

Assignment代写:The influence of age on second language acquisition

2018-01-02 16:53:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The influence of age on second language acquisition,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了年龄对第二语言习得的影响。通常人们普遍认为年幼的儿童要比成年人更擅长习得第二语言,为此,很多学者都进行了相关研究。在第二语言的学习中,成年学习者学习开始阶段在学习速度方面很有优势,特别是在语法、词汇等方面,但是他们后期可能会被儿童超过。而语音方面,儿童则更善于掌握良好的语音。总的来说,年龄因素只是影响第二语言习得的一个重要因素,并不是决定因素。

In recent years, many scholars have been studying the influence of age on second language acquisition, among which some scholars believe that the sooner they acquire a second language, the better the results. However, some scholars believe that adults can acquire a second language better by working hard. This assignment expounds the viewpoints of different scholars, and argues that age is not the key determinant of second language acquisition, and it only has a certain effect on the acquisition of second language. In the daily practical teaching, should according to the learner's own characteristic to choose more suits the individual education way.

In recent years, more and more people are keen to acquire a second language. Second language acquisition, as we speak here, refers to the second language acquisition in the context of teaching. Therefore, the influence of age on second language acquisition becomes a hot issue in the field of second language acquisition research. It is generally accepted that young children are better at acquiring a second language than adults, and many scholars have done so.​

The concept of "critical period hypothesis" proposed by Lenniberg has exerted far-reaching influence on the study of SLA. The critical period hypothesis holds that young children have an advantage in acquiring a second language. This is due to physiological factors. Lenniberg that the key period of language acquisition is between two years and adolescence, and once the critical period of language acquisition is missed, it will not be as successful as the learners in the critical period, and it is easy to produce foreign cavities.

The concept of critical period hypothesis is mainly aimed at the acquisition of mother tongue, and this hypothesis has been widely accepted by scholars. Many scholars hold different views on the concept of critical period hypothesis. Among them, the scholars who support the critical period hypothesis still believe that the critical period hypothesis cannot be overthrown for a long time, and their main basis is the concrete example of the key period hypothesis. However, some scholars who oppose the critical period hypothesis think that the second language acquisition level is uneven, and the main determinant is the difference between individual language acquisition ability and individual cognition.

A long experiment found that many learners who began to learn a second language after 6 years of age had difficulty learning the authentic pronunciation and intonation. After the age of 15, the learners who begin to learn a foreign language do not have the same level of grammar or syntax as their native language learners.

The critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition is still a controversial hot issue. At present, according to the relationship between the age factor and the second language acquisition, the scholars have the following points: The first stage of learning in adult learners has an advantage in learning speed, especially in grammar and vocabulary, but they may be surpassed by children later. In pronunciation, children are better at mastering good pronunciation. If a child's environment is accessible to sufficient language, most children will gain a purer accent in second language acquisition. Children have a higher language potential, and children may reach higher levels of learning a second language than adults. Although the study of second language grammar is not limited by age, the speed or level of grammar learning is influenced by the age factor.

We can find that age factor is not the determinant of second language acquisition, but it does affect the learning of second language acquisition from learning speed and pronunciation. For children, because they are in a relatively good language environment, learning a second language is very strong, at the same time, children's childhood imitation ability is also a great advantage to help them learn better. However, their shortcomings are also very prominent, that is, the accuracy of language is not high, memory is slightly poor, fluent degree is not high, the overall logical thinking ability is deficient. For teenagers, the advantage of their second language acquisition is that their mother tongue has formed, therefore, in the process of second language acquisition will not be too much mother tongue interference, language fluency is higher than children, memory ability will be improved, understanding ability is stronger, and young people have sufficient time to study. The disadvantage of teenagers learning a second language is to spend more time and energy than children's study and to maintain good learning consciousness and self-discipline. Especially junior or high school students, they study too many courses on weekdays, so they can not devote all their energies to the study of the second language, so they need to rationally arrange their own study plan.

