


2018-01-11 15:33:20 | 日記


1.Cover Page,也就是Dissertation封面设计。对于封面要求一般都是一样,要包含论文题目、作者和论文的一些基本信息。




5.List of Figures,即图片目录,这个目录中要有所有在论文中出现的图片标题,切记只要标题。

6.List of Tables,即表格目录。



9.Background 或者 Literature Review,题目只要涉及这些方面即可,一般是这两个。

10.Proposed Method,即正文。

11.Analytical and Test Results,即分析和测试结果,其主要内容是你论文的测试结果。


13.Conclusion and Future Work,即结论。




1. Title Page (论文标题页)




3. Acknowledgements (致谢)


4. 论文写作提纲

拟写论文提纲也是论文写作过程中的重要一步,可以说从此进入正式的写作阶段。首先,要对学术论文的基本型(常用格式)有一概括了解,并根据自己掌握的资料考虑论文的构成形式。一篇论文也就是研究的准备,应该从选题入手,这个必须先和导师商量好,以便可以及时和导师沟通。这里,在research method上面,不断重复的一句话就是start early,也就是说,别看几个月的时间,一晃就过,一定要定计划,尽早准备。题目选好以后,先进行背景资料的阅读,以及一些相关的资料,一般来说,当题目确定以后,你的研究方向也确定了,那么这个时候,就需要开始提出最初的设想,也就是你打算怎么解决这个问题。

5. Introduction (概述/介绍部分)


6. Literature Review (文献综述)


7. Methodology (方法论,研究方法)

勾勒出你的研究设计方案以及使用该类型研究的理由,通常是定性Qualitative Research Method或定量Quantitative Research Method研究。同时,需要分析所选择的研究方法的优缺点,并解释为什么这些方法适合您的研究方法,数据收集和数据分析方法. 当然,这部分不是固定的。要根据你毕业论文的特别的topic有所不同.

8. Results / Findings (论文调查结果)


9. Discussion (批判讨论部分)

批判性的评价你得调查结果; 调查结果是否显示了你的问题; 是否有意外的其他发现; 评估使用方法的适用性,可靠性,有效性,并追溯至你的文献综述部分.

10. Conclusion (结论章节)

500字左右,概要的总结一下论文。注意:在结论里面,可以提一些“我建议以后的research应该超什么方向发展”,但是不要提出新的,在你文章没有讨论的观点。从你的整个论文中, 描绘出真实的结论,可以从下面几个问题得到启发: 什么是最显著的发现? Finding有什么影响和意义? 研究的过程中是否有局限性? 对进一步调查的建议或者对于现有程序改变的建议?这部分是把你的论点予以令人信服的结论,你的Topic里最初提出的问题, 在这部分应该清晰的表述和证明你的结论并显示你的推理阶段是如何衔接的。

11. Bibliography and References (文献目录和参考文献列表)

Reference的来源列表,你要审核你的整个Reference list是否是具体学术性, 时效性, 数量是否符号你的论文字数,除了Reference的真实性,完整性,你还需要注意学校规定的Reference格式是否正确。你文章里面用到的任何资料,都要在这里面备注,这是国外和国内最大不同的地方,请一定注意。

12. Appendices (附录, 附件)

首先这部分应该包括你的毕业论文中所有使用的材料和数据,都必须包含在附录中. 例如你用来收集的证据,你的研究项目,比如问卷,调查,信件,说明材料,数据统计和你所有的调查表等。把你认为有用的东西,适当的放在这里面,可以增加论文厚度。有些论文有很详细的要求,比如需要你把Interview的Transcript放到这里面,你就要按照要求去做。





2018-01-11 15:33:04 | 日記


英文论文一般来说主要是由九大部分构成,即Abstract摘要、Introduction简介、 Literature review文献综述、 Method方法论、 Data数据资料、Results结果、Discussion讨论、Conclusion结论、References参考文献。不同部分其侧重内容及写作要点均不相同,第二部分我们就来大致的分析下各部分的主要内容。


