

Assignment代写:The Arrow of Time

2018-01-12 16:13:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The Arrow of Time,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了小说《时间之箭》。在小说里,时间的箭头倒转回去,前纳粹医生托德的一生以逆向的方式呈现在读者眼前:死者得以复生,老人重拾韶华,整部小说俨然一部倒放的电影。艾米斯的革新还不止于此。他更塑造了一个灵肉分离的主人公。分裂的主体一方面体现了作者的后现代立场,是对传统主体观的颠覆,对理性崇拜的质疑,同时也是作者对纳粹大屠杀的心理机制进行剖析与批判的手段。

Amis is an English writer who is deeply infiltrated by postmodernism. In the arrow of time, he shaped a divided protagonist, through his inverted life to the Nazi Holocaust psychological mechanism analysis and criticism, but also questioned the traditional subject view and rational worship.

Amis, a famous British modern writer, is deeply influenced by postmodernism. In his experimental novel "Arrow of Time", he made bold innovations in narrative techniques. In the novel, the arrow of time turned back and the former Nazi doctor Todd's life was presented to the reader in a reverse way: The dead were resurrected, the old man regained his youth, and the whole novel was an inverted movie. Amis's innovation is more than that. He has shaped a soul-meat separation of the protagonist. The subject of division embodies the author's postmodern position, the subversion of the traditional subject view, the questioning of the rational worship, and the author's method of analyzing and criticizing the psychological mechanism of the Nazi massacre.​

After the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, God was pulled down from the altar and replaced by a capital man. The Humanist Descartes "I think therefore I am" has promoted the human rationality to the unprecedented altitude. Although his theory is based on the two-yuan confrontation of spiritual meat, he always believes that people are the unified subject under the domination of reason, although the spirit of flesh is different, but it is always tied together. Since then, Leibniz, Locke and Newton, respectively, from their own point of view affirmed the position of rationality. However, beginning with Nietzsche's amazing "God Is Dead", the capital man died with God, and the supremacy of reason began to be challenged. With the rise of Freud's personality theory and post structuralism, man is not only no longer the master of the outside world, he is not even "the owner of his own house". The "Twilight of subjectivity" seems to be coming.

In the arrow of time, the protagonist splits into two parts: the narrator and the narrator. The narrative angle of the novel is constantly switching between the first and third person, but the narrator is always the soul of the protagonist. The reader may never be able to figure out who the speaker is and what the narrator has to do with Todd, the protagonist. In fact, the narrator is both not the protagonist. Todd is no longer a unified subject, living in his body a soul. Although the body is inseparable from the soul of his body, it is more like two separate entities for most of the time. Todd has the body and the ability to act, but he has no self-awareness and does not know the existence of the soul as a narrator. On the contrary, the soul can think but cannot dominate the behavior of the host. For the first time the soul realized that his division with the body was when Todd wandered in the garden. He wanted to relax and enjoy the beauty of the garden, but unexpectedly the body didn't listen to him. The body has his own taste, the soul can only rely on the peripheral eyes to see what they want to see. Todd and the Drugstore Lady say, "Well you," that's not the way the soul wants to greet you. It is no wonder that the soul of a narrator is frustrated by his "powerlessness", he is only a "man", a "passer-by or parasite" in Todd's Body. Todd's body and soul are incomplete. There is no capital man in the novel. The idea of unity of subject originates from rational worship. Therefore, the writing skill of Amis in the novel is a challenge to the traditional rational authority. In fact, the separation of flesh and soul is just one of the challenges that rationality encounters in fiction. The Soul or rationality is also subject to Todd's primal impulses, which are much more than that. The story of Todd's love affair with all the women in the novel is everywhere. As Lan Wei said, this may be to a certain extent to cater to the public's vulgar taste, but there is no doubt that the traditional concept of rationality in the absolute rule of the original impulse has raised strong questions.

