


2018-01-17 18:02:04 | 日記

举个例子,马丁路德金在他著名的演讲 I have a dream 里面就大量使用了比喻和重复等手法:

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.


“I never read The Economist.” Management trainee. Aged 42. 我从来不读《经济学人》——来自一名42岁的管理实习生。这里使用了反语(Irony)的手法:一般来说,实习生都是年轻人,如果一个人到了42岁还是管理实习生,说明他的职场道路很不顺利,而职场不顺的原因广告里面已经有说明了:I never read The Economist.

Your argument should shine, not your forehead. 闪光的应该是你的论点,而不是你的额头。这里用了双关(pun)手法:shine既可以修饰argument,也可以修饰forehead,前者是指论证有力,后者是指额头油亮发光。这里shine的巧妙应用让句子读起来饶有趣味,很容易给读者留下深刻印象。

这里将杂志比喻为“健脑房”(a gymnasium for the mind),说明杂志的内容非常有深度,阅读的时候很烧脑。

美国语音学家Brooks C & Warren RP曾经提到过,修辞是有效应用语言的艺术展现,对英语修辞的认识将会直接影响对文章的欣赏和理解,更能影响到对英语文章的创作。由此可见,学习修辞不仅有益,而且十分必要。那么,怎样开始入门英语修辞呢?一个方法是先学习关于修辞的著作,然后在阅读和写作中加强对这些修辞的理解。这里推荐一本书:《英语修辞与写作》,作者是上海外国语学院的黄任。


举个例子,英语中有一种修辞手法叫“委婉语”(euphemism),很多讲修辞的书也会提到类似depressed areas/pre-emptive action/collateral damage这样的词都属于委婉语,但往往点到为止,没有进一步说明这些词的背景。在这本书中作者会深入分析为什么会产生这类委婉语,以及它们背后的经济政治文化知识,让读者能够更好地理解英语修辞的功能以及使用语境,进而做到正确使用这些手法。

比如对于depressed areas/pre-emptive action/collateral damage这几个委婉语,它们的产生都带有强烈的经济政治意味:为了掩盖社会矛盾,否认贫穷的存在,很多时候媒体会使用委婉语depressed areas/special areas,而不直说poor areas;同样,直接说入侵(invasion)不好听,所以西方媒体发明了一个说法pre-emptive action(先发制人),用来掩盖入侵的事实;collateral damage也是近年来经常在西方媒体上见到的一个词,它的含义是“附带损害”(ordinary citizens who are killed during a war),政客们经常用该委婉语来代替更加直白的civilian casualties(平民伤亡),在实际应用时要理解这几个词背后的含义,避免乱用。



I worry about whether I will get a job, and I am convinced that new opportunities will open up before the end of spring.


I worry about whether I will get a job, though I am convinced that new opportunities will open up before the end of spring.


On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket, I wrote him a letter to express my sorrow and sympathy.

这里kick the bucket是一个很粗俗的俚语,大概类似于汉语中的“翘辫子”,用在这个语境中很不合适。这里kick the bucket应该改为更加正式的表达,比如pass away




Essay代写:Student’s Right of Privacy

2018-01-17 17:54:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Student’s Right of Privacy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了学生的隐私权。隐私权是一项重要的个人权利,它在社会发展中受到了很大的重视。然而,由于学校的安全问题,对学生隐私权的保护有时会被忽视。学生是弱势群体,所以我们必须花更多的精力来保护他们。在人权方面,他们也应该受到尊重,并且在法律上给他们立法。


Right of Privacy is an important personal right and it is taken more seriously with the social development in terms of Internet. However, the protection for student’s privacy right is sometimes ignored because of school security. It should be treated equally without discrimination. This paper will look back the history of development of student’s privacy right in America and analyze the issues of college student’s privacy right.

Short history of college student’s privacy right

United Stated is the earliest nation which put forward the concept of privacy right in the world. In 1890, Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis (1890) have raised the concept of the right to be let alone, which is considered as the origin of privacy right. In the end of 1900s, a series of law for privacy right is put forward and revised in succession such as The Privacy Act and Privacy Protection Act. In 1974, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is the first law aiming to protect the right of privacy of student (A Bendall, 2009). During the hundred year of development of privacy right, one of the important matter is to make a clear definition for privacy right. With this efforts working on, the definition of privacy right changes increasingly and become accurate. In this paper, what right of privacy is a right of personality is adopted, which is put forward based on the Amendment IV.