1.Abstract 摘要。摘要部分通常需要包含五大因素,即Introduction、Method、Data、Results、Implication。也就是说在写摘要部分时需要用几句简短的话对这五大因素进行高度的概括。也就是开展本次研究的理由、所选用的研究方法是什么,是用什么样的数据来验证你的方法、从研究中得出什么结论、得出的结论对研究领域和实践有什么意义等。

2.Introduction 简介。该部分通常由Research background、Research problem、研究现状、现存的研究有什么问题与不足、本研究的目标与研究范围等组成。也就是说,在写作期间该部分的重点就是分析该研究的重要性,阐述已有研究情况即不足,并对自己的研究目标及研究范围进行分析。

3.Literature review 文献综述。该部分写作的主要目的在于证明与说明两件事,即研究目标的设定是有意义的、你在本研究中采用的方法是可靠的、有效的。

4. Method 方法论。该部分主要是对方法的描述,主要包含研究策略、数据采集的方法、数据的分析方法三部分内容。

5. Data 数据资料。主要围绕data,对你所收集的数据做一个简要的描述,描述所收集的数据的特点。如从哪个机构得到一个数据,有什么样的特征、变量的期望值、方差、中位数、最大与最小值等。

6.Results 结果。运用所采用的数据分析方法(即模型的建立、模型校验(模型计算)、模型推断(在算的过程中所推断出的一些结果)、模型评价与对比)得到的模型分析结果。应该着重对所得出的重要结果进行描述,不需要对所有的结果进行描述。

7.Discussion 讨论。即针对所得出的结果做横向或者纵向的对比和讨论。该部分一定要与Results 结果部分区分开来,Results强调清楚地陈述研究结果,受制于数据分析方法的框架制约,而Discussion强调把结果打乱,提出最值得讨论和有意义的结果。

8.Conclusion 结论。该部分主要包含研究过程、Implication、Limitation、Future study几部分的内容。主要是对研究过程及研究结果进行分析,并阐明研究结果的局限性等,并提出对本文结论的implication的认识)所提出的后续研究课题。

9.References 参考文献。即写论文构成中所参考引用的资料,参考文献的排列顺序一定要和文中引用内容一致。


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Paper代写:The art design of machine modelling

2018-01-11 15:32:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The art design of machine modelling,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了机器造型的艺术设计。机器造型的艺术设计是既相对独立又系统的综合性设计,它与工程技术结构设计和工艺美术造型设计都有着紧密联系。为了满足人们的审美需求,美学在机器造型的艺术设计中需要考量形体的布局、各种美学的原则、色彩的搭配以及表面装饰等多个方面的因素。所以说美学不但担负着精神功能的追求,更着眼于实用价值。

Machine plastic design refers to all the mechanical and electrical products beautification means, the research object includes all kinds of production equipment, CNC machine tools, working machines and so on. The artistic study of machine modeling can improve the development of science and technology and productivity, optimize the grade of machine products and market potential, and improve economic efficiency. Therefore, the art design of machine modelling, has very realistic significance.

From the beginning of design, designers should be clear, this is what the machine, what function. In carrying out the design process, should satisfy its function as the premise, no matter in which design link, all runs through among them.

Machine product appearance is huge, the structure is complex, the procedure is cumbersome, the technical performance request is high, causes the renewal cycle to be long, to the user lacks the human machine consideration, regardless of the operator height fat thin, all is using the same machine. In this way, machine design is lagging behind, designers are less involved in the industry of machine design. Therefore, the level of machine design in our country is in a comparatively backward state in the world at present.

function, material technology and aesthetics are the three important elements of creative activities in machine modelling design.

The fundamental purpose of machine production is to meet the needs of human material and spirit, so as to achieve its purpose, namely function. Like a car, its material function is transportation, travel, spiritual function is able to meet the joy of driving and bring spiritual enjoyment. The same is true of machine products, which meet the basic production needs and production instructions while also bringing psychological pleasure to users. For example, the machine in the functional design for different work accuracy of the distinction between the design of the machine itself, the stability, reliability and the extension of service life; the pleasant nature of the machine, people in the use of the machine when the operation of the product safety, comfort, etc., can be reflected in the functional design. Our design tenet is, all the plastic arts, will serve the function.