From the process of second language acquisition, it can be found that in addition to the age factors, learning atmosphere, language environment, personal interests, social and cultural background, and many other factors will affect it, among them, the age factor is only an important factor affecting second language acquisition, it is not a decisive factor. Therefore, the second language learners can promote the acquisition of second language quickly and efficiently only if they coordinate all the factors and make them work together.


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2018-01-02 16:53:29 | 日記

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Paper代写:Visual illusion pattern in poster design

2018-01-02 16:53:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Visual illusion pattern in poster design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了招贴海报设计中的视错觉图形。招贴设计是视觉传达设计中十分重要的一种表现形式,特别是在海报设计中,招贴设计具有很强的视觉冲击力。招贴海报设计是为视觉传达艺术的重要方式,设计师通过自己的图形艺术语言来表达出自己的艺术理念,而且视错觉图形往往是设计师在设计的主要载体。海报设计中,主要通过抓住人们视觉和听觉的注意力,进而唤起人们内心深处的情感,激起他们对眼前视觉图形的兴趣,进而诱发其欲望,更加全神贯注的投入到眼前的海报中。

Poster design is a very important form of visual communication design, especially in poster design, poster design has a strong visual impact. Poster design is an important way for the visual communication art, designers through their own graphic art language to express their artistic ideas, and visual illusion is often the design of the graphic designers in the main carrier. Poster design, mainly by grasping people's visual and auditory attention, and then arouse people's innermost feelings, arouse their interest in the visual graphics, and then induce their desire, more engrossed in the front of the poster. The graphic art in poster is the focus of this whole, so it is very important to do poster design, and it can not only give people a powerful visual impact, but also can achieve rapid, accurate and effective function and purpose in information dissemination. This paper discusses the application of visual illusion in poster, and expounds How to use the special language of visual illusion to produce a new vision effect.

Since entering the 21st century, China's economic level has been improving, at the same time, all walks of life are also constantly developing, in order to be able to occupy a strong position in the fierce social competition, many domestic enterprises are expanding its propaganda efforts, and posters are now in all aspects of society to be widely used; Poster is also a new type of media, in the information transmission as an important link in the poster design, through the graphic color, shape and the description of the content, so that the recipient of information can be more clearly understand the designer's message. In the rapid development of knowledge, creative brilliant constantly today, visual illusion graphics with a unique charm to countless designers fascinated; The following, this article on the visual illusion in the poster design of the application of specific elaboration.

Visual illusion is a phenomenon that everyone can experience, when the human eye sees something more abstract, it will react to it for a time, which leads to the illusion, which is actually due to the subjective consciousness produced in the long-term visual experience, and the cumulative consciousness is inconsistent with the real state of the object. So people are seeing the real things when they see the free things. These senses pass through the optic nerve to the brain, which in turn receives the wrong message, which is the source of the wrong impression in the brain. People through the past visual experience, in the deep heart has been a variety of visual phenomena produced a clear definition, and then by external shape, size, color, light and distance, such as the objective stimulation of individual characteristics, it will inevitably clash with the visual experience in mind. And vision is the inherent instinct of the human body, normal people will have vision, can objectively and truly observe the real things, but sometimes because of the shape, light, color and other factors of interference, coupled with people's psychological, physiological reasons, resulting in visual error.

There must be two conditions to produce visual illusion, first of all, it is necessary to give the visual information recipient a desired expectation space, which can often be achieved by creating a blank or incomplete place for the viewer. Secondly, when the receiver receives incomplete visual information, it is necessary to ensure that the viewer has a definite way to fill the blank in the information. In the process of visual transmission, the implication plays a huge role, it can in shape, movement, color and other illusions, so that people's heart involuntarily produce psychological tendencies.