Tort in campus

Student group is regarded as the vulnerable group. Thus, public and the school authority usually spend more efforts to protect them even though some measures are against the law. In the case of Thompson v. Carthage Sch. Dist (87 F. 3d 979 8th Cir, 1996), school authority search a boy’s clothes and school bag after receiving an inform of which a student is trying to bring hard drug into school. But this news is unproved before the school action. Thus the boy initial legal proceeding. Circuit court indicates that all the action for search should be based on the reasonable doubt. To do so, a clear boundary is carried out, which asks for a sufficient objective evidence. For example, a student with criminal record or dangerous behaviors or evidence that can point out his criminal behaviors can be regarded as criminal suspect. However, subjective impression, rumor, the presentiment from teachers and other not direct doubt should be excluded. Besides, in the case of Doe v. Little Roc Sch. Dist (380 F. 3d 349 8th Cir), school authority carry out the search for all the students in grade 7 for the purpose of maintaining school safety and order. Although court thinks it is reasonable for school to do so in the premise of safety protection, the large scale of search should be limited and it cannot be implemented without sufficient reasons. As for the personal effects, school authority has no right to search randomly in general condition. A school principal is accused.He search a student’s wallet because he guesses the student to smoke (469 U.S 325-341, 1985). In this case, court considers that Amendment IV is available.

Meaning of development of privacy right

With the further discussion on the privacy right from all sectors of society, the protection for personal right is strengthened. It appears in two aspects. First, it limits the right abuse especially the school authority and set up the proper boundary for school protection. Before coming up with the privacy right, student can quote the Amendment IV to avoid violation. School authority insists its action according to school management regulations. In some extent, the blurry zone makes the situation confusing. The privacy right clearly points out that school authority can apply the search based on the principle of reasonable doubt and proper scale, which reduces the dispute so that it can protect the interest of individual student and overall school. Secondly, it also embodies the value of freedom and respect for human rights. Student is a special group with high attention from public and school safety is always highlighted. But they also should be respected in terms of human right. With the clear pale of law, their lawful right can be achieved.


Nowadays, civil liberties are taken seriously as the development of society. The Bill of Rights is great and it establish the basis of further provisions of law. However, although this Act is powerful and it is improved with the time goes, it is established in 200 years ago. The social development and technology progress makes the situation more complex. So to protect civil liberties better, it calls for the creation in law. The social need products the law and the law meet the need of social condition.

People are eager to have more desirable civil liberties and make the personal right improve. Privacy right is rooted in the Amendment IV and draw a clear boundary for personal right. Besides, the dispute for different case makes the privacy right completed.


SD Warren and LD Brandeis, 1985. The right to privacy. Harvard Law Review, 4(5):193-220.

A Bendall, 2009. A Short History of the 'Right to Privacy'. Identity in the Information Society,44(1).

Thompson v. Carthage Sch. Dist,, 87 F. 3d 979 (8th Cir,). 1996.

Doe v. Little Roc Sch. Dist., 380 F. 3d 349 (8th Cir). 2004.

New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S 325-341, 1985.




2018-01-17 17:01:13 | 日記

1.写英文不能一逗到底,句子与句子间应该用句号或者分号,或者用连词连接。中文写作有时一个段落的句子之间都用逗号隔开,在段末一个句号。在英文中,如果是两个完整的句子,一定要有连词and、but、because连接,要不用句号或者分号。例如,he wants Edmund to be well, he cares about him这一句话,正确的形式应该是he wants Edmund to be well, and he cares about him. 还有以下一句,This dissertation only focuses on one book by Shakespeare, some findings may not be accurate. 第二句中间也应该有一个and.