The function of machine product is realized on the basis of material technology, which is embodied in the achievements of scientific research, material technology, structure and economy. With the development of technology and production technology, new design principles, materials and new technologies and structures have been popularized and applied better in machine product design. New achievements in science and technology affect the artistic design of machine products. For example, the development and micro-processing of electronic technology, make today's product volume smaller, new touch-screen technology is used in a variety of product design, the previous appearance in mobile phones and tablets on the multi-touch screen technology, now widely used in machine display design. and materials, shouldering the function, perfect structure of the important task, is the form of material existence of machine products. Different materials have different properties, different materials can form different structure, appearance and surface texture. For example, tempered glass, stainless steel brushed surface materials and spraying finishes bring different textures and grades. Before the selection, the designer should have the relevant material knowledge. Technology is the necessary means to realize the structure and perfect the modelling. Different process means, even the same material, can obtain different shape and surface texture and texture. such as stainless steel wire drawing process and polishing process, can bring different visual effects and tactile. If the material is the machine product design flesh and blood, then the structure is its skeleton. The same function of the product, you can use different structures to show, different structural forms, the appearance of its performance is also different. For example, bicycles, most of the materials are the same, but because of the use of different structures to perform, such as folding, mountain, etc. In the modern machine art modelling design, it is very important to select suitable material and process method, but take reasonable structure form, not only can promote the progress of technology, but also can save material, even the appearance form and function to achieve a unified visual effect, perfect overall modelling art design, can play a very good guiding role.

In order to satisfy people's aesthetic demand, aesthetics needs to consider the layout of physique, the principles of various aesthetics, the collocation of color and surface decoration in the art design of machine modeling. Therefore, aesthetics not only bears the pursuit of spiritual function, but also focuses on practical value. The economic efficiency of a functionally structured machine depends on the appropriate size scale and its spatial relationship ... Exaggerated scales and piling up decorations only lead to vulgarity. "Machine product art design is complex in general product design, it is difficult to control the effect of design, designers can according to the aesthetic rules of artistic beauty." For example, change and unity, scale and scale, balance and symmetry, stability and lightness, rhythm and rhythm art, and other processing methods, combined with the particularity of the machine products, the creation of the artistic beauty of the machine products.

Ergonomics believes that people get information from the outside world, 85% is through the visual, and color, is the first factor to produce visual impact. A new type of machine products into the market, leaving a first impression is "color." Color design, is the product of the practical function of aesthetic re-creation of the design, involving human physiological psychology, product functional characteristics, material properties, production mode, coloring methods, product use environment and other factors of the constraints. In the color design of machine products, we must follow the following requirements:

For the machine itself, color is a coat, the surface of the machine coloring, the machine products play a protective role. For example, Anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, rust, mildew and so on. A wide range of machine products, different functions, they can be in a certain operating environment to complete their respective functions and effectiveness, each machine product to have obvious visual characteristics, give a person's first impression must be with the function of the machine features and color function. For example, military vehicles are generally colored olive green, on the one hand to protect the role of color; On the other hand, there is the symbolic meaning of "military soul", and Greenpeace represents peace and life. Fire engines, all in red coloring, is also based on its functional characteristics and color function Association. Fire engines are fire-fighting, the red one is warning, attention. Second, can inspire, stimulate morale and so on. The working environment of machine equipment requires that its main colors should not be too stimulating and unassuming, and not too dull and depressed. Hue on the low purity, the lightness of warm or cool colors, remember to use a large area of stimulation and high purity Gomingdo warm as the keynote. In other words, machine products must be stable color, but also bright, to highlight its sophisticated, technical features.

The color of the design of the machine product should make use of the various activities of the machine user's operation, carry on the effective design. such as machine products, such as the base of a large surface, color can be considered calm color, and the table, parts and other appropriate to use light-colored, people mood light, some moving parts, not to use stimulating color, so as not to cause visual fatigue, affect the efficiency of the machine equipment, and some display parts. For example, instruments, panels and other colors to be particularly good to identify, keys and handles, as well as some emergency brake parts, should be eye-catching color, but also to distinguish color. The purpose of color design, to suit the operating environment, to adapt to the operator of various operating posture and action habits, the operation is comfortable, directly affect the efficiency of the work.