Of course, the protagonist is not always divided, there has been a temporary reunification. When Todd arrived at Auschwitz, the soul began to narrate in the first person's voice, and his call to the flesh changed from "he" to "Me" or "us". In Auschwitz, as the narrator's soul of the original confusion, dissatisfaction, boredom disappeared, the original logic, ideas have disappeared, he no longer for their own voice, fully realized his and physical identity, so as to achieve the unity of the subject. But obviously, the unity of the main body is actually the process of the soul being assimilated and paralyzed by the Nazi logic. For many former Nazis, the ego, controlled by the Nazi logic, still lingers. According to relevant literature, a retired German officer used a lot of biological terminology to recall the gas chambers. In his eyes, genocide is only scientific research.

In summary, the author carefully designed the division of the main image of a stone three birds effect. Through the image of the separation of the spirit flesh, the author subverts the unity of the main view of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, questioning the supremacy of rationality, and explaining the psychological mechanism of the Nazi paralysis and self-deception in the Holocaust. And the soul out of the body, in the third person to observe and narrative, but also to help readers from the Holocaust in the history of the jump out, so that people are more likely to use a calm and objective mentality to rethink the nature of events, rather than only those who are trapped in the cheap feelings of catharsis.


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2018-01-12 16:13:24 | 日記

















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Paper代写:The contradiction of values in American general election

2018-01-12 16:13:08 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The contradiction of values in American general election,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国大选中的价值观矛盾。美国是公认的以价值观立国的国家,美国政治对内对外都充斥着特殊的价值观色彩。而每一届的美国大选,就是这些价值观矛盾的突出体现。比如民主与自由的价值观矛盾,产生了多数人倾向公平和少数人要求财产自由的矛盾。道德保守主义所维护的所谓盎格鲁-撒克逊白人新教徒的价值观,还与多元主义的价值观矛盾,一定程度上激化了围绕移民问题的争议,这也是美国总统候选人特朗普毫无顾忌的极端排外思想产生的根源。

The United States is recognized as a country with values, American politics is full of special values in both internal and external. But American officials have never formally defined their values. If we summarize the core values of America from three levels of nation, society and individual according to the framework of Chinese socialist core values, we will find that American values are a rich, complicated and relatively fragmented system.

We often hear of democracy, freedom, civil rights, separation of powers, separation of church and state, market economy, rule of law and so on, which are close to national or political values. These values are basically enshrined in the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the "federal Party" and other authoritative documents, in the political history of the United States for more than 200 years of the nation.

The second kind of values mostly originates from the American Christian tradition, which effectively influences American political and social life from the social level, including moral conservatism, work ethic, equality, universalism and so on. To put equality here is because the United States believes in equality and European countries "freedom, equality, fraternity" is not the same, is under God "born equal" and equality of opportunity. At the same time, Americans are encouraging competition, more tolerant of the inequality of results, and thus close to what Weber called "Protestant ethics".

The third kind of value is the individual level, but is not the general sense personal morals or the national character, but has the comprehensive political influence, including with the military honor related patriotism, the pluralism, the pioneering innovation spirit and so on. The formation of these values, with the United States foreign war, multi-ethnic integration, Western colonization and other special historical experience, in the United States internal and external policies reflected in the U.S. policy of hegemony, race relations, science and technology and education policy and so on.

Although the above generalization may not be complete, the connotation of each value and the relationship between them might still be ambiguous and controversial, but such a set of values system, not only includes the different levels of the country, society and individual, but also traces back to the various sources of thought in American history, each is relatively independent, each one is difficult to give up, Together they constitute a set of pluralistic core values system.