And so on principle is the main motive force which the visual illusion produces, moreover this also is the visual illusion formation dynamics important basis. The so-called et cetera principle is commonly used in the assumption that when we look at some complex still images, because of the existence of visual blind spots, so people will inevitably produce a motion illusion. So sometimes, the visual information that the eye transmits to the brain makes a person feel inaccurate. In addition, the visual illusion is not only a vision error, and when the visual information through the neurotransmitter to the cerebral cortex, psychological effect is also a major cause of visual illusion. With the continuous improvement of the level of science and technology, visual illusion has been widely used in various fields of society, and such as medical, neurological, psychological and other areas of the application of vision illusion is more common. In recent years, with the development of poster design, the rational application of visual illusion also provides a more novel form and visual effect to poster design.

In poster design, mistaken view is an important means to enhance and create content, this is also one of the important starting point of designers, through a certain visual characteristics of the content to lead to a certain degree of extension, and in the body's own perceptual induction, the brain through the memory of the visual experience will make up for the image of the incomplete, In turn, the body itself gets a more sound perceptual object. In the design of poster, people can make use of the principle of vision illusion, so they can produce a novel and diverse visual image in the face of some complex and diverse plane space forms. The application form of the visual illusion is as follows: first, the application of the visual illusion of the hidden image; The mystery is an important contradictory factor of forming the figure, which refers to the classification of different image materials in nature, and then combining with the characteristics of the objects and the same commonness, it becomes a new image, which presents a kind of appearance, time and time before, A graphic that is not positive when it is imaginary. In the concrete visual illusion graphic design, the different natural images are combined according to their intrinsic relation and logical relation, which makes the visual structure produce a new visual image, and uses the form and the common line in the process. Secondly, it is the application of visual illusion which is different from the distance vision. refers to different visual graphics because of the relationship between the relationship and far and near the role can make people's visual confusion, to produce this visual effect, in the picture must have more than two points of view, and the direction of sight can not be fixed, but the relative should exist, At the same time, the parts that make up the graph often have the same common face, which is also a possible important guarantee condition for its combination.

With the spread of publicity in all walks of life, a variety of innovative means of publicity are endless, in which posters are the most common kind of propaganda carrier. The application of visual illusion in poster design is more and more common. In the poster design flexibility to add some visual illusion elements, can make the image display more flexible, and visual illusion in the poster design of the application forms are also various, the current application of the most visual illusion is through the flexible collocation between colors to achieve a fresh atmosphere of the building, in addition, There are many dynamic measures, such as rotation, fluctuation and expansion of the image by using the combination of different geometries.

Contradiction is the illusion is through the human vision in the order of the exchange and conversion of the use of the courtyard, which can naturally form a dynamic picture in the human brain. The advertisement poster designed by Sony Company is the effective application of the picture of the illusion of contradiction; Although the billboard is a still picture, but because of the human body's own contradictions as the role of illusion, so can give a stereo shape of the feeling, let a person feel is a three-dimensional dynamic graphics And by the order of color tones on the Billboard exchange and the shape of the far and near alternate, can let the human body visual blind spots in a picture if the change of the dynamic screen.

This method of visual illusion is realized by the effective use of low background and graph, in which the figure is the main part of the whole, and the bottom acts as the auxiliary part, which plays a role to the main part. Figure bottom inversion is the most widely used form in the background, the designer can get the illusion effect after the relationship between the graph and the bottom is reversed. This is because in the whole design, the graph is the main body, and the bottom is the auxiliary, so when people first see the whole graph, they will see the main part of it first, this is because this part is relatively front, gives a kind of conspicuous and eye-catching feeling, in contrast, the auxiliary part of the whole is very difficult to be first noticed, So when people skip over these imperceptible parts at the first glance, there is a natural idea of automatically ignoring them. When the reversal effect occurs, the main part and the auxiliary part will be converted, in the reversal of that moment, the figure and the bottom to achieve the transformation, in a flash formed a conspicuous picture, but also eye-catching, take the human eye characteristics. This is because the inverted figure and the lower two parts are in the status of equality, so the bottom and the boundary of the picture is not so clear, and then produce a combination of the actual situation, criss-crossing, light and shade complementary effect.