With the development of industrial technology, material wealth, people's aesthetic in the continuous improvement and change, manufacturing process, materials are constantly improving and changing. Designers in the design of machine colors must keep up with the "color", in order to create market sales opportunities.

In general, the art design of machine modeling is a relatively independent and systematic comprehensive design, which is closely related to the design of engineering technology structure and arts and crafts modelling. It is the industrialized age, unifies the technology and the art, unifies the science and the Esthetics together, takes the three-dimensional entity as the research object, takes the human and the practical as the fundamental goal a creative activity. At present, China's machinery industry encounters unprecedented development opportunities, designers should seize the opportunity to work on the Art of machine research, design more innovative machine modelling, in order to improve the design level of Chinese machine art, promote the Chinese machine industry better development.



Paper代写:The recitative in Mozart's opera

2018-01-11 15:32:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The recitative in Mozart's opera,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了莫扎特歌剧中的宣叙调。宣叙调是一种具有叙述和吟唱性质的曲调。它以语言的音调为基础,节奏感自由,并且伴奏简单。歌剧、清唱剧等叙述或抒情较弱的戏剧中,多使用宣叙调来推进情节的发展,丰富作品的内涵,使人物形象更加鲜明,主题更加清晰。宣叙调被大量用于莫扎特的歌剧中,丰富了作品的表现力。它不仅渲染了歌剧的整体氛围,而且有利于歌剧作品整体结构的完善。

Mozart, as a world-famous composer, has many excellent works in his life. He is not only a famous Austrian composer, but also a representative of the Vienna Classical music faction. His works are of various kinds, whether in opera, piano solo or symphony. Among them, his achievements in opera are particularly prominent. This paper analyzes the application of recitative in Mozart's opera performance by analyzing Mozart's opera representative's wedding, "The Magic Flute" and "Don Juan".

Recitative is a kind of melody with narrative and singing nature. It is based on the tone of the language, freedom of rhythm, and simple accompaniment. Opera, oratorio and other narration or lyrical weak drama, the use of recitative to promote the development of the plot, enrich the content of the works, so that the characters more vivid, clearer theme.

Mozzat Wolfgang Amadeus. Although his life has only a short period of 31, but his contribution to music creation is immeasurable. Mozart's life is composed of various styles of music, rich in content. Among them, "Fei-Luo's Wedding" "Don Juan" "The Magic Flute" and so on represent his creation achievement. Recitative was widely used in Mozart's operas, enriching the expressive force of the works. It not only renders the whole atmosphere of opera, but also contributes to the perfection of the whole structure of opera works. There are many researches on the literary works of recitative singing style in Mozart's opera, which not only help us to better understand the application of recitative in opera, but also provide theoretical basis for the future generations of composers in opera creation.

The application of recitative in Mozart's works is expressed in many forms. For example, narrative application, lyrical application, rhythmic application, no rhythm application, etc. Recitative as a form of emotional expression, seemingly simple, but the composer wants to in the opera to Xuan

Opera is generally based on real life, more from the real life from the material, pay attention to the character image and psychological portrayal of the authenticity. Recitative in the opera is free, the singer in the performance process, can be based on environmental factors for free play. Recitative is different from the general opera dialogue, performers need to analyze the characters ' language, speed and language potential, and reveal the emotional color of the works. Recitative is an indispensable emotional element in Mozart's opera, its application in opera is beneficial to the performance of the characters ' emotions, the advancement of the story, and lays the foundation for the performance of the latter part of the opera.

Although recitative plays an important role in the opera, it also has its own independent singing style. In the opera, the mastery of recitative must be distinguished from the singing characteristics of the ordinary drama, whether it be rhythm, intensity or wording. The mastery of recitative in the opera must also be based on the integrity of the whole opera and complement and foil the works.

Xi Opera is different from the opera, it is mainly to ridicule to satirize the real life of the ugly people and things. Critical consciousness is particularly evident in the opera. Hi Opera is often entrusted with the author's thoughts and feelings, values and the perception of life, so the subjective consciousness is relatively strong. Performers in the performance process to pay attention to their own subjective initiative, by grasping the character and psychological characteristics to strengthen the recitative in the opera expression. At the same time, to apply recitative to the opera, we must distinguish what language and attitude should be used to express the psychological and personality characteristics of the characters in different contexts.