America's core values are so complex that they are fraught with contradictions. Scholars who are familiar with American politics basically admit that American values are "more cluttered, illogical and less intelligent" than those of European political ideas such as Marxism. Samuel Huntington even said: "The most exciting and brutal conflict in America stems from the liberal democratic values that they share from head to toe." ”

These contradictory values are projected in the daily life, showing the special political and social contradictions in the United States. The ongoing U.S. election is the highlight of these conflicting values. For example, the contradictions between the values of democracy and freedom, the contradiction between the majority's tendency to be fair and the minority's demand for property freedom, is the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, which is the sharp disagreement between the extreme-left Saunders and the "Tea Party" Representative Rubio and others. The contradiction between moral conservatism and the values of individual freedom makes homosexuality, abortion and so on in other countries as the issue of ordinary social problems, becomes the core issue of American political game, and also explains the ideological basis of extreme conservatism of the Republican main presidential candidate Cruz and others. The values of the so-called Anglo-Saxon Protestants, defended by moral conservatism, are also contradictory to the values of pluralism, which in some ways inflame the controversy surrounding immigration, which is the root cause of the idea of extreme xenophobia, the US presidential candidate, who has no scruples.

These values contradict every general election, but this election is more strident. In general, these contradictions do not worry Americans. In fact, it is precisely the contradictions, games and imbalances of American values that constitute the ideological force that drives the evolution of American politics. These "disorganized goals and values" encompass different ideological tendencies and political orientations, including elitism and populism, individualism and corporatism, encouragement of inclusion and assistance, and support for force and war. Americans can find answers to a whole bunch of American creeds on different issues, different situations and different stages. When social setbacks and defects, the contradictions and rebound in values will become the driving force of reform.

To this extent, let's take a look at the significance of Trump and Hillary's duel. The contradiction between Hillary and Trump is not a contradiction between values, but a contradiction between values and values. Hillary Clinton is trying to represent America's Orthodox values. In all aspects of the values of the ruler, she tried to perform correctly. Trump is opposed to the correct values, he used a rude way to meet the Americans in the current doubts and disappointment. From primaries to battles, from party to Non-party, Trump is out of tune with all the candidates because he is out of tune with the various values that America is perceived to be right. Perhaps he and his supporters are not opposed to the American creed itself, but are fully opposed to the manifestations of these creeds in current American politics. So Trump's appearance, represents the United States a "ritual collapse of the music of the Bad" era. In the next two months of the election battle, although it can not be said that Trump more mistakes will be successful, but we can say that the more correct Hillary Clinton will be the more failure.



Paper代写:The influence of Culture on speech act

2018-01-12 16:12:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of Culture on speech act,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文化对言语行为的影响。文化语境,又叫语用共同体,它对言语行为形成一种自上而下的设定。它先要设定言语互动的方式,比如模式、形态、原则等因素。之后再设定会话参与者个人的行动。而在不同的权势关系上,言语行为的可磋商度也是由文化设定的。

Language is the product of civilization, therefore, in pragmatic activities, the specificity of verbal events not only includes specific situations, but also includes specific culture or specific culture from a deeper level. For language learners and users, learning a foreign language does not just mean mastering words and grammar, but understanding the culture of the target language country.

Gang, a famous cultural linguistics scholar, expounds the causes and ways of setting up speech act concretely, and he thinks that the cultural setting of speech act is mainly embodied in three aspects: the setting of cultural context of speech act, the setting of cultural function of speech act, and the setting of cultural affinity of speech act.

The first aspect is the cultural context, also called the pragmatic community, which forms a top-down setting for speech acts. It must first set the way of verbal interaction, such as patterns, forms, principles and other factors. Then set the session participant's individual action. In the cultural context, morality, statutes, power, etiquette, emotions can all constitute the conditions of interpersonal interaction. In the case of power relations, the setting of specific behavior mainly includes the order of behavior, tolerance, negotiation and negotiation mode. For example, in the formal communication occasions, when the high people do not stand, subordinates are not easy to position. From the perspective of tolerance, the power of the people of the lower power of dissent and speech in the tolerance of the same. But in different power relations, the negotiation degree of Speech Act is also set by culture. In the culture of Democratic politics, the possession of power is not eternal, but dynamic, so the power in specific context can change with the change of one's identity, knowledge and experience. This means that the interaction of power between the verbal actors has greater scope for consultation. People can generally gain the advantage of power through the continuous process of conversation, so that the behavior of the intention to become reasonable and possible. In addition, the cultural setting of the language's gender is also an aspect of the context of Speech act culture. The cultural context can set the roles of different sex participants in the conversation, set the behavior categories of different genders, and set up the behavior patterns of the participants of different genders.