This kind of visual illusion is widely used in text graphics, because of the character of "incomplete" characters, some text can be added or deleted to get a novel text image, in addition, through the combination of body and structure of the text to make people produce a visual error. This is one of many poster designers to apply a lot of ways, moreover, the method is simple and novel, so it can easily attract people's attention, and in visual performance, by putting together two or more similar structures, it makes people have more associations, and it is easy to get more people's eyes, Play a role in delivering advertising messages. The design of the constitution of the Beijing Olympic Games is the rational application of the morphological visual illusion, and the symbol on the Constitution can give people a variety of understanding, such as some people can understand the word "Beijing", so that the Chinese people instantly think of the capital of Beijing, and then Lenovo to Beijing is China's first Olympic Games to host the city Some people will understand it as a vigorous running person, representing the Olympic Games athletes forever Pentium Spirit; others think it is the word "wen" in civilization, symbolizing the history of civilization in China for 5,000 of years.

The formation of this kind of visual graph is formed by the mutual reference of the sight direction of the distance, the designer through the reasonable application of the pattern in different patterns, and then form a kind of contradictory figure. And then by changing the position and shape of the graph, rearrange the combination, plus the outline of the line, and in the design highlight its dark and light color, so draw the graphics can give a sense of three-dimensional; Although the designers only through a certain technical means to the graphic color and shape changes, In turn, people can feel differently when they view them from different angles. And people watching in the distance may think that the image is a dynamic three-dimensional three-dimension, so will be interested in it will be curious to go to a look, and then play the role of information transmission.

Europe once had an international famous visual Design Master said: A poster of the good or bad, depends on the graphic language of the potential expression, rather than simple text signs. Therefore, in today's era of increasingly high tactile design, people need to touch their hearts and senses in order to leave a deeper deep impression. In poster design must not only stay on the plane, so not only lack of content and depth, but also more difficult to reflect the significance of the current era. Posters are literally meant to attract more advertising information, better advertising effects, and the Oxford Dictionary as a display of public notices. So that the masses in an instant can be concise and clear access to the information to be delivered. Therefore, in the poster design, graphic creativity and application is also essential, only to ensure that graphics in the application always have new ideas, can play a role. An excellent poster design, its content is not the most important, the image of the personality, style, creativity should be the majority of advertising information receivers pay attention to the focus. Therefore, the designer must ensure that the design of the works can play to allow the viewer to have a memorable and exciting role. This shows that the visual graphics of novelty, peculiar, not only is the psychological desire of the public, but also the creative pursuit of designers.

To sum up, the effective use of visual illusion is an important part of poster design, although the visual illusion of the shape of a variety of varieties, and the formation of a relatively simple, but in the poster design of the practicality is very strong. Therefore, in the poster design, designers should pay attention to the rational use of visual illusion, so that can give people a strong vision impact.



Paper代写:Social Trans-education

2018-01-02 16:52:48 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Social Trans-education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社会反式教育。社会反式教育,以最直观的方式引发人们的深思和觉悟。社会的反式教育不像来自父母、老师的教育那样直接,而是通过社会现象或者一个个鲜活的事例直抵人心,发人深省,令人醒悟,影响并改变着我们的思维与行动,使我们的社会变得愈来愈美好。

We grow up in the process will be a lot of education, there are parents to our instruction, teachers on our study and life guidance, but we feel the deepest is the society's education. Social education is different from parents and teachers to our education, and society is not an earnest or gentle reminder, it warns everyone with a realistic or unpredictable serious consequence, and this kind of profound and even bloody education is the trans-education that society gives us.

Social Trans-education, in the most intuitive way to trigger people's thinking and awareness. With China's growing economy, the environment has been destroyed, the air quality is declining, the original can be overlooking the earth is now shrouded in haze, blue sky and white clouds become a luxury. In the face of grim reality, people began to realize the importance of environmental protection, the community began to call for green environmental protection, promote low-carbon travel. Chai's report on Haze the "dome" is more shocking, inspiring awakening, this reflection is the society to give us the trans-education: blindly pursue the high growth rate of the economy, arbitrarily to the nature of the request, do not pay attention to environmental protection, will inevitably be severely punished. The Society's trans-education reminds us in the most intuitive way, constantly determined the people to correct the determination to take positive action.