The performance of recitative in the opera is very different from that in the opera. Singers in the performance process to hold recitative emotional color, in order to better control and application. Taking "The wedding of Fei-Luo" As an example, this paper discusses the manifestation of recitative in Xi Opera. First of all, "The wedding of Fei-Luo," The Count of the recitative of the doubt, with the manner of a brawl singing, not only can be very good interpretation of his mood at that time, but also conducive to the characterization of character characteristics. The application of recitative in Xi Opera not only enriches the expressive force of the whole work, but also paves the way for the advancement of the story plot.

The application of recitative in opera not only enriches the connotation of opera, but also contributes to the integrity of the whole structure of opera. The application of recitative in opera enriches the diversity of the screen and field, and makes the opera more tortuous and lively. The application of recitative in the screen and field not only favors the better cohesion and combination of the opera, but also helps to strengthen the structure and layout of the works. Take "Don Juan" as an example, the whole opera altogether two acts, whether is the first act or the second act, the recitative all appeared two times. This arrangement not only makes the structure of the whole work more complete, but also has a clearer context.

The plot is the main part of the opera. The proportion of recitative in plot development is not very large. But recitative is an indispensable element to promote the development of opera plot. Aria occupies a dominant position in the development of opera, but it can not ignore the role of recitative in the plot development of the works. The application of recitative in opera makes the opera plot more and more ups and downs, and the emotional color is richer. To the audience has brought a wealth of visual enjoyment and spiritual sentiment. If the opera only plot, lack of recitative rendering, the overall style will appear pale, mediocre, unable to bring the audience ups and downs of the sensory enjoyment.

There are a lot of examples of recitative's rendering of the plot in the wedding of bill. For example, Suzanne found that recitative in the eavesdropping story, the use of the figure, not only depicts the character's mentality, but also the relationship in the form of emotional advancement.

Both literary works and opera works, the author spends a lot of effort to render and modify the climax. The application of recitative in opera not only promoted the development of the whole drama, but also enriched the expressive force of opera works. Still, for example, "The wedding of the recitative", in the Fourth Act tenth appeared the singing of Suzanne. Recitative's application here can both express the psychological activity of Susanna and change the atmosphere of the opera. It adopts the method of the first suppression, which lays the emotional tone for the arrival of the climax of the opera. Recitative and Drama is different, it is a relatively short time of the emotional eruption point, it often with the ARIA, orchestra and other interaction, promote the arrival of the dramatic climax.

In the early days, recitative was used in operas to advance the plot and foil the atmosphere. However, with the application of recitative in Mozart's works, the opera has undergone great changes both in theme and structure, making recitative an integral part of opera works. The use of recitative in Mozart's opera works is an important turning point in the course of recitative development. It plays a leading role in the formation of new thinking in the later stage of opera creation.

The recitative of the opera is determined by the environmental atmosphere of the whole opera and the psychology of the characters in the play. Performers in the recitative to sing the time to be particularly grasp the psychology of the characters, as well as the link between the plot. Opera characters are particularly rich in the performance of the opera as an example, Xi Opera characters more diverse, and exaggerated performance. Therefore, the Recitative concert in the opera has some difficulties.

Both literary works and opera works, the character relationship and character is an indispensable element of composing the work. The application of recitative in opera plays an important role in portraying characters. In "The wedding of the recitative", the Count's singing to the singer, he was able to show his greedy, lustful personality characteristics.

Opera is an inseparable part of the development of European art and plays an important role in the history of European art development. Recitative, as an important manifestation of opera, has been praised by the composer of later generations. The application of recitative in European operas not only makes the plot, character and theme of the opera Fuller, but also makes the opera's performance more flexible and diversified. Through the analysis of Mozart's opera works, this paper expounds the application and performance of recitative in his works, and provides reference and theoretical basis for the development of contemporary operas in China. Both Aria and recitative play an important role in opera performance, which lays an important foundation for the growth and development of opera.



