

Assignment代写:Color art in Visual communication design

2018-01-23 15:41:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Color art in Visual communication design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了视觉传达设计中的色彩艺术。在现在视觉设计中,艺术家和设计师在对视觉传达设计研究的同时,也离不开对色彩的研究。他们研究的目的就是为了给人们提供美的享受,满足人们对设计美的需求,在这样的背景下,色彩艺术在设计中的重要作用不容忽视,因此设计师应如何运用人们对色彩的理解来传达视觉设计,引起受众心里的共鸣成为一个新的热点。

In the present visual design, artists and designers in the visual communication design research, but also inseparable from the study of color. The purpose of their research is to provide people with the enjoyment of beauty, to meet people's demand for design beauty, in such a background, color art in the design of the important role can not be ignored, so designers should be how to use people's understanding of color to convey visual design, the hearts of the audience to become a new hotspot.

Color can express feelings, and unconsciously about our emotions and actions. Art theorist Johannes Iton in color art, "the optics, electromagnetism and combination that begin in the eyes and in the mind are often the same mentality?" The role of the W field parallels. So color can directly affect people's psychology and emotions.

Some researchers analyzed the color heart image, and found that the bright color was closely related to the dynamic, happy and excited mood, while the simple color was closely related to the quiet, restraining and static emotion.​

Each person has a variety of associations with color, with color thinking about other things associated with it, and creating new ideas and emotional changes. Color Association consists of two parts, specific association and Abstract Association.

By the color of seeing the specific things, called Specific association. If see red, Lenovo to the sun, flames, flowers, red flag, blood, etc.: see Black, Lenovo to coal, night, night, suit and so on.

The color of the view is associated with some kind of abstract concept, called Abstract Association. If you see red, Lenovo to enthusiasm, danger, childish and so on, see black, Lenovo to coal, night, death, sadness and so on.

With the rapid development of the economy, people's life rhythm is also greatly accelerated, the social various trades and industries also rapid development, so that modern man can reach a large number of corporate signs every day. This requires the logo to have a high degree of discerning, and color is in the forefront of marketing contact, attract the public the most important factor, so we should pay attention to color in the logo design application.

In the modern world of goods, the magic power of the symbol color we can feel everywhere. Psychological research shows that when people look at objects, the first few seconds of color feeling accounted for 80%, and the new feeling only accounted for 20%, after two minutes, the body feeling accounted for 40%, color sense occupy 60%, five minutes after each half, and this state will continue to maintain, Therefore, the visual effect of strong design can arouse public concern, such as McDonald's logo is made up of red and yellow, uppercase letters like a golden arches, giving a cheerful, lively feeling, played a better publicity role.

Logo Color design requirements, first of all, to be simple and powerful, can give people a strong impression. Second, to conform to the brand or the industry characteristics of the enterprise. Finally, it is helpful to extend the application of visual recognition. The color configuration of the logo should focus on the relationship between various hue lightness and purity, and study the feelings and preferences of different people in contrast to the same color. Logo color is best to use a color to unify the graphics, otherwise it will give a messy, difficult to identify the feeling, so that the logo can not play a good publicity role.

The color connotation of logo design has a strong ideological and transcendental nature, and the quality of color use directly determines the success of our design. Therefore, we need a reasonable color of the configuration, and finally to the logo design to a due height.

The configuration of logo design generally has three basic methods: first, the primary colors with the color of pure, warm, colorful, artistic effect and dissemination of good results; the other is the same color matching, that is, only one color, using the color brightness change method, form the transition color vision, can express the dynamic sense Third, complementary color matching with this colour configuration, contrast sharp, the figure is particularly eye-catching, give a strong visual impact effect.

In the development of market economy, a variety of goods dazzling, difficult to choose. Even the same kind of goods are countless different brands, specifications, it is difficult to make a decisive decision. In this case, in the selection process to play a decisive factor is often the color effect of commodity packaging. Therefore, to highlight the character of the commodity, we must strengthen the image impact by the unique packaging color.

The color design of packaging to match the attributes of the commodity, in the process of design should enable consumers to associate the characteristics of goods, performance. In other words, no matter what color, should be in line with the content of the commodity prevail. When the customer sees the color on the package, it can associate the goods in the package, such as orange, red wine and so on. Coca-Cola is its bright red packaging, giving people a strong visual design, stimulating the consumer's desire to buy, opened the market in the world.

