

Theological study

2019-12-28 16:19:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Theological study,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了神学的学习。作者希望神学课在本质上和其他理科没有什么不同,唯一的区别就是学习的重点。神学是研究“提奥斯”,作者相信在希腊语中它的意思是“上帝”。因此,神学只是研究上帝的各个方面。虽然对有些人来说上帝是一个信仰的概念,但作者认为神学应该超越这个层次,在理论上探索为什么应该有一个上帝。神学必须试图建立一些关于上帝是什么样子的普遍真理。

I expect the theology class to be no different from other sciences subjects in essence, while the only difference would be the focus of study. Just like biology is the study of “bios,” or living things, theology would be the study of “theos,” which I believe in Greek means “God.” Therefore, theology is simply the study of God in various aspects. I belief these aspects would include the most basic: the theories to prove the existence of God. Although for some God is a concept of faith, I think theology should go beyond that level and explore in theory why there is supposed to be a God. After the issue of existence, the next big issue would naturally be: what is God like. The image of God has been extremely enriched and expanded through people’s imagination and artworks. God is also portrayed in different movies. Sometimes as the kind and loving man, other times divine and ruthless. Theology must attempt to establish some universal truth about what God is like.

I expect a lot of different classes of scholars with their varying opinions arguing about theology issues. In theology, it seems that more than one theory is allowed to make sense to explain the same event. The last and also a very important topic that I expect to learn from this class is the relationship between God and the humans, the world, and history. If God created the entire universe, how is he running it, if he is doing so at all. I also wonder if the class will cover the topics of Jesus and how he acted as the bridge between men and God. Also, theology must deal with the issue of coexistence with modern science and technology. Since the Origin of Species, the existence of God has been challenged by modern science. In the 21st century, there is an emerging trend of abandonment of religious beliefs, which is another challenge for theology and religion. Also, the issue of the existence of different “Gods” in different cultures is also intriguing, and I want to see how theology addresses this issue.

As a student from a city named Chongqing, in the southwestern part of China, I have grown up surrounded with close to no religious influence. While some consider Confucianism as the religion of China, they probably refer to the social norms and cultural aspects more than the theological aspect. Despite his greatness, Confucius is still largely perceived as a human being. However, I have read and heard stories from the bible since a very young age. Some of the intriguing ones, such as Noah’s Ark, and Adam and Eve seduced by the snake in the Garden of Eden, still have a mark in my memory. I think nowadays most Chinese people are too busy dealing with the stuff on earth to wonder about a God, which is highly imaginary and requires, I believe, a lot of faith and mental power to sustain in people’s minds. This is why I am intrigued by the theology class, since I want to understand how religion and the belief works and how it has grown into something so influential around the globe.

Although I don’t consider myself to be religious, I do have some faiths and ethos that I apply to make sense of the world. I believe in being kind and always lend a hand when help is needed. I believe it is right to feel happy for other people’s good fortune, and wrong to mock at their misfortune. I also believe in the realization of persona value through hard work. I consider everyone on the planet as an organic part of the history, myself included, and everyone can become substantial if given the opportunity. One question I want to ask about God is: is God something that resembles the human consciousness? I find the two to share many commonalities. For example, both do not have physical proof, yet both a solid existence in theology. Furthermore, if the answer to this question is yes, then does it mean that people’s consciousness would live on after they pass away?


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2019-12-28 16:18:02 | 日記

说实话,我对法律的启蒙可以追溯到我的童年时代。当我还是个孩子的时候,我深深吸引了那些强大的和公正的律师和法官在电视上,我甚至想象成为一个优秀的法官适用法律,作为法律的翻译,《卫报》的精神,社会和正义的化身。甚至在我对艺术感染力和画面内涵的追求中,我也能感受到艺术与规律之间的强烈联系。例如,对于艺术家来说,他们真的希望得到法律的保护,这是对人类创作的保护。然而,当一些“艺术家”沉浸在所谓的“独特的创作”中,比如要求女模特穿胸罩和内裤的Hadaka Sushi,他们有时会打破法律的限制。在这种情况下,法律需要在艺术创作和法律执行之间划清界限,从而鼓励更多的艺术家创作出更多的作品,包含更多的艺术家内涵,揭示生活的真谛。





Critical Essay怎么写

2019-12-28 16:15:50 | 日記
想必大家也知道,国外大学的作业类型有很多,不同类型的作业难度和要求都不一样。Critical Essay就是其中一种难度较大的Essay,Critical Essay需要大家围绕某个话题或观点展开自己的论述,其关键点就在于如何去论证,下面就具体教大家怎么去写Critical Essay.

