

Essay代写:Harmonious education

2019-12-04 17:20:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Harmonious education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了和谐教育。和谐教育是一种公平正义的教育,需要秩序和法治,必须有有条不紊的教育教学秩序和稳定安宁的周边环境。而且要用法律的力量来强化管理。贯彻“依法治教”,加强法律法规的学习、宣传和普及工作,严格按照法律法规管理教育事业。

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American educator, said: "the secret of education is to respect students." From the matter, we deeply realized, respect students, first of all to build a harmonious, democratic and equal relationship between teachers and students, respect students' personality, respect the students' feelings, protect students' self-esteem, criticism or punishment to the student, must respect facts, must not be subjective arbitrarily make "errors", make the student self-esteem is innocent. Especially when the teacher because of various reasons caused by negligence, dare to face the truth, to lay down their face, and the students to be honest, firmly admit the mistake, so, the teacher not only not to lose prestige, it can make students more trust and respect you. Only in this way can we cultivate the students' consciousness, and the teacher will get twice the result with half the effort on the education.

Education democracy, equality to be born, is the inherent requirement of education rule. Soviet educationalist sukhomlinski believes that in education, students must understand the inner activities of the students, and he has a famous saying: there is no education civilization without understanding the inner world of children. Because only understanding the inner world of the students, our education can be targeted, and can be effective.

Harmonious education needs order and the rule of law, must have methodical education teaching order and stable and tranquil surroundings. Use the power of the law to strengthen management. We will carry out the "teaching in accordance with the law", strengthen the study, publicity and popularization of laws and regulations, and administer the education business strictly in accordance with laws and regulations. Schools at all levels should perfect the administrative law enforcement responsibility system and the evaluation system of education, establish articles of association and run schools according to law.

Education fairness is the cornerstone of education. Fairness and justice are one of the essential characteristics of a harmonious society, while education equity is an extension and embodiment of social equity value in the field of education. Education fair is to point to every social member's enjoy public education resources by fair and equal treatment, mainly includes the equal right to education and education equality of opportunity two basic aspects, its core is the education equality of opportunity. The fairness of education is equal to that of other social sectors, including education starting level, education process fairness and education result fair. Education starting point fair is the essence of education fair chance, mainly through the corresponding system and policies reflect and maintain the education fairness, respect and protect every citizen's right to education, realize the equality of rights of education and education equality of opportunity, ensure that students not to lose at the starting line. Education process equity mainly refers to the equal treatment of every educated person in the interaction between education process and teacher-student relationship, and regulates education fairness from the micro level. Education result equity refers to the substantive fairness that is ultimately reflected in the academic achievements of the students, namely, education quality equality and the goal level of equality.

In real life, education is mainly reflected in the inequity between urban and rural areas, between regions, between schools and between social classes. How to solve the problem of education injustice? The key is government. First of all, the government should promote education equity as one of the basic starting points of education system and education policy, ensuring the fairness of education from policy, system and legal level. Second, increase input, generally improve the conditions of running schools. Third, implement the education poverty alleviation project, and establish and improve the financial aid system for disadvantaged groups, especially children from poor families. At the same time, the government should give full play to the role of "invisible hand" in education resource allocation, optimize education resource allocation and improve the utilization efficiency of resources. In addition, education administrative departments and schools should promote education fairness in improving school-running level, reducing the gap between schools, promoting balanced development of schools and treating students equally.

Harmonious education is also a kind of justice education. Our ancestors used "filial piety and loyalty and integrity" to encourage later learning. Confucius said, "you are a loyal and trustworthy man." The pipes of the warring states period stressed that "courtesy and honour, four dimensions of the state: four dimensions are not zhang, the state is destroyed." In any society, the absence of loyalty and righteousness means the loss of the person and the loss of the country. Today's young students, grew up with the oscillation of the period of social transition, accept the influence of strong western culture, advocate centering on the individual, the lack of deep social responsibility and historical comprehension, traditional moral qualities under the extrusion of utilitarianism of exam-oriented education comparatively weak. Young students face the reality to avoid confusion and lack of correct guidance of disquieting confusion and anxiety astray, especially moral flexible hidden in current dominant scores significantly by rigid, good space for the growth of minors is located in the tangible benefits of reality. The most fundamental purpose of education is to teach students to distinguish between good and evil. CAI yuanpei said, "educators, cultivate the cause of human nature." However, it is very frustrating for people in the industry to look at the current education, or to downplay the responsibility of education for people because of social pressure or impetuousness.

