LinkedIn; finding jobs around the world

2012-04-29 17:30:24 | 小さなこと
I received a message via LInkedIn.

LinkedIn is one of the SNS like Facebook and Twitter, and it is specialized in job hunting and recruiting.

It is not so famous in Japan compared with Facebook, Twitter and mixi, but I use it. and it is very popular among other countries. (actually what I do is only making account.)

We can write our career on it, for example what one learned in each university and what kind of work we engaged in until now (how many times we changed posts or companies).

Actually I've just started to work from this April, but I've wrote what I did until now. One is an internship in Poland via AIESEC, the other is that I went to India to distribute a free magazine of introducing Japanese cultures for those who study Japanese there. I also wrote my experience of internship in Japan in my university days.

The message was from an Indian company of translation and some other business sectors, and the sender suggested me to work there. He suggested a work fo translating English into Japanese.

To be honest, I was very surprised because he somehow found me and tried contacting. Whether I work or not in India, I recognized the power fo LinkedIn that we can find jobs not only our native country but also all over the world.

I haven't logged in LinkedIn so many times until now, but I have to change my sense of values that it has many possibilities to challenge to this world. I add some explanations for my profile and gain information much more.

Though there are many saying in Japan that the severe condition of job findings, but I think we have to change the way of looking at the situation, that we have many opportunities if we watch abroad and take some risks and challenge. Finding jobs only in Japan is also risky and we have to think about ourselves to disperse our risks.

I also have to use LinkedIn more but I have a positive perspective that I can find jobs around the world with my endeavor.