Social Trans-education, with the most typical examples of changing the atmosphere. In the present China, "anti-corruption" become the annual hot word, the central crackdown on corruption more and more, Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang and other "big tigers" are all over the Lok Ma, the case involved in the number of personnel involved in the area of the broad, corrupt amount of huge people shocking. These past "government officials" of the corruption of the end of the continuing education, warning the vast number of civil servants and other government workers: the power of the government in the hands of the people, only the right to use power, the benefit of the people side of the path, "boat can ship, also can overturn." The trans-education of this kind of society also makes the eight regulations of the central government implement smoothly. Today's China, all official activities simple, bus, public money consumption has become the past, the wind of the invitation to curb, the government's just, clean image is being set up, the social atmosphere tends to improve, people's trust in the government increasingly enhanced.

Social Trans-education, with the impressive deeds to carry forward the great love. "Chen Yuhung mother" to cut the liver to save the son, walk 10 kilometers every day, persisted for seven months, shoes broke four pairs, the calluses on the feet long on the scraping, scraping and long, deep maternal affection touched countless people; China's 79-year-old "steamed bread Grandpa" Tang Ziliang in order to give his wife treatment, three meals a day with boiling water steamed bread, noon dozen porridge, It's a luxury for him. "Steamed bread Grandpa" to his wife's husband and wife's love was sent to the Internet, for a time in the mainland of the major forums, micro-bo, micro-letter circle of Friends crazy forwarding, netizens have to point praise, and try to warm the heart of the elderly to give their love; one of the most beautiful teachers of the Times-Wuhan Blind children school teacher Zhang Long, 18 years after teaching the initiative to transfer to the blind school, and the formation of Wuhan's first blind children art troupe, led them to compete, win the prize, looking for self-confidence. She is blind children in the life of the flashing light, with selfless teacher love lit their life direction. These ordinary people's stories, the intention to explain the meaning of love, moved and educated people, so that the positive energy of love to spread praise, but also ignited the hope of the whole society.

Social education, is a kind of trans-education, it is not as direct as the education of parents, teachers, but through social phenomena or a vivid case of the human heart, thought-provoking, awakening, influence and change our thinking and action, make our society become more and more beautiful.



Essay代写:Evaluation of higher education in Europe and America

2018-01-02 16:41:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Evaluation of higher education in Europe and America,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧美高等教育元评价。欧美高等教育评价中都引入了元评价机制,通过对质量认证机构资质的认定与能力的评估,在一定高度从源头上整体把握全域范围内评价活动的性质、目标与活动规则等,从而确保了认证机构评价活动的专业权威性与科学合理性。很显然,缺少元评价,整个评价就会陷入无序、低效、失信的状态,也就无法实现保障并提升高等教育质量这一目标。

Both Europe and the United States have introduced the meta-evaluation mechanism while implementing the quality certification of higher education. Based on the present situation of the evaluation of higher education in Europe and America, this paper analyzes the evaluation standard of higher education in Europe and America, and puts forward the Enlightenment significance of the evaluation mechanism.

In many countries in Europe and America, higher education accreditation institutions play an important role in ensuring and improving the quality of higher education. At the same time, the accreditation bodies themselves have to undergo qualification reviews and competency assessments, and only the institutions that have passed the review and appraisal have the appropriate legal status and assessment qualifications, which is known as the Meta Review. This paper attempts to analyze the evaluation of higher education in Europe and the United States, in order to obtain the reference.

