

美国作业代写:Heidegger's view of technology

2018-01-03 16:13:15 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Heidegger's view of technology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了海德格尔技术观。在古希腊语中,技术渊源于一种对诸自然形态的原初领会,渊源于古希腊人的这种基本洞见:人工作品的全部形态和结构是一种令人瞩目的知识。一种“技术”就是一种产生着这样或那样对象的知识的模式,它是一种趋向于各种真实目的的再认识。当代文明是技术文明,这一文明的开始也是精神世界的萎弱。

Heidegger's philosophy of technology mainly scattered in his "existence and time" of this classic and "Cross-examine technology" and several papers. He did not write a complete system of technical philosophy, but his scattered views were also very profound.​

Heidegger defended the sanctity of the natural environment and defended our duty to care for nature and all living things. In ancient Greek, technology originated from a primitive understanding of the natural forms, which originated from the basic insights of ancient Greeks: the whole form and structure of artificial works is a remarkable knowledge. A "technology" is a pattern of knowledge that produces such or such objects, and it is a kind of recognition that tends to a variety of real purposes. Contemporary civilization is a technological civilization, the beginning of this civilization is also the weakening of the spiritual world. In all sorts of weakness, Heidegger is most angry with the loss of creativity. In his works, he is full of admiration and praise for creativity, contempt and dislike for mediocrity. No matter why, no matter what, we have been tethered to the technology. The representation and expression of all beings are controlled by technology. But worst of all, we still use technology today as something neutral, as a means and a tool for human beings to achieve their goals. This attitude suggests that we know nothing about the nature of technology. Today, nature becomes the obedient person, becomes the thing which is structured. Things are not even the object. The object becomes a reserve, and the man is the one who expropriated it. Sidelines use technology to structure the natural seems to be people themselves. When nature has turned its side to the mastery of human technology, this side is just masking the essence of nature. Technology thus blocked the renowned and the truth of the line. The above analysis just shows that the nature of technology is clearly no longer understood as a tool for manipulation. Instead, it is held captive as a seat, controlling the person.

Heidegger uses the term "seat frame" to generalize the essence of modern technology: to reveal nature in a way that is strong in nature. To sum up is to say that technology by deliberately manipulating the natural way to make natural performance and then plug the truth of other ways of the calendar. The "Seat frame" is an important word in Heidegger's technical thought, which contains two meanings: On the one hand, the domination and compulsion of the human being to the nature, and the domination and compulsion of man on the other hand. "Seat frame" is regarded as the essence of technology, which is very important for people to criticize and rethink the dual function of science and technology, namely productivity function and ideology function. When an objective physical being is fully entered into our world and becomes an existence related to our life, when it truly serves us, its objective material existence has vanished from our perceptions. This disappearance is not real, fundamental disappearance, but we do not pay attention to it, it is not really not present, but it is standing in the background, hidden without apparent.

Before entering into modern society, our attitude towards nature is to move back and forth between reverence for nature and knowing nature. This activity is not so much about revealing nature as about understanding and interpreting nature. In the process of large industrial production, people large-scale use of modern science and technology, large-scale development and transformation of nature, mass production in the natural state does not exist things. In Heidegger's view, people no longer love it, guide it, obey its nature to produce it, but force it, crush it, and treat nature as an object rather than as a reserve. People have set the nature according to the object of the force.

The development of technology, on the one hand, causes ecological damage and environmental pollution, and nature is punishing mankind in its way. On the other hand, the development of technology seems to be controlling humans in turn. As recently as the world's people on the mobile phone, especially the social platform of addiction, seriously affect the free thinking of human ability, leading to people can not read deeply, deep thinking, all the information fragmented, perfunctory shallow, but also the following cruel as to let people addicted, can not extricate themselves. Man has become a slave to technology and a part of the machine. Technology is produced by nature allowing humans to produce, so technology is actually part of nature. Nature is controlling humans in a more dangerous way than humans are aware of. A man commands nature to obey his insatiable demands, and nature or object, in turn, punishes the person in a dialectical way. They obscure their own true existence and make people mistakenly treat nature, thus falling into a "self deception" situation. As we deviate from the absolute value of this technology, we are in a state of homelessness in a world where we have rudely rejected our "vocation" and made a "challenge" to nature. Once we realize this tragic process, recognizing that this absurd technology has pushed humanity to the brink of ecological destruction and political suicide, this means that salvation is possible and must be possible.