Education harmony is based on integrity, without integrity, and education will lose its soul, and it will not be universally accepted by the whole society. Education should win the support of society with honesty. We should maintain the image of education itself, regulate the behavior of running schools, and make an example for the society. Setting up education good image is the sign of building harmonious education. It is necessary to correct the unhealthy trend of education industry and eliminate the disharmony of education and establish a good image of education. A firm governance school collects fees in disorder, the standard fee management system, full implementation of "one fee system", "sunlight charge", to remedy improper practices that harm public interests and build a harmonious relationship with the school group, the relationship between teachers and students. The second is to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics, carry forward the good teacher ethics of "caring for the work, being a teacher, caring for the students, being willing to contribute, being honest, and clean". Third, we will actively promote openness and transparency in government affairs, increase transparency and eliminate all kinds of corruption. It mainly includes the implementation of enrollment publicity, ensuring the fair, fair and open enrollment work. The implementation of personnel publicity, to ensure that the recruitment of teachers, teachers and cadres to be open to the public, to strengthen democratic supervision, to truly achieve the merit of the performance of several aspects of the employment; The implementation of the public bidding, the school infrastructure maintenance project and the purchase of bulk materials and equipment, student life supplies, etc., shall be subject to tendering and government procurement in accordance with the regulations to prevent the operation of the dark box; We will carry out financial disclosure, strictly implement the management of "two lines of revenue and expenditure", regularly publish financial revenues and expenditures, and accept the supervision of the masses.

Teachers should win the respect of society with honesty. We will continue to work hard to build a good teacher, vigorously advocate the spirit of dedication, and build a good teacher's spiritual home. To carry out the "the citizen morals construction implement outline", to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit and strengthen ideological and moral construction in the whole process of teachers' education, lead teachers always remember their sacred duty, to foster talent, prosperous knowledge, developing advanced culture, and promoting social progress, resolutely put an end to the paid tutor, as well as the corporal punishment student phenomenon. To strengthen the business education, which is the main content of "seeking truth, seeking for excellence and seeking for new", we will make good use of the general training of the new curriculum and create a good image of education workers in a good way.

Students should win the welcome of society with honesty. Strengthen the student to carry on the good faith education, in addition to the students in class, a professor at the contents of books about the good faith, integrity education in student should also the society as a big classroom, education on students with a view of the development of the social phenomenon of lack of good faith, let the students set up at an early age to be honest, the concept of my word.


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Assignment代写:Supply chain finance development

2019-12-04 17:15:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Supply chain finance development,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了供应链金融。供应链金融业务涉及动产的抵押机制,所以对动产的评估极为重要,不完善的动产评估系统会增加商行的授信风险,使可避免的损失出现,想要高效降低供应链金融中的风险,就必须研究透彻,建立健全的动产评估体系。以往的商行信贷模式对比,供应链金融最显著的不同是它的授信方式的变化。

Mechanism of supply chain finance business involves the chattel mortgage, so evaluation is very important for personal property, incomplete personal property assessment system can increase the firm's credit risk, to avoid losses, to efficiently reduce the risks in the financial supply chain, it is necessary to research thoroughly, establishing and perfecting the system of personal property assessment.

In providing financial services, supply chain is bound to use current assets mortgage system, but for personal property assessment, not perfect personal property assessment system let businesses suffer, firm's credit risk is greatly enhanced. America's liquidity pledge accounts for 70 per cent of the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is one of the most robust and most developed countries in the supply chain. Therefore, the imperfect evaluation system is destined to become a stumbling block in the growth of supply chain finance.

Compared to the financial supply chain products of developed countries, our country's innovation ability of supply chain of goods, there is a certain gap research of the market is still not clear, research and development of the commodity and corporate financing needs can not match exactly. For some listed commodities, the firm has not fully displayed the service advantages of the supply chain finance, but then used the credit services such as accounts payable financing and credit financing.