In the color collocation, how to embody the color characteristics of the product is very important. In the design of packaging, to avoid the packaging on the use of too much color, colourful colorful may not let people like, sometimes let people have a sense of dazzling, appropriate use of simple colors, in order to maximize the potential of color.

From the color performance of the character, red, is warm, impulsive color, is a powerful color. Orange, softer than red, but also a feeling of excitement, stimulation. Yellow, the most easily absorbed color in the spectrum, is a radiant color. Green, known as the "Physical balance", is a symbol of the power of life and of nature. Blue, is calm, lofty colors. Purple, noble and charming, exquisite and splendid. White is a symbol of purity and innocence. Black, symbolizing fear, despair. Gray, is between black and white color, stable, elegant, harmonious. Master the color properties, you can be more confident in the application of the packaging design of goods, so that customers more determined choice. The following figure is a picture of the application of color in packaging.

Packaging Color design is the competitive edge of enterprise products competition, therefore, in our design process, the use of packaging standardization, innovative design to meet the psychological needs of the vast number of consumers, so that enterprises in the fierce market competition with more consumer groups.

Today's world of new technologies, new technology, new theory every day in a large number of emerging, which for the visual communication design provides more space for development, but also changes in human life style and aesthetic concept, and color is the most intuitive factors affecting the design effect, which requires us to dare to explore, the courage to pursue new color performance, will have a higher aesthetic and strong sense of design, so as to create a better design.


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2018-01-23 15:31:04 | 日記
















英国paper代写-The development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society

2018-01-23 15:30:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳大利亚社会医疗保健的发展。澳大利亚医疗体系的发展受到诸多因素的影响,其中包括历史、政治、文化和技术原因。随着经济和科学的发展,许多发明和技术以各种方式改变了奥尔利亚人民的生活,包括特别是医疗领域。澳大利亚在改善公民医疗体系方面一直备受关注,在卫生保健领域的全国范围内,许多发明和技术已被应用于医疗保健,以增加公民的生活条件和改善澳大利亚人的生活质量。

1. Introduction

Many factors have influenced the development of Australia healthcare system, including historical reasons, power and politics reasons, cultural reasons and technology reasons, among which the most important factors are likely to be the history and the future of Australia healthcare industry. As for the history, historical factors are discussed, while as for the future, the technology factors are selected. The essay is to discuss two key influences that have played an important role in the development of Australia healthcare system—the historical factor and technological factor. Firstly, the historical factors in the shaping of Australia health care system have been discussed. Secondly, technological factors that have made a difference in the development of Australian healthcare system are discussed, with more detailed discussions on two representative technologies—gene technology and new diagnostics and treatment—are conducted. At last, conclusions are made with respect to the influences of historical aspects and technological aspects.

2. Historical influences on the development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society

2.1 An introduction about Australian’s healthcare system

According to Ostafin and Kassman (2012),the best way to develop a bright future is to carefully examine its history, learn successful experience from good actions and learn lesson from historical failure. The development of nursing history has began since 18-19 centuries when Australia and New Zealand were still colonies of British. Because of people’s emphasis on the needs for healthcare, the institutional healthcare was established in 1840s, where the nurses’ job involved simple practices of cleaning and ventilation. With the development of healthcare system, it was nurses’ duty to do bedside attendance and domestic work. Because of the lack of standard and professional trainings, many accidents have been caused by working nurses. Thus a nursing reform happened to redefine the job of nursing and set industry standard for the whole industry. Many benefits were brought from nursing reform, including the establishment of nursing training system, the segregation of duties for the career as a nurse and the carrying out of nurses’ code of conduct, all of which have set a solid fundamental on future development of nursing industry.

2.2 The historical influence on nursing

2.2.1 Voluntary regulation

The introduction of voluntary regulation in nursing industry in Australia followed the examples of British. Without a legislation system established in Australia, the voluntary regulation set standards for nurses and did all the jobs that should have been covered by legislation. In order to better regulate nursing behaviours all of Australia, a Victoria Nurses Association was formed in 1890s, being the first association for Australian nurses.

