自己とは心理的な概念に過ぎず、未知の本質を表現するための構築物です。それは "私たちの中の神 "と言ってもいいかもしれません。私たちの全精神生活の始まりは、この点に密接に根ざしているように思われますし、私たちの最高かつ究極の目的は、すべてこの点に向かって努力しているように思われます。このパラドックスは、私たちの理解を超えたところにあるものを定義しようとするとき、いつものように避けることができない。
[大いなる人格の誕生の瞬間はイルミネーションとして知られている] 。
To the extent that a person functions too one-sidedly, the inferior function becomes correspondingly primitive and troublesome. The overly dominant primary function takes energy away from the inferior function, which falls into the unconscious. There it is prone to be activated in an unnatural way, giving rise to infantile desires and other symptoms of imbalance. This is the situation in neurosis.
In order to extricate the inferior function from the unconscious by analysis, the unconscious fantasy formations that have now been activated must be brought to the surface. The conscious realization of these fantasies brings the inferior function to consciousness and makes further development possible. ~CG Jung, Definitions, CW 6, par. 764.
These influences become effective from the first days of a child's life.
On the whole, the receptivity of a small child's brain tends to be widely underestimated, but the practicing psychologist has frequent evidence to the contrary.
With neurotics, one constantly comes up against psychic defects that date back to very early childhood experiences.
It is not a rare occurrence for a somewhat severe reprimand administered to a child in his playpen or his bed to affect him during his entire life.
The two souls give rise to frequent contradictions in a person's thinking and feeling.
Quite often the impersonal and the personal psyche are even in direct opposition.
~Carl Jung, Interview in 1932, C.G. Jung Speaking; Pages 57-58.
All Jungians who have studied developmental psychology know how an archetypal configuration can come in and take over a personality and possess it. This happens all the time in one-sided personalities where the person has been hurt developmentally and the resulting ego is weak. The more you were hurt in your early development, the weaker your ego structure will be, and the more likely an archetypal pattern will colonize you and derail your individuation.
~Moore, Robert L.. Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity (p. 36).
is it by the constant discourse one has to question the rationality of things believed in, that may bring us closer to the realization of truth? That the so-called programming of our own experience, for one reason or another, is unraveled so as to really look within and see clearly?
That we open ourselves to that transcendence which opens itself to the self.
'It is as with a person waiting for a voice which he wishes to hear; he sets aside all other sounds and turns his ear toward the best of sounds, in order to hear it approaching. In the same way, we must leave aside the noises which come from the sensible world, unless they are necessary, in order to keep the soul's conscious power pure and ready to hear the sounds from above." (Aristotle)
"We must see the spirit as our own self" (Plotinus)
Symbolized by the idea of a light which sees itself, by means of itself
As Jung said life is the circumambulation of the self.
So seeing or saying we believe in god, is then to truly practice virtue, otherwise the word 'god' has no meaning?
In quite a number of ways Jung tells us how “the annunciation” or the coniunctio or Self-realization, etc… are the true realization of God. Until the knowing of that experience happens all we have is belief in the process.
I have called this centre the self. Intellectually the self is no more than a psychological concept, a construct that serves to express an unknowable essence which we cannot grasp as such, since by definition it transcends our powers of comprehension. It might equally well be called the “God within us.” The beginnings of our whole psychic life seem to be inextricably rooted in this point, and all our highest and ultimate purposes seem to be striving towards it. This paradox is unavoidable, as always, when we try to define something that lies beyond the bourn of our understanding.
~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.
"Goethe's Faust almost reached the goal of classical alchemy, but unfortunately the ultimate coniunctio did not come off, so that Faust and Mephistopheles could not attain their oneness. The second attempt, Nietzsche's Zarathustra, remained a meteor that never reached the earth, as the coniunctio oppositorum had not and could not have taken place."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Bowman, 18 June 1958
[the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.]
The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.
~CG Jung, CW 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318
"Man, know thyself "(人よ、汝自身を知れ)という文章は何を意味しているのでしょうか?
答えてください。この文章は、ギリシャの神秘的な神殿の入り口の上にあったもので、人間には、表面に現れているよりもはるかに深い自己の本質の謎を徹底的に理解することが義務づけられていることを示しています。これは、"上のように、下のように "というハーメチックな公理の原則に基づいています。彼が自分自身を理解し、自分自身を知るとき、彼は神についても類推して知ることができるでしょう。人間は神に似せて作られた」と本当に言われているからです。
~CGユング、C.W.2、par. 609.
「それは、重心を自我から自己へ、人間から神へと移すことである。つまり、自我は自己の中に消え、人間は神の中に消えるのである。" ~CGユング、CW11、パラ958。
~マイスター・エックハート(Meister Eckhart)
practicing grace and humility will not ensure a connection to God in the Jungian sense of the Self.
Very few ever reach Self-realization.
It’s explained in my quote comments above.
and who gives you grace?
do you believe we experience God by being egotistical?
What is meant by the sentence "Man, know thyself?"
Answer: This sentence was found above the entrance to a Greek mystery temple as an indication of the fact that it is obligatory upon man to thoroughly understand the mystery of his own nature, which is much deeper than is apparent on the surface. This, on the principle of the hermetic axiom, "as above, so below." When he understands himself and knows himself, he will be able by analogy to know about God. For it is truly said that "Man was made in the image of God."
But to know himself it is not only necessary that he should understand that which he sees, the physical body, but also the invisible bodies which are the causes of his thoughts, feelings and emotions. This was the teaching given in the mystery temples. ~Max Heindel
"It is a general truth that one can only understand anything in as much as one understands oneself" ~CG Jung, Zarathustra Seminar p.742
Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492
“All our thinking and acting, the vast bulk of which appears to us to be conscious, actually consist of all those little bits that are finely determined by innumerable impulses completely outside consciousness. To our ego-consciousness the association-process seems to be its own work, subject to its judgment, free will, and concentration; in reality, however, as our experiment beautifully shows, ego-consciousness is merely the marionette that dances on the stage, moved by a concealed mechanism.”
~CG Jung, C.W. 2, par. 609.
"The goal of Eastern religious practice is the same as that of Western mysticism: the shifting of the center of gravity from the ego to the Self, from man to God. This means that the ego disappears in the self, and man in God." ~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 958.
“When the soul is totally lost, it finds that it is the very self it had sought for so long in vain. Here the soul is God. Here it enjoys supreme bliss. Here it is sufficient unto itself. Here it shines with its own radiance. Here, at last, it has found that the Kingdom of God is itself !”
~Meister Eckhart
[The Self]… might equally be called the “God within us”. ~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.
I have called this centre the self. Intellectually the self is no more than a psychological concept, a construct that serves to express an unknowable essence which we cannot grasp as such, since by definition it transcends our powers of comprehension. It might equally well be called the “God within us.” The beginnings of our whole psychic life seem to be inextricably rooted in this point, and all our highest and ultimate purposes seem to be striving towards it. This paradox is unavoidable, as always, when we try to define something that lies beyond the bourn of our understanding.
~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.
If you learn about yourself and if eventually you discover more or less who you are, you also learn about God, and who He is. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 301.