At the same time, the lack of the policies and laws of the ownership of a financial professional knowledge make the firm's mode of operation can be copied easily, commercial Banks overall homogeneity competition is extremely obvious. In addition, even the cooperation between firms and logistics companies has little to do with the efficiency of business operations. In terms of guarantee, the development of accounts receivable financing services is better and more mature. Inventory impawn financing business, though this time better growth, but the business in the choice and restrictions, the pledge for the business, the current main is to provide service for flow-through enterprise, so the management of the inventory form mainly public warehouse. The most typical commodity is the trade financing commodity offered by deep distribution, which includes structured short-term financing services that provide prepaid, inventory and receivable assets. Such services are traditional trade financing given on the basis of the enterprise's own rating, as well as the self-compensation trade financing on the basis of single debt rating. The business of other firms is basically the same as this commodity, lacking distinctive features.

Before popular though, the financial commodity supply chain to process in the supply chain have enough money, but because of the marketization of interest rate is not, it is the highest profit also can hardly more than the traditional profit mode of the firm, the firm as the core of supply chain finance innovation ability is not strong enough. So competition on the market at present the most common way is through price competition, the company when choosing different Banks provide the same service in a proactive position, lead to some businesses considering traffic, to the enterprise credit too much even long credit, has greatly increased its own credit risk, is likely to make Banks bear the unnecessary loss.

Compared with previous business credit models, the most significant difference in supply chain finance is the change of credit mode. Business credit service credit way past is based on the balance sheet and other financial statements as the main reference object, object to the application for the determination of specific situation again credit decisions, but the supply chain finance is not the case. Businesses in the supply chain finance to reduce the weight of the financial statements of the application object, not only focus on the object's value category of industry, real estate, financial index and guarantee form, etc., but the value object of single transactions and the comprehensive strength of the core of supply chain companies and credit rating, which means that the firm is to determine the credibility of the supply chain as a whole level, the need to control the risk of supply chain. The potential risks of each step of the supply chain are identified and controlled, and the management costs are greatly increased.

In view of the change of the credit rating model of small and medium-sized enterprises, the firm will need to create a new credit rating system, apply it in the supply chain financial service, and carry out the credit evaluation to the credit recipients. At present, China's social credit collection system and the construction of credit intermediary institutions have just started, and the information of small and medium-sized enterprises is especially lacking. The information of smes cannot be effectively collected and accurately rated, which will make it difficult to expand the supply chain financial services of firms and bring great credit risks. At the same time, there is no mechanism for the punishment of dishonesty.

In a petrochemical company as an example, the company size in leading domestic fuel distribution industry, bulk fuel oil import and export trade is the main operating business, namely buy fuel abroad and sold domestically. In 2008, due to the economic crisis spread to commodity prices fell, fuel prices are the same, the domestic distribution industry is a huge impact, lower income, industry business income of a bleak. But the petroleum and chemical company's financial statement, said the company in 2008, still have profit, the credit amount is rising trend, and it has exceeded the number of the bank and the six, three in the credit amount is up to hundreds of millions of yuan. According to the survey, the company can easily financing is the cause of the company in business and firm, good reputation, can pay off the debt on time, and has good reputation and high reputation in the fuel industry. Commercial Banks and other financial institutions are more lax in their supervision of the company's credit funds, and their business checks are looser. In addition, the bank is limited by its own strength, can not timely understand the company's daily capital transactions.

Before long, the company was liquidated because of operational problems, and three of its businesses were affected and suffered huge losses when they failed to recover their credit in time. Through investigating, the company by using the methods of delay after make out an invoice, and billing, disguise business lose money in business, fabricating false profits, to obtain the trust of the other companies after obtaining a large number of credit funds.

Can be seen from the above example, China's current supply chain financial service in the credit system is not perfect, firm when choosing credit enterprise lack of perfect rules and regulations, and not of a tracking mechanism for credit object; After the loan is released, there is no timely monitoring of the capital movements of the financing objects; Businesses in reception part is called "big business", easily affected by their reputation, subjective assessment of their trading background, investigating the situation of their real business degree. The credit system of large enterprises is not perfect, especially the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises is not optimistic, so it is urgent to establish a perfect credit system.