2.2.2 Statutory regulation

Statutory regulation followed the voluntary regulation and was established in 1901 in New Zealand. Despite more complicated situations in Australia, the first statutory regulation was passed in 1901, setting the conducting code for nursing practising in Australia from a legislative level.

2.3 Recommendation for the future

With the insights provide by history, future development of Australia’s healthcare system is likely to be bright. The history of existence of nursing’ role in war is likely to expand to the future. Besides, the industry of nursing has been influenced by many other factors, causing an instable supply of nurses in the history, which is likely to happen in the future as well. Thus the constant cultivation and training for professional nurses in Australia should always been an important topic in the building of healthcare system. According to the history of nursing in Australia, a change of responsibility of nurses from cleaning to professional assistance and attendance has been revealed, as well as the working environment change from home to professional hospital. However, according to Sawyer et al (2013),the needs for home nurses have increased dramatically in recent years, along with the increasing living quality of Australian residents. Therefore, special trainings for both modern hospital and home care should be conducted, in order to satisfy the needs of the market.

3. Technological influences on the development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society

3.1 An introduction to emerging of technologies in the field of Australian healthcare industry

Along with the economic development and scientific development, many inventions and technologies have changed human’s life in various ways dramatically (Oliphant, 2015), including the field of healthcare. Being a developed country with one of the highest GDP in the world, Australia always pays a lot of attention on the improvement of citizen’s healthcare system (Rogowski, 2012). With a nationwide appreciation in the field of health care, many inventions and technologies have been applied in healthcare to increase citizens’ living conditions and improving Australians’ living quality.

According to Scott (2015), there have been many new technologies applied in the field of healthcare in Australia, among which the application of gene technology and new diagnostics and treatment bring most benefits.

3.2 Genetic and genomics technology

Researches on genetic and genomics technology have been conducted since the discovery of DNA’s double-helixed structure. Various applications of the genetic and genomics technology have been invented in both real world and human’s imaginary world. In the field of healthcare, the technology of genetic and genomics has already been realized and applied in the prevention detection and genetic diseases treatment (Higgins et al, 2015) Because of its mysterious structure and power, the application of genetic and genomics technology in human healthcare has always been controversial with both advantages and disadvantages.

As for the advantageous part of genetic treatment, many diseases which are likely to be mainly influenced by genetics, like diabetes and breast cancer, can be detected even before the appearance of symptoms (Prajapati, Solanki & Sen, 2014) Besides, the technology of genetic and geometrics could be used to screen the possibilities for cancer only by a simple blood test, which could save the lives of cancer patients who die mostly because of their unawareness in early curable stages. With the help of genetic and geometrics technology, the examination for cancer by a simple blood test could be easily add to general physical examination. Despite there are many advantageous sides of genetics and geometrics technology, the application of gene technology is also clouded because of people’s limited recognition of the full picture of gene science.

Despite the fact that there are some doubts and opposed opinions about the application of gene technology, the application of gene technology has been widely spread in Australia. Many cases with the application of gene technology have been fully cured. However, there are still some challenges faced the application of gene technology in Australia. For example, the knowledge nurses about gene technology is not so adequate that makes them hard to explain and even recommend it to their patients, which limited the spread and application of gene technology.

Better researches should been done in the field of gene technology. And more training should be conducted, both on professional knowledge of gene technology and operational practices on gene treatment, in order to better apply gene technology in Australian’s healthcare.

3.3 New diagnostics and treatment

Many new diagnostics and treatment have been invented, developed and applied in clinic medicine. Among all the innovations, the technology of less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment is one of the most useful technologies. The application of non-invasive and minimally invasive tools is quite wide in medical practice because its higher accurateness, less pain, lower cost and higher efficiency for the diagnostics of patients. Despite the benefits brought by new diagnostics and treatment in Australia healthcare, the wide application of this technology is not easy, considering its high requirements for professionalism and competency by nurses. Therefore, to better promote the application of new diagnostics and treatment, frequent professional training should be conducted.