Emotionally, Heidegger even wanted to return to the state of life before the Enlightenment. But he also clearly saw that retrogression was impossible. He said that it is our destiny for humanity to come to this stage, and that is not a question we are willing to be unwilling to do. So he tentatively pointed out that perhaps through the poetic, artistic way to deal with nature, can help people find a way to restore the normal relationship between man and nature. Because art, poetry can be cut by science and technology stripped of the naked nature of a layer of culture, human feelings of the tulle, so that it again full of divinity. He believes that the true and lyrical power of the statements in Holderlin's poems provides a fundamental guarantee for human regeneration. Such efforts are a potent weapon against the ever-increasing brutality and national self-destruction. History to this day, let us not choose, but we can not go without a fight, but to have a sober consciousness, to find the confidence and the path of freedom.


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2018-01-03 16:12:57 | 日記


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Paper代写:The third world from the perspective of postcolonial

2018-01-03 16:12:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The third world from the perspective of postcolonial,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了后殖民主义视角下的第三世界。后殖民主义作为批评活动出现是在第三世界文学研究被了解之后。后殖民主义被运用表示第三世界写作的文本和环境,与女性主义,后结构主义三双民克思主义不同,它是首次,在西方学术的整个历史中,被殖民的他者被放置在学术话语的心。

Western Biblical interpretations are not passively accepted by the people of Third world countries. When the text of the Bible is introduced into their country, they are also thinking, understanding and creating, not only revealing the Western Biblical text of the conspiracy between interpretation and colonization, debunk the colonial tactics, and they also find in the text of the Bible for their own chapter, from their own perspective to read the Bible, interpretation of the Bible, the use of the Bible, adhere to their own as the interpretation of the authenticity of the subject. With their own equal standing in the discourse stage to achieve the goal of digestion center.

Post-colonialism as a criticism activity arises after the Third World Literature study is understood. Post-colonialism was used to represent the text and environment of the third World writing, unlike feminism, the Marx of the latter, and it was the first time in the whole history of Western scholarship that the colonized people were placed in the heart of academic discourse. But at first, postcolonial was just an aspect of the instrument, and as an advanced special theoretical concept, it was through the literary critic Saeed, that the Homi and the Duke gave postcolonial theory and practice. These three individuals, although each have their own emphasis but have a positive central factor and unity of power. In their way, that is to investigate and reveal the Western literature product knowledge and rights of the relationship. The work done by the three theorists and later colonial theorists is to study the cultural discourse right relationship between the post-colonial state and the colony. It is a kind of subversive position in the face of the dominant knowledge that the postcolonial orientation is different and the meaning diversity can be regarded as the opposite reading practice, as a way of criticizing the thought of the European center and forming the dominant meaning. It is a reading mentality, is a kind of criticism of the cause, the goal is to expose the western theory and knowledge behind the thought and power.

The military invasion of the colonies by the Western sovereign forces, accompanied by cultural invasions, the Bible played a vanguard role in the aggression, as one Indian said: "The colonists have the Bible and the Sword of aggression in hand." The Bible is regarded by Westerners as a weapon of aggression, and the Bible is used by Westerners as a weapon of aggression, and the Bible is interpreted to support and consolidate colonial plans and colonial intentions, and they interpret the Bible from the purpose of highlighting their superior status and aggression.

Their colonial interpretation can be summed up in two aspects:

One is that Westerners come to third world countries to spread civilization, which is their duty and mission, in other words, the right to invade. For example, their interpretation of Joshua in the Bible and the Book of judges reflects this purpose. These biblical chapters tell of Joshua's lead to occupy the land of Canaan that is not their fertile soil, and the act of occupying another's territory is God's permission. Thus their true meaning as aggressors was obliterated, and the act of aggression was endowed with justice and proper colours. In fact, their interpretation of this text is "to provide support for the war, the brutal killing refused to provide a basis for the people." ”

In addition, Westerners interpret the biblical God as a symbol of love, power, and justice. And the way the Empire invaded the third world to spread civilization is like God is Love, peace, justice. When the whole earth is full of God's knowledge, just as water is in the sea.