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Research Essay写作讲解

2019-12-04 17:14:26 | 日記
对于初到国外的留学生们来说,国外的一切事物都是那么新鲜,那么有趣,直到他们遇到了Research Essay,其实Research Essay并不可怕,只是留学生们初次接触,对它不太熟悉而已,下面就给大家讲解一下。


①定题目:兴趣是写好一篇Research Essay的先决条件,所以我们要根据自己的兴趣来定一个题目。

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Paper代写:Western concept of justice

2019-12-04 17:06:21 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Western concept of justice讨论了西方正义概念。正义概念是政治合法性的理论基点,也是西方伦理学探索的永恒主题。西方的正义观念并非一成不变,而是随着西方文化的发展不断改变形态。追溯西方正义思想的历史轨迹,大致可以发现三个具有代表性的基本维度:古希腊的德性正义观、中世纪的神学正义观和现当代的理性正义观。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

If any ruler wants to be recognized by the public after taking power, he must face the problem of seeking the legitimacy of his political system. The appeal of political legitimacy cannot be separated from the interpretation of justice. Political justice is a theoretical system that enables people to identify with the existing social system. Greek philosophy as the spiritual source of western culture, expressed the people to the eternal pursuit of justice, of personal virtue, punishment for evil behavior, and the justice as to distinguish the civilization and savage. Therefore, justice becomes the focus of Greek political philosophy and moral philosophy. From the greeks in the worship of the goddess DE moment as you can see, the god of justice is god, the god of the west's most admired her eyes blindfolded black cloth, skill of balance, one hand holding a sword, the symbol of impartial judge right and wrong, good and evil of the world, become eternal embodiment of law and order. This shows that in the eyes of the ancient greeks, justice is not only with the public power to maintain the order of all things in the world, but also connected with moral law, which is the inevitable result of the role of moral law. However, the concept of justice in the context of Greek mythology does not get rid of the domination of destiny, which easily leads to the contradiction and conflict of the concept of justice.

In the historical period of extremely low productivity, human cognition was dominated by divine factors. The so-called divinity is the unique attribute and ability of god. It is the result of the deification of one's own attributes and abilities. From the perspective of theistic religion, the interpretation of divinity shows the characteristics of a religious belief. On the one hand, human nature and divinity are heterogeneous and belong to two worlds. On the other hand, divinity has an essential connection with human nature. Man is god's "fallen angel", and man can be saved through god. This dual relationship between man and god causes man to stop limiting his essence to the moral realm or the natural state in theological care, but to put himself in a relationship of redemption. In this way, the ancient justice of man was replaced by the justice of god. It was impossible for man to establish his own foundation of justice. West the fate of the gods, east view of destiny by the glory of the divine, the long middle ages is to recognize the divinity of generalization and sublimation, across the world become the target of worldly life, and nature is god created out of nothing, is low-level, evil, man's inner life to communicate directly with god, completely canceled the natural mediation. One good turn deserves another justice became the social life, the circulation of the concept of factors such as what goes around comes around, and associated with authority idea, because of the presence of social justice and implementation must have the authority to participate in. Justice before the political society, the unjust and implementation depends on the fate or the authority of the natural law, political society, the presence of justice and realization depends on is the public political power of the society.

Christian theocracy is the dominant value norm in the middle ages. It replaced the political justice theory in ancient Greece and Rome with a new justice theory. Christianity brought religion and philosophy into an unprecedented integration. Philosophy not only had the characteristics of divinity, but also became fully theologized. It changed the humanism of ancient Greece into theocracy. Is the earliest Anselm the ontological argument for the existence of god, then the ? Thomas Aquinas to five proof of the existence of god. Although Christian philosophy has different forms of expression and theoretical system in its evolution, there is a common and most fundamental cornerstone that demonstrates that god is the ultimate cause of the universe. It is the highest standard of all the rules of conduct of earthly life. On the basis of legitimacy supported by ancient social politics, moral ethics has lost its original significance in the face of theocracy. If the ancient society is the moral logic to solve the problem of justice, so the Christian is from divine logic to solve this problem, virtue is no longer the root of the problem, the divine is the ultimate reason. Apply this divine logic in the field of social and political law, the growth of the relationship between political system and legal authority is logically produced major change, theocratic replace the ancient political virtue, become the social life of the spindle. God's salvation to humanity has transcendent justice through Jesus. Everything from augustine to Aquinas has been re-examined in the name of god. In their case, justice is the result of logical religious deduction. Human justice can only be achieved through the grace of god, which is an absolute theistic view. Under god's justice, moral and ethical only give meaning to the limitation, it's not like ancient societies in the position of the supremacy of human nature, moral good and evil is no longer become the ultimate purpose of human life. Augustine believes that people across the world belongs to the holy kingdom, as a eternal justice standards, and derived from the absolute command and free will of god, so is the premise of justice first believe in god. Augustine in the "city of god" made clear that people are citizens of the two cities, one is the reality of the world, the other one is the other shore of the kingdom of heaven, human nature is twofold, therefore, his body belongs to the earth, and his soul belongs to the kingdom of heaven, human existence is a bridge across the world has been formed, however, from this point of view, the ancient virtue ethics and political philosophy in the view of Christian theocracy under the pale, they can't solve the problem of the ultimate concern of human society faces, more can't provide a sacred eternal justice. Ancient political virtue, such as those established by Aristotle's virtue theory can only regulate people's secular life, solve the problem of people within the scope of the experience of right and wrong, good and evil, and cannot solve the people in the transcendental vision of justice problem. Therefore, man needs a higher spiritual support, which is the law and authority of god.