4. Conclusions

In conclusion, both historical and technological factors have had big influences in the shaping of Australia healthcare system. As for the historical factors, the history of nursing industry has shaped current nursing industry and healthcare system. Besides, insights for future development of nursing and healthcare system are likely to be concluded according to former history. As for technologies factors, gene technology and the development of new diagnostics and treatment have made a difference in many aspects of Australia healthcare. Despite the benefits brought by both technologies, there are some challenges in the application process as well. To better take advantage of technologies factors, more trainings should be conducted for nurses in both professional knowledge and operational practices. Therefore, influenced and promoted by both technological and historical factors, Australia’s healthcare system is likely to develop toward a brighter future.

5. References

Higgins, T., Crosson, J., Peikes, D., Mcnellis, R., Genevro, J. (2015). Using health information technology to support quality improvement in primary care. Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 34(1), 58.

Oliphant, B. (2015) Business Model and Technological Innovation. International Journal of Computerized Density, 5(4), 239-41.

Ostafin, B.D., & Kassman, K.T. (2012). Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving. Consciousness & Cognition, 21(2), 1031-1036.

Prajapati, P.M., Solanki, A.S., & Sen, D.J. (2014). Gene technology: A new way to treat cancer. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(6), 45.

Rogowski, W. (2012). Current impact of gene technology on healthcare: A map of economic assessments. Health Policy, 80(2), 340.

Sawyer, M.G., Barnes, J., Frost, L., Jeffs, D., & Bowering, K. (2013). Nurse perceptions of family home-visiting programmes in Australia and England. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 49(5), 369.

Scott, A.M. (2015). Health technology assessment in Australia: A role for clinical registries. Australian Health Review, 41, 23.



英国essay代写-Reflection Essay

2018-01-23 15:28:49 | 日記
本篇essay代写- Reflection Essay讲述了作者学会写作论文的经历。在上这门课程之前,作者根本不知道怎么写作完整的论文。然而,在上完这门课之后,作者对作家和研究人员有了深刻的了解,并且知道如何写好论文。现在,作者清楚了自己在这方面的优势和劣势,并在未来制定了自己的写作目标。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家从参考阅读。

Upon the end of this semester, I think I should make a thorough reflection on the knowledge that I have learned, the projects that I have taken part in, and the performance and the efforts that I have made, in order to further upgrade myself in the writing skills and researching ability.

In retrospect, before I took this course, I did not know how to write a complete thesis. In my mind, I had thought it was quite a difficult thing to write a long thesis and had no idea on how to carry out deep research on a certain topic. However, after I took this course, I developed a deep understanding on the qualities of a writer and a researcher, and how to write a good thesis. Now, I am well aware of my strengths and weakness in this aspect and have set my writing goals in the future.

Generally speaking, an ordinary thesis includes a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, presenting the various sections(introduction, literature review, findings, etc.), and a references section. They differ in their structure according to the many different fields of study. Specifically, an academic thesis normally report on or analyze a certain topic or study. It normally comprises the explanation of the purpose, the previous research outcomes related on the topic of the study, the methods adopted and the findings of the field. From the course, I knew the normal charter format used by most people is as following : a) an introduction, including the research topic, the methodology, and its scope and significance; b) a paper review, comprising relevant research literature; c) a methodology section, making explanations on how the paper has been designed and why the research methods have been chosen; d) a findings section, indicating the findings of the research; e) an analysis and discussion section; f) a conclusion, presenting an unresolved problem or knowledge in the supposed area that needs to be explored. Most importantly, the thesis topic should be unique since it should add something new to the existing literature. These theories are easy to understand, however, when I tried to write a paper on my own, I actually found it very hard. In this assignment, I will submit three essays that I wrote. They are Genetically Modified Organisms should be Used in Our Life, What are the Negative Effects of Long Distance Relationships? A Discussion of Depression And Its Solution. They are in representative of three kinds of thesis style: the persuasive essay, the caused-effect essay and the problem-solution essay. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the course, I actually did not know the difference among them. For example, when I wrote the third essay, I made a mistake and merely dig up answers which already exist in other paper. Thanks to the guidance of the teacher, I finally understood how to write a problem-solution essay and constantly made revision on the essay according to teacher’s advice. During the process of paper revision, I understood that to complete an excellent paper, reviewing a paper for many times is a normal thing and constantly amending essays after writing them has become one of my writing habits.