On the other hand, the biblical interpretation is that Western culture has the innate superiority, they always take the western white male as the main body, but other native people, the pagan women black Aborigines as others, need to control and conquer. This is reflected in their interpretation of the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John. They think Jesus is high, time is at the beginning, space is high, every corner of the earth, the whole world at his feet. In time and space are separated from all ordinary people, in a very prominent position-the position of the ruler. All humans on Earth need to look up to him, and other people and groups are in a subordinate position before Jesus. In fact, this kind of interpretation, isolated from the historical context, is a kind of ideology in which the colonists build the colonial subject and elevate the status of Jesus.

Whether Western culture is superior or invading other countries, these Western biblical interpretations are not passively accepted by the people of the Third World. When the text of the Bible is introduced into their country, they are also thinking, understanding and creating, not only revealing the interpretation of Western Biblical texts and colonization, uncovering the colonists ' tricks, but also looking for their own chapters in the Bible text, reading the Bible from their own perspective. Interpret the Bible, use the Bible, and adhere to the authenticity of the subject of interpretation. With their own equal standing on the discourse stage to achieve the goal of digestion center.

Their biblical interpretation can be divided roughly into two categories from the content.

The first is the liberation of Revolt, the biblical text of the state's incoming use to oppress the people, which in turn was considered a rebel weapon by the third World people, who found the Bible to be a rebel secret weapon. For example, "Exodus", God is standing on the oppressed side to save them from power.

Each country has its own cultural tradition, has the unique folk custom, has each life circumstance. So the Bible text will be taken with these traditions and customs to make a localized interpretation. These explanations are interesting and provide a unique interpretation effect. It also shows that some cultural factors in the Bible are interlinked with people all over the world and can be different nationalities. Absorbed and used by people of different countries.

Every nation has its own cultural traditions, and the people want their cultural roots not to be assimilated, so the interpretation of the Book of Luke from the people of Rochester is a good illustration of this. The Master Road in the Book of Luke is a Moab, and after her husband's death she returned to Israel with the Jewish mother-in-law, remarried to another Israeli, and finally became the motherland of King David of Israel. In the Western interpretation she has been hailed as a great woman, a successful example of the world's honor. But through the eyes of the third World people read a different way, they think she is not worthy of praise because she is a departure from their ancestral traditions and assimilated by other nationalities, and let them love and praise is another woman, by the biblical text and the Western Bible to explain the neglect of the way of the sister-in-law of Obadiah, She did not choose the god of Israel but returned to her maiden. She made the tribe see hope. It is precisely because these people adhere to their own cultural traditions, so that the national culture will continue forever. She did not achieve what the colonists wanted through a mixture of ethnic cultures "your blood will mix with us, and you will become a people with us." "Finally, the birth of a son disappeared after the narrative voice, in fact the colonists have reached the goal of assimilation." As for the American Indians today, they are very similar to the situation of the way and the Russians, through the passive acceptance of the western interpretation and in the text and context of the new understanding of the road, the expression of their rejection of hegemonic culture and resistance to the attitude and adherence to their own national traditions.

They used the Bible as their own story. The environment, characters, themes and concerns of the story are not in note, especially from Zulu tradition and culture, and the local painter's Wood portrayal is also a source of their understanding of the Bible. Joseph was manipulated to sell people as objects, and what actually happened to Joseph happened to them. Almost every story can be heard, so it resonates with them, suffering is manipulated and exploited by power, and they strive to live, to liberate and to live. Native interpretation is part of their daily life. It took place on the usual streets rather than in the halls of the college. This is the situational interpretation, the subject is a flesh and blood reader, and the western objective, no ideological college-style research is different. This interpretation is more vivid and real.

Every nation has its own traditional customs, although the Christianity has been introduced to their traditional impact, but many peoples of the people have to convert to Christianity, but their inner world is still rooted in the national tradition, and convinced that the observance of these traditions is the only way of life worthy of mankind. Therefore, the dominant Christianity is challenged by the marginalized traditional culture, so the biblical interpretation takes on the localized road, thus presenting the characteristics of post-colonial. The explanation and use of the Psalms in the Bible are evident from Africans.