The second aspect of Speech act culture is the cultural function setting of the response mode. The so-called response mode, refers to the interaction of the specific speech acts of the response characteristics of the general name. The cultural setting that violates the way of response can cause different levels of disgust and even contempt. For example, the Chinese culture of modesty is a virtue, if the face of other people's praise and complacent, it will undoubtedly arouse the resentment of others. In the English language users, if the face of other people's praise blindly denied, it will be considered a lack of self-confidence. The setting of speech act by culture can also be embodied by the function setting of some preference categories. Speech act must take the initiative to bear its cultural function: cultural maintenance, cultural consolidation, cultural restructuring, cultural renewal. In other words, language is not only a heritage of culture, it reflects, embodies and undertakes a new cultural phenomenon, even to a certain extent, change the way people think, change the characteristics of the times. For example, the rise of the vernacular in the Chinese new Culture movement, the Renaissance English overthrew the Latin written language status, absorbed and digested a large vocabulary of loanwords, in the development of a more standardized spelling method.

The cultural affinity setting of speech Act is the third aspect of culture's setting of speech act. Cultural affinity can not only be embodied in speech act, but also be consolidated and enhanced through verbal interaction. Therefore, cultural affinity is rooted in the core beliefs of the culture of the individual consciousness. In the specific cultural context, through similar behavior, the speaker first gives the hearer a good impression, and through the specific mutually beneficial behavior, altruistic behavior to maintain, consolidate and enhance mutual trust and emotional attachment, so as to achieve mutual close effect. It is hard to guarantee the fluency and effectiveness of this communication if we are always communicating with the language users from another culture in a way that we have established in our culture.

In a word, because of the social and cultural characteristics of speech act, the social and cultural contexts in which speech acts occur and the social and cultural identification of the participants in speech Acts make the speech act interfere with various social and cultural variables in the specific context, especially in cross-cultural communication, thus affecting the realization of speech act. Therefore, speech act is not only a very complicated language, but also a harmonious process of social and cultural relations. Among the many factors that influence learners ' pragmatic competence, the lack of cultural knowledge is a very important factor. If we want to overcome the obstacles of Speech act communication, we must strengthen the accumulation and awareness of individual cultural knowledge.



Essay代写:Micro Fiction

2018-01-12 15:51:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Micro Fiction,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了微小说。微小说是以140字以内的微博为载体的超短篇小说,它有严格的字数上限。微小说是以微博为主要发表平台的新兴小说形态,是微博价值延伸的一种生动表现形式;微小说是微文化诞生的基础,由此衍变出了电影等微文化形式的衍生作品。微小说作为博客文学的主体,体现了一种新的文学样式。

With the rapid development of Weibo, a new culture media has been formed. Among them, micro-blogging is a new literary model derived from the soil of Weibo. It is short, compact layout, concise expressive, condemn and other characteristics by the public's favorite and attention. Micro-theory is the product of the information age, it makes more people close to literature, has a broad mass base, this is the traditional literature lack of advantages. Therefore, the advantages of this form may have a certain impetus to its future development. This paper mainly analyzes the value and development foreground of micro-said.

The swift and violent development of network information technology brings people's change not only the change of human life style and thinking, in the literature field, the popularity of the network changes the way of literary creation, when the traditional literature is confronted with the crisis and the neglected background in today's society, the micro-novel has emerged as a new form Then it was soon known and noticed by the public. Apart from the short and short features, there is also the characteristics of interaction with the reader at any time, but a few words can reveal a rich inner feelings, the expression of a complete storyline, so that readers memorable. Micro-talk from the silent state of entertainment developed into popular and increasingly become popular aesthetic amusement culture of the important content, visible its popularity. October 27, 2010, Sina Weibo held the first small talk competition, followed by small talk of springing up, the combination of this network and literature, embodies not only the progress of network technology, but also a technology to infiltrate the value of the field of cultural form. It has changed people's understanding of literature in a unique way, and its value and development foreground have aroused the heat of academia and the thought of literature itself.