2.喜欢用as far as I am concerned, I think, in my opinion等一类的表达。在口语中,偶尔加一个I think无大碍。在正式的写作中,这类表达应尽量避免,尤其不要出现诸如In my opinion, I think这样的句子,显得重复累赘。

3.惯用always, everyone, everywhere, nobody等一类过于绝对的词汇。比如,everybody would agree...世间少有everybody都同意之事。因此,英文写作中也应尽量避免使用As we all know一类的表达,世间很少事情乃人人皆知。

4.标题首字母的大小写问题。比如,An Overview of studies on Hemingway,这里studies需要大写。在标题中,实词的首字母需要大写,虚词的不用大写。但是,如果第一个单词和最后一个单词,无论实词还是虚词,都需要大写。比如,The Day You Went Away, away系虚词,但出现在最后一个词,故需要大写。


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Paper代写:The Southwest of the U.S.

2018-01-17 16:58:52 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Southwest of the U.S.,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的西南部。美国的西南部地区具有相当特殊的环境、社会、文化和历史背景,因为居住在那里的大部分是印第安人和墨西哥裔美国人。对于西南部的发展,美国政府应该利用该地区的文化资源,去发展它的旅游产业,以实现可持续的经济发展。另外美国联邦和地方政府应该给该地区提供援助,以改善西南少数民族的社会地位,保护少数民族文化。

The Southwest of the U.S. constitutes a vast area in the west and the south of the United States. This area has a rather special environmental, social, cultural and historical background, with the majority of Indians and Mexican Americans living there. Thus, in this article, it is to present a vision of a socially-just, environmentally-sound, and economically-viable society in the Southwest of the U.S. based on the discussion of the current situation of Southwest of the U.S.

The southwestern United States will maintain its advantage of environment because of its rich natural resources and natural scenery. The southwestern United States includes states of North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada and California, labeled as the "Sunshine Zone" in general. The western region is featured by tall mountain and plateau. The western Cordillera Mountains are large including the coastal mountains, Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains. Most of the area, especially areas inhibited by Indians is marked by a semi-arid climates and they can only lead a grazing life in the Indian settlements. However, the Southwestern has its advantages of natural resources, such as land resources and the mineral resources. For example, copper is mainly distributed in the western states of Montana, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. Also, the "Sunshine Zone" also has a wealth of coal resources and enough sun lights. Minerals such as coal, uranium and so on are developed after the World War Ii, bringing changes to Hopi’s life (Vasquez, “Hopi -Water Is Life”). It shows that the mining of the resources will cause some damage to the environment. It is expected that coupled with the support of the federal government, and the policies and measures taken by the states and local governments in the southwest, the environment can be improved to provide favorable conditions for the overall environmental improvement in the southwestern United States.

Out of the consideration of the economical sustainability of the region, the US government is supposed to accelerate the development of tourism and cultural resources in the southwest for an economically-viable society .Many problems still exist. The Mexicans work in the Americans owned factories for long time, but do not have a living wage (Theroux, 62). In the past and present, agriculture was the basic economy of the southwestern Indians who are engaged in raising sheep and goats, as well as weaving. And their income was not enough to cover their life expenses. The tribal unemployment rate is high, in some cases, which is much higher than the US average unemployment rate. Since most tribes are not economically self-sufficient, they rely on foreign aid to varying degrees(Borden,1983). And the government allowed a number of Indians to open casinos. However, it has caused a lot of controversy and social problems. Therefore, it is necessary to choose another sustainable economic development. The minority bring aesthetics art, food, music, dance, architecture, design, literature, and language(Vasquez,” Arizona SB 1070”). In the future, the development of local minority tourism should be encouraged in the face of this situation. For example, the most famous tribes of the southwestern Indians is the Pueblo Indians. The ancestors of the Pueblo people had built large villages on cliffs. Although some of them are in now ruins, but they are still faintly discernible. These unique structures can be open to visitors and become a hot spot of tourism resources. The markets of Indian and Mexican crafts and art can also be further supported and expanded by tourists and collectors.