The Psalms have a very important place in the Bible, the Biblical scholars study the author, the date, the determination of literature in and form, the basic theological ideas and others, and the Psalms in the west according to the relationship with God are divided into hymns, prayer poems, Royal poems and so on.

Africans also found the charm of the Psalms, and felt that the Psalms were so suitable for them, that they were written entirely for them. But they face different problems with Western Christians, so the western classification of the Psalms is not suitable for them, and Westerners ' studies of the Bible are too technical, and this interpretation is less suited to them. They interpret the psalms from their own perspective. The importance of religious life in Africa is no doubt, their lives are full of spiritual power, wizards, witch doctors, all kinds of animals and plants and spell charm in their lives played an important role. So combining the traditional customs and all kinds of life problems in life, the poem is flexibly applied to all aspects of life, and because of its own material conditions and environment to form a unique view of life and according to the content of the poem to classify: the preservation of the poetry, the success of poetry, therapeutic poetry.

The biblical interpretation is often a single voice in the West, therefore, from the postcolonial perspective, the biblical interpretation of the third world is very fresh and interesting, combining its own cultural tradition, the marginal people from the Bible text to dig out the common human things, although these interpretations are not so universally accepted in the West, but everyone is equal, Each individual nation has its own characteristics and ability to become an integral part of the world civilization.

The Bible has been misused in history, but in the context of globalization, this voice is being dispelled, dispelling a center is not to rebuild another, confrontation should be changed into dialogue, each country and nation should share human civilization, create civilization, and this civilization should be a colorful harmonious voice.



Paper代写:Wallpaper in Home decoration design

2018-01-03 16:12:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Wallpaper in Home decoration design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了家装设计中的墙纸。墙纸是由设计师创意并会同工艺师制作的,具有工艺审美与个性风格的潮流化产品。它能最方便快捷地改变墙面风格与气氛,使环境变得行动丰富。墙纸不仅有丰富的图案,多彩的颜色,而且还具备很深的文化内涵和人文气息,表面的质感和肌理也具有强烈的表现力,不仅可以遮盖墙面裂痕、瑕疵;而且能与布艺、家具协调搭配。

Wallpaper is created by designers and with craftsmen, with process aesthetic and personalized style of the trend of products. It is the most convenient and quick to change the style and atmosphere of the wall, so that the environment become action-rich. Just like an ordinary girl who has the conditions to dress up, it will be dazzling. Dress up the girl is fashion, decorated wall is the wallpaper, wallpaper is the fashion of the wall. It is relatively the most economical way to improve the environmental grade, the area of high wallpaper penetration must be a higher culture and more developed areas, in Europe and the United States, the penetration rate is greater than 65%, Japan, Korea, RTHK as high as 90%.

Wallpapers are also called wallpaper, the first is the European aristocratic decorative art of an important component, is a small part of the enjoyment of visual art. The earliest wallpaper work was found in France. Jean Michel Papilon, a French engraving artist, produced a series of continuous woodcut editions in 1766, which produced wallpaper, so he was also called the "Father of the world's wallpaper". In the 18th century, British Morris began to use machines for mass production of printed wallpaper, with modern wallpaper. Wallpaper not only has rich patterns, colorful colors, but also has a deep cultural connotations and humanistic atmosphere, the surface texture and texture also has a strong expression, not only can cover the wall cracks, flaws, but also with cloth, furniture coordination and collocation.

Wallpaper According to different material characteristics can be divided into many categories, so that designers can choose according to different indoor space characteristics and requirements of the wallpaper, in order to achieve a high degree of functional and aesthetic unity.

Wood Fiber wallpaper Environmental protection, air permeability are the best, the longest life. The surface is full of elasticity, and sound insulation, heat insulation, heat preservation, soft and comfortable feel. non-toxic, harmless, no smell, good air permeability, and paper-type stability, can be scrubbed at any time.