Essay代写:New Art movement

2018-01-11 15:19:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- New Art movement,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新艺术运动。新艺术运动是大众文化至上的一种艺术设计风格,它强调自然中不存在完全的直线与完全的平面,装饰上强调凸显曲线,设计的动机基本来源于自然界。新艺术运动的艺术家在崇尚“师法自然”的过程中寻找一种抽象的、有机的象征情调,以线条的运动感体现设计的基础。当这种崇尚自然的风格体现在首饰设计上时,蜿蜒流动的线条,鲜活华美的纹彩使得珠玉宝石获得了奇异的生命力,赋予了设计更深层次的含义。

The new art movement at the beginning of the 20th century is a kind of artistic design style with the supremacy of mass culture. In essence, it is for the performance of a line decoration inclination or trend. Lennes Lalic is an outstanding representative of jewellery design in the new art movement, and its design works have a strong natural and classical style. His design is mainly based on the nature of the material and the integration of its rich artistic imagination, design inspiration from the Oriental art, classical style and a certain characteristics of modern art. Therefore, it is also called "No time limit style".

The new art movement stems from the 1895-year Samuel of Bing, a "Modern house" in Paris, where he showcases products designed in this style. It was simply called modern style. At the same time it properly improved the affectation of the style of decoration, for the emergence of modernism to pave the way.

The new art movement emphasizes that there is no complete straight line and complete plane in the nature, the decoration emphasizes the protruding curve, and the motive of design basically originates from nature. In the process of advocating "imitating nature", the artists of the new art movement look for an abstract and organic symbolic sentiment, which embodies the basis of design with the movement sense of lines. When this kind of advocating the natural style embodied in the jewelry design, meandering flow lines, fresh and gorgeous color of the jade gem to obtain a singular vitality, giving the design a deeper meaning.

The Arts and Crafts movement in the second half of the 19th century was a revolutionary combination of decorative art and design, advocating the revival of handicraft production and the promotion of natural and oriental styles. In the art aesthetics of Japan, concise, pure, flat screen, asymmetrical proportions, not overly strong lines, instantaneous frame of the depiction of the method, as well as the theme of the selection of flowers, birds, plants and other natural themes, and the new art movement of the worship of nature coincides with the artist to bring new inspiration, Especially in France, the new art jewelry is the most affected. In addition, Japanese art techniques and materials also profoundly affect the development of new art jewelry. For example, the color of enamel, lacquer craft and two-color metal mosaic.

The new art movement has reverted to the fine tradition of natural design during the period of artificial design overflow. At the turn of the century, it played a connecting role and became a transition between the new era and the old times.

The new art movement has far-reaching influence on the development of jewelry, so that the design of jewelry is changeable, so that the decorative creation has its own unique characteristics, leading designers to explore new design ideas. In the choice of topics to make the design more in line with people's aesthetic tendencies. The new art movement of natural selection, so that jewelry has an organic symbol symbol, guide the modern design in the form of the United States continue to explore, those who flow, winding, fresh jewelry design structure, giving jewelry singular vitality. Our design can be more ingenious details, more beautiful and moving. The new art movement urges the modern jewelry design to be more integrated into the world, under the natural inspiration, the jewelry design can accord with people's esthetic demand more.

The influence of the new art movement on the modern design does not copy the culture, only embodied in its decorative features and performance techniques, but also in the art of jewelry design in the subject matter and form of the experiment and exploration of the superhuman courage and bold ideas, is the modern jewelry design of the art exploration of the major reference and inspiration. Today's Chinese jewelry design world-wide, relying on imitation can not find the way to jewelry design, the urgent need for us to create their own things.

New Art jewelry, to the imported oriental art to deduce the asymmetrical dynamic, with smart curves to explain the beautiful nature, smart life, the beauty of women's art, the bright enamel color to shape the theme of sexy and eternal, the contemporary jewelry design has an important reference significance. For example, "to imitate nature", to find the beauty of nature, to pay attention to crafts and design, imaginative bold creative ideas, respect for the modern consciousness of human nature, etc. With the development and transformation of modern jewellery materials and crafts, more and more fashionable jewellery gradually goes into the ordinary life of the masses, and as the designer of jewellery, we must keep up with the times and create different jewellery art themes in the time.