The US federal and local government are supposed to try to provide assistance such as setting up schools for minority to better the social status of minority in the southwest and preserve the minority culture. Many Mexicans had crossed the border and entered the western and southern parts of the United States which is next to Mexico. Latinos In Arizona has accounted for 27% of total population(Vásquez, “diversity in the southwest”). Many Indians also settled in the northwest of New Mexico, northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah. However, due to the disadvantaged position of these ethnic minorities economically, social status and racial issues of those minorities are also one of the more serious social problems in the southwest. The view of undocumented immigrants is that “They take our jobs” and “They increase the threat of crime” and other negative comments(Vasquez,” Arizona SB 1070”). At the same time, the culture of these ethnic minorities is also marginalized. Most of the Indians in the southwestern United States use language such as Aztec-Tanoan and Athabascan. To establish schools with the Indian and Mexican languages is necessary to preserve their tradition and culture. But also to raise scholarships to help train all kinds of the Indians with special talents is also key to stabilize community. Various beliefs and traditions have been revived in an attempt to develop a unique, diverse, and vibrant style of culture in the southwest, which can increase the cultural diversity of the southwestern United States.

To sum up, a socially-just, environmentally-sound, and economically-viable society Southwest is necessary as the relative backwardness and social problems of minority. Also, this vision is possible as a result of the excellent environment related to its rich natural resources and natural scenery, and diverse cultural resources.

Works Cited

Theoux, paul. (2016).Myth and Reality on the Mexican Border. Smithsonian. com.

Vasquez, Miguel . Diversity In The Southwest:CHICAN@S and latinos,Northern Arizona University

Vasquez, Miguel . Arizona SB 1070,Northern Arizona University

Vasquez, Miguel . HOPI -WATER is LIFE,Northern Arizona University



Essay代写:The Hopi

2018-01-17 16:56:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Hopi,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了霍皮人。在印第安人和民族中有许多预言和传说,特别是霍皮族,他们被称为历史记录者,他们关于不同世界的预言在世界各地引起了广泛的关注。从古至今,霍皮人都生活在一个相当简单和宗教的道路上。他们认为人类已经经历了四种不同的文明和世界,关于人类起源的传说与西方的圣经相似。当人们有越来越多的欲望时,他们逐渐相信预言不再,忘记了尊重自然。最后,人们的道德观念再次沦丧。不久,世界就要被腐败破坏了。

There are many prophecies and legends among the Indians and peoples, especially the Hopi tribe, who are known as historical recorders. Their prophecy about the different worlds has attracted a lot of attention all over the world with their Hopi Prophecy Rock next to Oraibi. The video “Hopi: Songs of the Fourth World” gives a very detailed discussion of spirits of Hopis at the deep level and how art and daily life are combined in their daily life.

There are the beautiful images of Hopi land and life in the northeastern part of Arizona, in the middle of the Navajo and the edge of the Painted Desert. Also, it stressed the role of nature played in the Hopis and how they preserve the Hopi legacy. Based on interviews of a variety of Hopi--a farmer, religious elder, grandmother, painter, potter and weaver in this video, it introduces the Hopi story of how the world prior to the ended, signs of emergence of eagles and cycles of life. Sincere and honest people use their mediation to sense the existence of other world, after the world was destroyed by the flood. Sincere and honest people who survived, lived and prospered in the third world, namely the current world. This has formed some sharp contrast with the western thinking methods and the present human civilization, which search for knowledge about the world in science. Also, they interpreted the landing of The Eagle landed on the moon as the search of the next world. They relies on nature to gain knowledge about the world.

Through this video, I learn that the Hopi still live in a rather simplified and religious way. Hopi as the Indian tribes living in the western part of in the U.S well preserved their spiritual life. The Hopis believe that humans have gone through four different civilizations and world, and their legends about human origins are similar to those in the Western Bible. When people are having more and more desires, they gradually believe in the prophecy no longer and forget to respect the nature. Finally, people's morality has fallen again. Soon the world was destroyed by the corruption.

This is also consistent with what the lessons talk about Hopis. In the section of Hopi, ecology and water, I learned that in the eyes of Hopis, human life depends on and exerts impacts on natural cycles. In the video, it also shows the Hopis’ faith in nature. Only a handful of people who behaved in a moral way survived. They relies on eagle from nature to lead the way. The main reason why the last human civilization was eliminated was human corruption, and selfishness before the nature. Now the threat of GMO Crops, World War II and health problems learned on the class seems to one part of corruption, and selfishness, and the mess that once almost killed all human beings.


Ferrero, Pat . (1985). Hopi: Songs Of The Fourth World.