既然是essay,就还是要具备所有essay都需要的元素,也就是introduction,main body,conclusion和reference这四个部分。Critical essay更注重的是要有批判性的点,不仅要给出论点论据,更要对不同观点的不同接受程度,同时要找论据给出支持或反驳的理由,其实也就是批判性的接受研究结果并且给出相应的理由,同时给出的理由也要有相对应的论据,并由此最终给出一个结论,包括可以更加完善的建议或是有指导意义的理论方法和实践策略。

要想顺畅的写出一篇critical essay,首先就要有一个好的选题,这个选题最好是你感兴趣的或是你充分了解的,找准了这个选题,你才能有的放矢的进行后面的工作。除此之外,你还需要保持和老师的有效沟通,通过沟通去了解老师对此的建议和意见,综合老师的建议,再创作论文的时候也能做到心中有数。最后也是最重要的一点,就是要让你的文章时刻充满着critical的感觉,要做到这一点,就需要你要有一针见血的argument,同时给出足够有力的evidence,让你的文章从里到外从头到尾都洋溢着批判性的思维,既言之有物,又表达精炼。

以上就是关于Critical Essay写作的一些细节,建议大家在写作之前列一个大纲,这样可以提升写作效率。


What is Motivation

2019-12-28 16:13:56 | 日記
本篇paper代写- What is Motivation讨论了激励。激励是由内部或外部因素激发的一种冲动,通过某些行为来刺激某人实现特定的目标。当人们受到激励时,他们通常有强烈的愿望去完成他们的目标。在工作场所,激励使员工对他们的工作保持兴趣和承诺。马斯洛层次理论是亚伯拉罕·马斯洛1943年提出的一种心理学动机理论。它将人类需求分为五个阶段,包括生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求。该理论最常被企业用来制定激励策略。根据马斯洛的理论,当员工的需求得不到满足时,他们会受到激励。本篇论文代写范文由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Motivation is an impulse that inspired by internal or external factors, to stimulate someone to achieve specific goals by certain behaviours. People usually have a strong desire to accomplish their targets when they are motivated. In workplace, motivation keeps employees being interested and committed to their jobs.

Motivation brings benefits to an organization in many ways. Evidence shows that employees tend to put more effort on their work, as well as achieve higher levels of productivity, with right motivation strategies from the organization. Lincoln Electrics, an electric motor manufacturer, adopts incentive pay program to encourage its employees. There’s no guaranteed minimum hourly pay for the factory workers there. The wages are related to the qualified pieces they produce, which must meet Lincoln’s standards. It creates a competitive environment for the workers and pushes them to increase the productivity. It is estimated that Lincoln’s overall output is almost twice of its domestic competitors’, which helps it to earn profits even in recession years.

Motivation also helps improving the product and service quality at workplace. Motivated employees usually have more pride in the work and pay more attention to the value they create. The multinational-operating general merchandise retailer Tesco PLC employs over 500,000 people all over the world. Despite the large employee base, Tesco appreciates its employees’ uniqueness, and respects their different life styles. So it offers the employees’ a work/life balance and rewards such as flexible working, competitive salaries, company share options, etc. The motivation strategy builds high job satisfaction. Tesco’s employees feel being bonded with the company and are dedicated to maintaining the brand image by keeping improving the level of service quality. They always stay educated and well-trained to meet customer needs in their jobs, which helps to support the continued growth of the company. According to the data of 2017, Tesco has 6809 stores worldwide, when the number was 3751 in 2008. Tesco now is the leading supermarket brand in the Great Britain and occupies almost one-third of the grocery market share.