Sanctity is a basic dimension to understand the medieval concept of justice. Established by Christian theology of justice is essentially a kind of save justice, it needs new laws to regulate the man of god, the relationship between the new law is only a kind of eternal god's law, established only the divine law, the relevant law of people might exist. In this way, divine law replaced human law in Greece and Rome as the highest law in the Christian world. The law of god appeared in the old testament as the ten commandments of Moses, in which faith in god became the most fundamental law. Medieval Christian theology of the most representative thinkers ? Thomas Aquinas by Aristotle's philosophical interpretation of a new political justice, he thought the man as a rational social animals, only can live a happy life in society, and justice is the human must have the virtue, to realize this aim is to adjust the relationship between the people of the principle. Only justice can lead people to devote themselves to public welfare. All virtues can be included in the scope of justice. Equality is the main content of justice. He divided law into eternal law, natural law, divine law and human law according to the rank of effectiveness. Eternal law represents the reason, wisdom and will of god, and is the source of all things that dominate the universe. Natural law is the rational command by which god rules over man and guides him to the best of good. Divine law, the bible, is the embodiment and supplement of abstract natural law. The law of man is the law made by the monarch, including the law of the citizen and the law of all people. Although the eternal law supreme, but humans can't get it directly, only through natural law involved, and the method and might not have been no error, therefore, only perfect divine law, it can make people get added, make the person's motivation and behavior are suitable for moral norms. ? Thomas Aquinas believed that countries have a fairly dominant legal powers and functions of social life. But the law of the state must not be contrary to the law of god, the law of nature, and the law of eternity; otherwise, it is an unjust law. ? Thomas Aquinas is by constructing method of hierarchical pyramid, give justice to the church's coat and supreme power. "Divine justice rules the universe as public law rules every city." The divine law thus becomes the highest standard of human justice. Therefore, the theological view of justice is the result of transcendental logical religious inference. This divine justice can only be achieved by the help of god's grace to the faithful, and it cannot be found in the secular community.