The Bologna process was fully launched in 1999, when 29 European countries met in Bologna, Italy, and adopted the Bologna declaration. An important goal in the process is to ensure the quality of European higher education and to establish a unified European system of higher education. To achieve this goal, in 2000, the European Higher Education Quality Assurance Network was established and renamed the European Association for the Quality assurance of higher education. The role of ENQA is to promote the exchange of information and experience in quality assurance, to develop quality assurance standards, procedures and principles, to provide advice, to facilitate quality assurance activities, and to promote quality assurance and certification bodies to implement peer evaluations. The main goal of ENQA is to maintain and enhance the higher quality of higher education in Europe and to serve as a driving force for the development of quality assurance mechanism. ENQA adoption of membership system, must undergo ENQA assessment, only in accordance with the prescribed standards or to carry out certification activities in accordance with the standards of the Organization to have membership, this standard is the European Higher Education Quality assurance standards and principles. Thus, the European Association for the Quality of higher education, ENQA, is the higher education meta-evaluation institution, which evaluates the European countries ' quality assurance institutions, and becomes its member through the evaluation institution, and is qualified to carry out quality certification activities in colleges and universities.

In the United States, the evaluation of higher education quality revolves around two aspects, namely recognition and accreditation, the former means that the United States Department of Education and the Higher Educational Accreditation Board review the accreditation of relevant institutions or organizations, The latter refers to the accreditation of institutions or organizations to the higher education or project quality evaluation. These two levels of evaluation constitute the American higher Education Quality assurance and Quality improvement evaluation system. Among them, the United States Department of Education and the Higher Education Accreditation Committee to the accreditation body qualification "cognizance", that is, the yuan evaluation, the Ministry of Education and the Certification Committee is the yuan evaluation agency. The United States Department of Education is official, and its activities are funded mainly by Congress to the Ministry of Education budget allocation, it is determined to ensure that the certification body to provide the institutions and programs to receive federal funding for a strong basis. The Accreditation Committee for Higher Education is unofficial, financed by annual fees paid by its members, whose purpose is to ensure that certification bodies can effectively promote the academic quality of institutions and projects.

There are differences in the criteria for the purpose, the former concerns the accreditation body in certain areas to maintain a certain standard, including student performance, curriculum, teachers, facilities, student services, funds and management capabilities, and the latter concerned about the certification body in improving academic quality, display responsibility, encourage self-improvement and improvement, decision-making procedures, Review and resources to meet certain requirements. The Ministry of Education and the certification board in the process of identification are followed by the same identification procedures, that is, the establishment of standards, certification bodies self-assessment, field visits and reports, accreditation and regular review. Review period the Ministry of Education is usually five years, the Certification board at least 10 years, of which in the third year and the end of the sixth year require the certification body to submit a report, according to the content of the report if necessary to review.

European Higher Education Quality assurance standards and principles were developed in 2005 with the joint efforts of ENQA and the European University Committee, which set out three sets of standards and principles for quality assurance, external quality assurance and quality assurance in European higher education institutions. Only to reach the third set of standards of institutions can become quality certification bodies, quality certification bodies in accordance with the first two sets of standards for the higher education institutions to carry out certification activities. The third set of standards is the evaluation

In the American Higher Education Quality evaluation system, the Higher Education Accreditation Committee plays an important role in ensuring and improving the quality of higher education, and the following shows the meta evaluation Standard of the accreditation body.

The evaluation of higher education in Europe and America has a certain history and is more mature, and there are many useful references.

In the evaluation of higher education in Europe and America, the meta evaluation Mechanism is introduced through the evaluation of qualification and capability of quality certification bodies, we can grasp the nature, objectives and rules of activities of evaluation activities in a certain height from the source, so as to ensure the professional authority and scientific rationality of the evaluation activities of certification bodies. Obviously, the lack of meta evaluation, the whole evaluation will fall into a disorderly, inefficient, dishonest state, and can not achieve the guarantee and improve the quality of higher education this goal. Therefore, it is very necessary to introduce the meta-evaluation mechanism in the quality evaluation of higher education in China. The introduction of the meta-evaluation mechanism, first of all, to determine the main body of the subject, and the laws and regulations to clarify the nature and composition of the main body, responsibility and power, objectives and procedures, to provide protection for the development of evaluation activities. Second, the introduction of incentive and competition mechanism, encourage social groups, associations alone or with universities, research institutions and other cooperation in accordance with the requirements of the active formation of quality evaluation agencies, and provide incentive policy support, and strive to form a competitive market for the fittest, to ensure that the evaluation agencies constantly improve their quality and evaluation capacity Again, the introduction of dynamic mechanism, which is mainly aimed at colleges and universities, only through the evaluation of colleges and universities can recruit students, to get parents, students and employers trust, in order to get government support, only a higher level of evaluation of colleges and universities can get more and better people, wealth, things and other resources. Therefore, colleges and universities must actively participate in the evaluation of evaluation institutions, and strive to improve the level and quality of education. Only when colleges and universities actively accept the evaluation of evaluation institutions, the role of meta evaluation can be fully exerted. Finally, it is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable evaluation standard, open and transparent procedure and fair and objective operating rules, which is the soul of meta evaluation, which directly determines the validity and credibility of meta evaluation.