Another benefit of a good motivation system is the high level of staff retention. Successful motivation strategies are always accompanied by low employee turnover rate and high employee loyalty. For example, Starbucks offered Bean Stock since 1991. It is a program that enables Starbucks employees to share the company’s financial success. The program works in this way: If an employee keeps working for Starbucks for one year from the grant date, with no breaks, then he or she will be granted the first half of Bean Stock. If that continues for another whole year, the employee will receive the second half. Once they own the shares, they can either hold or sell them. The policy benefits not only full-time but also part-time employees. It makes Starbucks employees regard themselves as “partners” rather than just staffs, and increases the employee engagement. As a result, Starbucks keeps a relatively low employee turnover rate compared to the industry benchmark.

There are two ways to motivate employees, financial and non-financial. A financial strategy, which is commonly used by a company, usually includes pay rise, bonus, and commissions. This motivation strategy effectively increases employees’ disposable income, improves their financial status, and inspires their enthusiasm. The Starbucks case is a typical one of financial motivation. Nowadays many famous enterprises, such as GE, Apple, Alibaba, provide stock option incentive plans to encourage their employees. It turns employees into investors and lets them care about the whole operating process of their companies.

A non-financial motivation strategy includes inspiring things besides money, such as health care plans, job rotations, company cars, or amazing work environment. It usually provides employees with sense of self respect and mental comfortableness. Google is a commendable employer of using non-financial motivation strategies. It offers employees onsite doctor and fitness center, as well as free lunch and dinner, to meet their survival needs. Google employees are free to express their opinions and ideas through different channels. They also have the freedom over when and how to complete their work. In terms of work environment, Google is famous about its unique office designs, which ensures employees’ creativity and happiness. Googlers are always close to food while every sing area of the office is no more than 150 feet far away from food sources. With these strategies, people work in Google always feel that they are respected and happy, which assures them to create remarkable values for the company.


The war

2019-12-28 16:06:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The war,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了战争。我所理解的战争是一场以人类为代价的利益再分配。随着人类社会的发展,不同文明的发展速度必然不同,这必然会导致资源配置与自我实现的不匹配。战争只是一种平衡这种不平衡的手段。但我不支持战争。在我看来,战争是历史进程中不可缺少的一部分。但是人们可以寻找其他的方法来代替,人们不能通过偷别人的东西来得到东西。战争是竞争的表现,是解决资源有限问题的方法。战争与和平共同构成文明。因此,战争与和平的交替,实际上就是产生问题和解决问题的过程。它是文明发展和竞争的过程。热爱和平,但不排斥战争。

The war I understand as a whole is a redistribution of interests at the costs of mankind. With the development of human society, the development speed of different civilizations must be different, which will inevitably bring about the mismatch between resource allocation and self-actualization. The war is only a means to balance the mismatch. But I did not support the war. In my understanding, war is an indispensable part of the historical process. But people can seek other ways to replace him, and people can not get something by stealing the sources of others. War is a manifestation of competition and a solution to the problem of limited resources. War and peace together constitute a civilization. So the alternation of war and peace is actually the process of generating problems and solving problems. It is the process of civilization development and competition. Love peace, but do not exclude war.

When I am in war on day, I am looking forward to be a participant in the war as I am aspiring heroism, a solid friendship with comrades-in-arms, and a sense of freedom out of family, school and society. As for veterans of war or active service members of a military arm, I will respect those people in the war. They are enlisted out of the sense of mission, heroism, and even can become mature. It is probably the wish of many men to become more masculine and honor by participating in the war - winning glory for the country. In addition, I feel sorry for the group of people. This group of people go to war and act in a way that does not conform to their thinking. They have to act as a community and to reduce the loneliness and avoidance. Then, it is impossible that the war only represents victory. There is full of killing. Thus, those people profoundly witnessed the irreparable "original sin" throughout human history.

I consider myself patriotic and I will not enlist to fight a war under no circumstances. The stability and beauty of life are not acquired by war. War is a manifestation of human evil as humanity's desire for power is never-ending. World peace will make it possible for the people to live a stable and beautiful life. Thus, I am a man who oppose the war at heart. I will work hard to assist those injured or poor people in the war, instead of fighting hard on the battlefield.