Pure paper wallpaper to paper as the base material, after printing embossing, natural, comfortable, no smell, environmental protection, good ventilation performance. Because it is paper, so there is a very good color effect, suitable for dyeing a variety of bright colors and even meticulous painting. Poor paper product time may be slightly yellowing.

Non-woven wallpaper to pure non-woven fabric for the substrate, the surface of water-based ink printing after the application of special materials, by special processing, with sound absorption, deformation and other advantages, and has a strong respiratory performance. The second largest sales wallpaper in China after the plastic surface wallpaper. is also the most environmentally friendly wallpaper. Its material is made of pure natural cotton Hemp fiber after non-woven formation. Because it is very thin, construction is very easy, very suitable for the young people like DIY.

Resin wallpaper surface layer is made up of plastic, also called polymer material. 80% of the world's products belong to this category, is a large category of wallpaper. This kind of wallpaper waterproof performance is very good, water will not penetrate to the wall inside, belonging to the isolation of waterproof. Generally used in toilets and so on.

Foam wallpaper to paper as a substrate, coated with foaming agent of PVC paste resin, after printing and then heating foam. This type of wallpaper has high foaming printing, low foaming printing and foam printing embossing and other varieties. This kind of wallpaper is thicker and softer than normal wallpaper. Among them, the high foaming wallpaper surface is full of elasticity of the concave-convex, low foam wallpaper is printed on the foam surface patterns, such as relief, wood, tile and other effects.

Wallpaper color diverse patterns rich through the printing, embossing mold design of different patterns, multi-color printing multi-color overprinter, various embossing lines, so that the wallpaper design colorful. At the same time, the wall of the wallpaper is mostly hot bad conductor, so that the sense of touch can effectively eliminate the wall's firmness and cold feeling.

The use of paint or paint decoration, wall needs to be repeated construction, primer surface paint generally have several times the finishing process. In addition to paint and paint contains a large number of organic solvents, inhalation of the body may have an impact on human health, so you need to keep indoor ventilation for more than 10 days before the time. This will take at least half a month from renovation to completion. and the choice of wallpaper decoration, a set of three rooms a hall of housing, by professional wallpaper construction staff posted wallpaper, just three people can be completed greatly shorten the construction cycle. and wallpaper relative to other decorative materials have the advantage of convenient replacement. And does not affect the normal work and life.

Now the new wallpaper will have the ability to resist dirt and scrub. As long as the sponge dipped in water or detergent to wipe, you can remove stains. Glue wall paper's resistance to dirt, scrub characteristics to ensure that even repeated testing will not affect the beauty of the family wall elegant.

Wallpaper has a crack-proof function. In the insulation board to do latex paint, whether it is added a dacron cloth or bandages, after the completion of not much time, some cracks will be revealed, and wallpaper can play a very good role to avoid this defect. As long as the paving is in place, the small cracks will not appear again.

Decoration style, the most important thing is to set up a keynote in the whole room: it may be chic country style, childlike children's bedroom, may also be reverse simplicity, return to nature or warm, comfortable, rich leisure living room, warm, tranquil bedroom, passionate entertainment and so on ... It can be said that the design concept of decorative style, basically reflects the master's cultural taste and quality of life, and the design of public places in principle around its own characteristics of the function. So, once the decoration style is established, it is very important to choose the appropriate wallpaper. After more than 10 years of creation and development, the domestic wallpaper industry manufacturers are basically able to meet the market for a variety of tastes, style wallpaper needs.

Different spatial forms have special requirements for the selection of wallpaper. For example, a slightly wider type of long stripes suitable for use in the flow of large space, can make the original tall room to produce to the left and right extension of the effect, and the narrower pattern used in the small room is more appropriate, it can make the shorter room to produce the effect of upward guidance. Spacious rooms, with large flowers or wide-width bar patterns, can make the room appear full. The room is small, the furniture is many, should choose the more detailed pattern, the color light wallpaper, may expand the space. The room is dark, should use the light warm color, the room light is good, spacious bright, may choose the dark color, displays the room atmosphere. The living room should use the color elegant, the pattern concise lively wallpaper, the bedroom uses the warm, the adornment strong pattern for the ideal, easy to form the sweet warm atmosphere. Kitchen, bathroom should choose bright color, scrub wallpaper.