It is very important to develop a scientific and reasonable evaluation standard, which stipulates the attributes and conditions of the evaluation institution and the concept, criterion and strategy of carrying out the evaluation activities. Judging from the evaluation standard of higher education in Europe and America, the following two aspects are worthy of our reference.

Judging from the field of evaluation, it is necessary to pay attention to the target orientation, independence and resource preparation of the evaluation institution, and to pay attention to the standards, procedures and principles adopted in the evaluation activities. Specifically, the static evaluation organization must define its own goal and mission, understand its own value to the university and its influence, and the evaluation institution should maintain its independence in the relationship with the government, university and the public, and be independent of the influence of the stakeholders. Evaluation agencies must have the resources to meet their operational needs, particularly human and financial resources, in order to achieve its objectives and mission. On the other hand, the evaluation activities of evaluation institutions should ensure openness, impartiality and scientific rationality.

The whole process of evaluation in colleges and universities, including the activities of each link and the evaluation results, should be open and transparent, the evaluation of each university should be fair and objective, with the way of complaint and consultation, the evaluation institution should make scientific and reasonable evaluation procedure and strictly follow this procedure. On the other hand, the evaluation standards of evaluation institutions should pay attention to the quality of institutions, their own responsibilities and the self-improvement of colleges and universities. The evaluation standards of the European and American countries require the certification body to pay attention to the quality performance of each university or project.

Such as goal achievement degree, Student's academic achievement and so on; Throughout the evaluation process, the evaluation body should fully demonstrate its responsibilities, such as making decisions on behalf of the public and responding to public concerns, and the evaluation institutions should pay attention to self-evaluation within institutions, Promote institutions to form a good self-improvement mechanism.

Judging from the composition of the evaluation standards, the European and American Evaluation standards reflect the following characteristics. One is to grasp the key "point" at a certain altitude. The evaluation agencies and their activities in the overall grasp of the few and most critical areas, such as mission, responsibility, resources, independence and so on, and from the "point" to list the rules to form a "face", so "point" and "face" combined. Second, pay attention to the quality of the prescriptive, for the specific behavior to leave room for innovation. Two standard systems in Europe and the United States do not have the quantity to the evaluation organization to make the request, instead, the quality of the evaluation institutions and their conduct is regulated, as in the "activities" of the European standard, only the "QA agencies shall engage in external quality assurance activities in accordance with the prescribed principles", as in the "sufficient resources" of the United States standard Requires that "the certification body has sufficient financial, human and operational resources to perform its certification function effectively", there are no specific provisions on what principles should be adhered to, or how to be considered "adequate", how to "effectively" use resources, etc., which are left to the evaluation body to "fill" with evidence; Can fully inspire the innovation of the evaluation organization. Third, the evaluation standard dynamic and static combination. In the European and American Two index system, there are static index, dynamic index, static index concern mechanism's attribute and its composition, dynamic index pointing mechanism's operation and practice, dynamic and static combination, organic unification.

In a word, meta-evaluation is an inevitable product of the development of educational evaluation theory and an important sign of the maturity of educational evaluation. The characteristics of the evaluation and evaluation standards of higher education in Europe and America provide a useful reference for the development of China's higher education meta evaluation.