In ancient Greece and the middle ages, people just from the ultimate natural or god to find the source of justice, justice, law is not to need to prove, as long as the highest points out that it conforms to the natural law and god's will. In a modern democratic society, however, all laws need to be justified by reason. Since the enlightenment. The search for political legitimacy in the west has undergone a major shift. Modernity makes the philosophy of the center of attention from the transcendence of the laws of nature and god will back to the reason itself, all the ultimacy value must accept rational judgment of the court evidence of social justice and so on. In a sense, Locke and Rousseau laid a solid ideological foundation for this transformation. Different from the previous social contract theorists, Rousseau "realized the consistency between utilitarianism and justice through an institutional design arrangement in the transcendental direction of necessity". In Kant's thought, the principle of justice must conform to the absolute order made by man's practical reason, which is a kind of rational self-legislation. Kant first proposed the concept of "public reason" in his essay "what is the enlightenment" in 1784, that is, people have the freedom to use their reason openly in everything. Judging from the absolute concept of universal legislation, the only effective principle that allows people to truly share this freedom can be public justice. The ultimate goal of justice is freedom. The central expression of freedom is justice. Kant believed that only public reason can bring human enlightenment. Public reason is the basic characteristic of a democratic country. It is the rationality of citizens and the rationality of those who share equal citizenship. Their rational goal is the public good, which is the requirement of political justice on the basic system structure of the society and the purpose served by these systems. Public reason is public in three aspects: as its own reason, it is public reason; Its aim is public good and fundamental justice; Its nature and content are public, as defined by the ideals and principles expressed by the concept of political justice. The emergence of public rationality means the emergence of a kind of justice view which is opposite to the medieval theological justice view. It breaks down the divine right of Kings, theocracy and other ideas that were once regarded as self-evident, enlightened human beings with reason, and eliminated ignorance with science. This path change is both substantive and methodological. Since the 18th century western justice has experienced of positivism and utilitarianism, liberalism ideological trend, under the background of multiculturalism, the essence which is the basis of the law of people's rational behind, post-modernism has become more and more widely questioned. Famous American ethicist ? John rawls to return to the political legitimacy of explain position is different from the classical contract theory of the modern contract theory. Rawls is aware of a capitalist society is the "crisis of modernity", "enlightenment rationality crisis", and he also recognize that political excessive "technical", will lead to a loss of political critical dimensions. In order to save the modern western political philosophy, maintaining the political legitimacy of critical value dimension, rawls to the introduction of the "contract justice" areas of political legitimacy, as the best strategy to solve the crisis of the western empirical theory. By constructing participatory civic political culture in the public domain, citizens can form a critical "public reason" in the process of political practice. According to rawls's contract theory, the political legitimacy of a country mainly depends on a set of procedural justice based on equality rather than substantive justice. When traditional contractual theorists pay more attention to the theory of contract, they pay more attention to the justice in the entity. That is, the value pursuit of justice seeks a set of reasonable social relations and behavior. For the social system and legal system, substantive justice requires that the social system and law reflect the value of human justice, that is, the social system and law itself must be just. Procedural justice is the institutional form and legal form fixed by reasonable social relations and behavior. That procedural justice for social system and the laws in the process of running a program on the reasonable standard, namely the operation of the social system and law must be a fair and effective set of universal application. In rawls's new contract theory, the program is more important than the results, the results of justice are derived by justice program, it is through the design of the pure procedural justice idea, guarantee the two justice principles of rawls. That is, the equality of the condition changes to the fairness of the result.

Rawls believes that it is not any individual who constitutes political justice or modern contractual society, but citizens with rational ability and moral consensus. The social justice principle is not the transcendental presupposition of the completeness theory, but the result of people's free choice behind the veil of ignorance. In this sense, the justice theory is a rational choice theory. Reason is not only a kind of to determine the most effective way to achieve the purpose of, and is a kind of "balance of reflection", so his original set selected the "rational man" justice is after excluding personal interests, for moral intuition and fair justice. This moral consensus is based on public reason. Rawls clearly pointed out in his theory of justice that "justice is the primary value of the social system, just as truth is the primary value of the ideological system. A theory, however delicate and simple, must be rejected and corrected as long as it is not true; Likewise, certain laws and institutions, however efficient and organized they may be, must be reformed and abolished as long as they are unjust. Everyone has a set of inviolability based on justice, which cannot be surpassed even in the name of the interests of society as a whole. In rawls's opinion, on the one hand, a just society cannot deprive individual members of their happiness on the basis of the increase of the total happiness. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish good from right and seek a reasonable explanation of their relationship. If different social cultures cannot reach consensus through mutual interpretation, they will face a situation of incommensurability in value.

In a word, rawls tries to reinterpret the justice theory on the basis of public reason so as to solve the legitimacy of the constitutional democracy system in a pluralistic society. In his opinion, when constructing a political concept of justice and making it possible to obtain an overlapping consensus, it means, first of all, tolerance to various reasonable theories or views. Secondly, the core of overlapping consensus can only be basic procedural justice, and all kinds of complete theories or values cannot be the core of this consensus. Third, overlapping consensus has practical legitimacy only when it appeals to public reason and democratic consultation and free choice in the public domain.


Essay代写:An abstraction in a work of art

2019-12-04 17:02:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- An abstraction in a work of art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了艺术作品中的抽象。抽象艺术从艺术诞生之时起就已经存在了,古老的图腾、石窟的岩画无一不是明证,但真正意义上的抽象艺术是在19世纪才出现的。所谓抽象,其实指的是抽取事物的最本质的属性然后加以传达。在如今多元化的时代,能容纳异彩纷呈的风格与主义,只要能表达新时代人的精神就是超越理念。在这个世界上,没有无抽象的绝对的具象,也没有无具象的绝对抽象。

Which is more advanced, abstract or representational? This proposition has always been the subject of debate in the field of art. But this proposition is true or false, and it is the first question we should make clear. In fact, their relationship is mutually dependent, we should not separate to talk about any one of them individually.