Tiny is a short story with a 140-word microblog as its carrier, and it has a strict word limit. Micro-Blog as the main platform for the publication of the new novel form, is the extension of the value of micro-bo a vivid expression; micro-theory is the basis of the birth of micro-culture, which has developed a film and other micro-cultural forms of derivative works. The most obvious characteristic of micro-said is that it is close to real life, reflects social reality and embodies the spirit of the Times. It is also known as Xiaoxiao. In micro-blog for the creation of micro-fiction, and put forward the concept of micro-and the creation of norms is the writer Huanhua ship, masterpiece is a long microblog novel "The Love of the Scarf", began on January 29, 2010 in Sina Weibo serial, April 2011 officially published. Since then, he has created a large number of small 140-word words, and launched the first small Talk contest, excavation, training a large number of small said authors. In contrast to traditional novels, small talk reduces the difficulty of reading, and the way it is published on the Web platform enhances the speed of communication and the convenience of interaction.

As the main body of blog literature, micro-novels embody a new literary style. The author can write novels directly on Weibo, not influenced by time and space, can be expressed anytime and anywhere. It does not have a large text structure like traditional literature, but in the text structure to appear fragmented or fragmented text structure, this is due to the micro-BO platform word limit, then this requirement makes the writing requirements of the text more concise depth, which also enhances the temper of the text.

"Shallow reading" is a manifestation of "micro-era". The advent of the "shallow reading" era coincides with the rapid pace of social life, the pressure of work, the lack of leisure time to bring about new changes in people's spiritual life-need to be in a break, a short period of time to quickly obtain effective information and adequate recreational resources. And the emergence of micro-fiction just can make the spiritual home increasingly desolate modern people find emotional comfort.

The small talk of prosperity, in addition to the rapid expansion of the author and the publishing garden, is also reflected in the theme, form and style of more diverse. Facing the real life becomes the main subject matter of the miniature novel creation, through each kind of life side describes various ordinary people's character and the destiny, becomes this time the miniature novel creation mainstream, everybody can carry on the creation, releases freely own free nature.

Gorky once said "literature is human learning." Literary works belong to the spiritual products of human beings, embodying intrinsic, ontological and constantly transcending their spiritual values. Traditional literary creation threshold is high, for ordinary people have a certain distance sense, the right to speak is in the hands of a few people, and the emergence and flourish of micro-novels makes literature more free to develop and create, everyone can become a writer, or a reader, the author and the reader of the mutual powder to increase the emotional exchange and interaction, Satisfy the public's individuality expression and the psychological demand, stimulates the populace's creation desire. Everyone is free to create, express themselves, literature is no longer a high "luxury", but "human literature."

The upsurge of creation and reading, which is caused by micro-novels based on micro-blogging, confirms McLuhan's assertion that "media is the extension of man" in the 1960s. In his book "The Media of Understanding", he argues that "all media are an extension of human senses, and communication techniques create a new environment by altering the human senses-visual, auditory, tactile, and then changing the society by changing individuals." "Micro-talk is a popular, grassroots literature, through the mass forwarding and dissemination of the novel gradually become a reflection of social ideology, full of vitality of the literary style." But the network popular small say good and bad, in the thought and connotation is not mature enough. If we want to get a great development, we must break through our limitations. First of all, small said to abandon impetuous and shallow, break through the media and timeliness, deepen the literary and ideological. Secondly, through the intervention of literary criticism, we can continuously guide the small talk to improve the literary character and aesthetic style, so that it gradually moves towards the consciousness of style.