Besides, when I began the thesis or the revision, I was used to attempting to write everything polished. However, gradually, I found that it is more effective to try to get my thoughts down on paper. In my opinion, once that’s finished, the rest will become much more easily.

Theoretically, I have grasped most of basic knowledge on how to write a thesis, however, to produce an excellent one is not a easy thing. Through a large amount of practice, I have developed my own insights into the main steps of it. In my eye, getting started is certainly tough, but the first step to write a good thesis statement is to begin with the purpose and audience. Namely, what purpose I want to obtain? What to describe or explain? What viewpoint I want to adopt? In other words, what am I analyzing, explaining or what am I claiming? What are the evidence I have to support my assertion? What did I find out in my analysis? How can I categorize my discoveries or organize my explanations? In what order should I show my discoveries, and the different parts of my explanations and reasons? Through asking myself these questions in the process of writing essays, I become increasingly skillful in handling them and now I can complete different kinds of thesis on my own, such as the persuasive essay, the caused-effect essay and the problem-solution essay. This is one of my strengths and I think my diligence and seriousness in study account for my success. However, I reckon the evidences in my essays are not sufficient and I should improve my skills in searching for information in order to effectively use outside sources.

The more I make research, the more I like researching. The three essays that I wrote got me pondered over the social issues and led me to come up with solution to these problems in the paper. They gave me the sense of achievement. For example, the research on genetically modified organisms should be beneficial for the scientific development; the research on negative effects of long distance relationships should enlighten us in handling relationship; the research on depression and its solution should be helpful for the patients. Finally, I have made up my mind to continuously devote my time and energy to the research filed and write more valuable papers so as to make contribution to the society.


essay代写-The class ESL

2018-01-23 15:11:49 | 日記
本篇essay代写- The class ESL 111讲述了作者在ESL课程中学习英语的情况。在上ESL课程之前,作者几乎失去了对英语的兴趣和信心,因为英语是作者的第二语言,经常会对一些英语问题感到困惑。但学习了ESL课程之后,作者在写作、口语和阅读方面都有了很大的进步,最后对英语重拾信心。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家从参考阅读。

I used to be an average student in English before taking the class ESL 111. At that time, I thought it was a little difficult for me to have a good command of English, a second language in reality. Being confused about a number of English questions, I had experienced some time during which I nearly lost my interest and confidence in English.

It is this course that gradually helps me to obtain my interest and confidence in learning English again. Nowadays, I have clearly realized the importance of learning English, which can be widely used to communicate with others in life. I have strengthened my English skills in writing, speaking and reading. When talking about the most beneficial aspects, I think the group discussion is the most influential one. As far as I am concerned, group discussion is a great challenge for me. At first, I often felt uneasy or even nervous when having group discussions with my classmates. Most of my group members are able to express themselves freely and happily. In contrast, I have some worries about expressing my opinions. Will they agree to my opinions? What if they have contradictory ideas to me? What should I do if I give a misleading suggestion? Gradually, I feel adapted to discussing the given topics in groups. We can not only share our own opinions, but also can work together to figure out the proper answer to the topics. Nowadays, I can even give my presentation by myself, freely and fluently.

However, I still have some personal confusing problems about learning English. For instance, the most difficult one for me is to compare the two articles. When making comparisons I just find it hard to find the corresponding points which can be used for further analysis. Maybe I should find more articles for practice.

I appreciate the instructor’s efforts and engagement during this course. I have gained a lot due to the instructor’s full preparation, proper course arrangement and rational instructions. Personally, if we can have more communication opportunities, I think we will have a perfect course effect. Interaction activities can help us to learn more about each other, thus the course content can be more adaptive to our demands. Besides, limited by the course span, I think I still need more necessary exercise work after class. Some practical skills can only be sharpened and improved if there are enough practice work.

I feel lucky and pleased to have this course. As has been stated, this course helps me to gain my interest and confidence in learning English once again. I used to take learning English as a difficult and boring thing. But this course helps me to realize learning English can also be an interesting and meaningful thing. I am able to take advantage of the practical skills of English and I am especially good at speaking at the moment. I believe that the learning experience in this course will be useful for me if I meet similar learning problems in the following terms.