Abstract art from the time of the birth of art existed, the ancient totem and cave paintings notting have is not a good one, but common sense people think it is the real abstract art is in the 19th century.

After the creation of the camera, the function of painting is no longer useful. The artist is thinking: "where should the road of art lead?" The appearance of impressionism lit a bright light for the direction of art. "The beauty of art is not only in content, but also in form." This idea came into being like a pioneer who followed more and more people along the road. Since then, painting schools such as dadaism, cubism and brutalist have mushroomed, and their power has increased with each passing day.

In fact, the famous Greek philosopher and aesthete Plato is the earliest source of abstract thought. He said; "The real world is the imitation of the idea world, and art is the imitation of the objective reality. Then, what art represents is the idea world." Kant is the integrator of abstract expression thought. He advocates that beauty is subjective and that art of beauty requires subjective expression and is the art of genius. At the beginning of the 20th century, the aesthetician croce believed that the origin of art was the intuition of the mind, and intuition was creation, and the form of creation was expression. Matisse, the famous brutalist painter, spoke of the realistic tradition. "The artist no longer has to deal with the monomer of the lock. Photography exists for this. It works better and faster. It is no longer a matter of painting to describe the events of history. The devil will be found in books.

Abstraction refers to the extraction of the most essential attributes of a thing and then its transmission. This process can be clearly seen from the paintings of Picasso, the founder of libenism. Its representative image of the bull has been changed more than ten times, from the beginning of a more realistic image to the last few lines. It is hard for others to imagine the artist laboring in these threads, but they alone convey all the features one can think of when referring to a bull. This is the abstract connotation, that is, different from the reappearance of traditional forms to convey the author's understanding of things, emotion and other psychology. Of course, the abstract pays more attention to the author's personality. Escher's emphasis is on contradiction; Dali emphasized ideas; Van gogh emphasized emotion. However, the common feature of expressionism is that it adopts different methods of representation from traditional reproduction, and they remove all the parts that affect the theme from the painting. As Picasso put it, "my bull's meat should not be on the screen, it should be on the market shelf, or it should be on the housewife's table." Their paintings are no longer the same as the reality, but are consistent with the artist's heart. It is mainly to make art no longer a reflection of the world reality but to actively express the individual's feelings towards the world and transform the world.

In fact, the world is originally contradictory and unified, and there are contradictions everywhere. If they are viewed from a different Angle, then the division between representativeness and abstraction is really relative. Bullock in "the philosophy of modern art," said: "our eyes can see is never the appearance of the object itself, but from our biology and our own culture background to see." Indeed, an important basis of representational theory is "focus perspective", and it has been proved that "focus perspective" is also a man-made virtual myth. Well, perspective is not real, it's just an illusion. Therefore, the reality in the representational works is only the truth in his own eyes, actually it still carries the painter's personal aesthetic. Secondly, each painting is not only a reflection of reality, but also deeply imprinted with the artist's personal emotional imprint. For example, miller's evening bell expresses his love for ordinary farmers. Velazquez's "Pope innolson x" conveys the author's own distaste for the hypocritical, brutal Pope. Therefore, "complete reproduction cannot exist in art."

"Abstraction" is also from real life after a long period of human practice. Is like a Chinese text, it from the very beginning of pictographic gradually evolved into today's symbol, once is the specific shape, its image, so the so-called abstract is not, like water without source. Secondly, abstract works should convey feelings and meanings, and such a process should be used to make the audience accept these feelings. That is, through the image lines, colors and other forms to make the audience associate, and then into their own existing experience, emotion to extract some related emotions, that is, to produce aesthetics. So when people see these symbols, they can think of the meaning that the symbols represent, that is, some specific images. Such as: mondrian's "Broadway. Buji WuJi reminds people through red square of New York glittering skyscrapers and thought of their height is arranged and then produced the rhythm feeling. Picasso's works appear in parts, but through a lateral nose you can think of the whole form of the person on the side. Through a broken breast you can think of a woman's body. So, that is to say, the so-called abstract will not get rid of the phantom of the concrete image after all.

Entered a new era, art also faces new challenges, but would be nice to think that our age is an era of diversity can hold colorful style and socialist, we want to be able to express new concept and the form of a new era of human spirit is to surpass. We can think of it this way: in this world, there is neither absolute representation without abstraction, nor absolute abstraction without concreteness.