Elderly living room requirements simple, solemn, appropriate selection of color elegant, green, blue color, pattern patterns should be exquisite and meticulous; children's bedrooms should be cheerful and lively, full of vigor, color novel rich, pattern can choose cartoon character, fairy tale type, building block type or flora type; young people should be accompanied by a cheerful, relaxed sense of the pattern.

Product sample and large area after the effect of decoration, due to distance and space collocation is different, easy to cause visual error. If the sample is good to look at sometimes, but after a large area of wall surface, but not satisfactory. Therefore, in the selection of wallpaper to carry out the sample, and need to use a slightly larger area of wallpaper for paper, make a model, the distance between the observation. In order to really determine the wallpaper is not a designer and owners are more satisfied with the type.

The layers of information conveyed by the patterns, colors and crafts of wallpaper make you irresistible to communicate and urge you to find works that resonate with your own aesthetic and taste. Therefore, a Design Master said: Wallpaper due to a variety of rich, is relatively economical and most convenient to use to express the design style and upgrade the environmental grade of the preferred decorative materials. Psychologists have observed: paint, latex paint can be whitewash, but not easy to conceal the wall's indifference and strong sense. And wallpaper can be with its flexible texture, is the wall environment become warm, cordial and safe.



Essay代写:Cultural differences between China and the West

2018-01-03 15:59:52 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Cultural differences between China and the West,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中西方之间的文化差异。无论哪个国家的语言在感情上都有爱憎褒贬之分,但表达方式却不尽相同,所以对同一客观事物所反映出的认知和价值观念也会不同,比如“龙”在反映中西文化的差异方面就是一个典型。

Different countries and nationalities have many differences in geographical environment, history, tradition, religion, life style, political system and value concept, and the differences of these cultural factors are always embodied in the language.

In the West, religion is a very important part of social life and ideological culture, it permeates all aspects of social life, customs and literature and art. Many Westerners believe in Christianity, often say "Jesus", encounter difficulties, danger is "God save Me", and many people in China are deeply influenced by Buddhism, accustomed to say "Bodhisattva bless" and so on.

The Bible has far-reaching influence in the West, in English there are many idioms and allusions from the Bible, such as "The Forbidden Fruit,juda's Kiss,as upgraded as a church mouse", Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism in the history of China coexistence, Together on the role of Chinese culture, "three religions" permeate all aspects of Chinese culture, its impact is naturally reflected in the language, such as "The Rise and Fall of the World, Affair", "cramming" ", Shinghai" ", queer" and so on. Due to the differences between Chinese and western religious beliefs, translators are required to understand two specific religious and cultural backgrounds and must not literally in translation.

No matter which country's language in the sentiment all has the love and hate to appraise the cent, but the expression way is different, therefore to the same objective thing reflects the cognition and the value idea will also differ. For example, "dragon" reflects the difference between Chinese and Western culture is a typical. Dragon "Symbolizes auspiciousness, nobility, majesty and power in Chinese. Because "dragon" is able to rain and rain, flying latent miraculous animals, and later become the symbolic image of the Chinese national Totem, is endowed with sacred, supreme, auspicious, extraordinary and so on all kinds of positive. There are also a lot of Chinese idioms about the dragon are positive, such as "The ambitious", "vigorous", "Hustle", "flamboyant", "Dragon", "Canglongwohu" and so on.

However, in western countries such as Britain and the United States, people do not like the dragon, because in their culture, "dragon" is a kind of smoke, the ferocious and terrible animal, it not only swallowed human and animal, but also create fire and fire disasters, endangering human survival. It often represents evil and is frightening. English says that a person has a son like "dragon", which means that this person is domineering and annoying. Again, China has a fine tradition of respecting the elderly. Lao Wang "", Lao Li, a kind of salutation with a kind and friendly, "Wang Lao" ", Li Lao" is the best title for the venerable, and Westerners afraid of the old, "old and useless", "please sit here." are old "will make the other person feel unhappy and offended. Therefore, it is very important to know the cultural background of the two languages and to understand the differences in values and aesthetic orientations of different nationalities.

