


2019-12-05 21:19:44 | 日記


让我们以Comparison Essay(比较类essay)为例,当我们拿到题目时,我们首先要思考的是,选择什么样的事物进行比较。









第二段:Body Paragraph 1,给出分论点1并论证

第三段:Body Paragraph 2,给出分论点2并论证

第四段:Body Paragraph 3,给出分论点3并论证







Paper代写:Argentina's debt crisis

2019-12-05 21:16:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Argentina's debt crisis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了阿根廷的债务危机。2018年,阿根廷货币比索就不断地下跌,金融风暴席卷阿根廷汇兑市场。5月初,比索暴跌35%,基本处于崩盘的走势。5月3日当天,美元汇率涨幅8.27%,1美元兑换23.3比索的最低纪录被打破。9月中旬,阿根廷存款利率降到60%,比索严重贬值,通货膨胀比率上升,在债务负担和货币通胀的牢牢束缚下,阿根廷经济濒临崩溃。

The peso steadied against the dollar on May 7th after Argentina's central bank sold its dollar reserves to the market and adjusted its benchmark interest rate. The peso has fallen 12 per cent against the dollar in the past 10 days. It fell 8.5 per cent yesterday to a record low of 23 pesos to the dollar, its biggest drop in almost two years. The fact that Argentine football fans borrowed money at high interest rates to watch the World Cup in July was a sign of both the country's soccer mania and the country's economic woes -- the devaluation of the peso. By early September, the Argentine peso had lost more than 50% of its value; When the central bank set interest rates at 60 per cent, the peso fell by 20 per cent, leaving the peso crying. With inflation expected to be close to 40 percent and public debt expected to be 87 percent of gross domestic product, higher than the 52 percent estimated by the international monetary fund a year ago, Argentina is Mired in low growth and high inflation.

The Argentine government has taken a series of measures to prevent continued volatility in exchange markets. Dukhov, the finance minister, announced that new bond issues would be scrapped and public investment cut to 50% by the end of the year to reduce the deficit. The central bank raised interest rates three times a week, raising the bank's reference rate to 40%. At the same time, the central bank also sold a lot of us dollars to stabilize the volatility of the currency market. Since march, the central bank has sold up to 7 billion dollars to keep the currency market stable. In addition, in an effort to restore market information, the government will accelerate the pace of adjusting the prices of public services, aiming to keep inflation below 15 per cent by the end of the year. For now, Argentina's economic recovery still faces serious difficulties, and the road to financial reform is bound to be bumpy.

Since December 2017, Argentina has experienced a severe drought that has brought down its agricultural economy, a major source of exports. According to the Argentine grain exchange, the collapse in soybean and corn production cost Argentina nearly $6 billion and reduced the country's GDP by 1%, hurting exports and the food-processing industry that depends on those crops. In addition, primary products such as grains and fruits accounted for 47 percent and 21 percent of Argentina's exports, respectively. In addition, the price of grains and fruits continued to weaken, and Argentina's current account shifted from surplus to deficit. This unitary export pattern further exacerbated Argentina's balance of payments imbalance. At the same time, in order to protect the domestic manufacturing industry, Argentina has adopted the import substitution policy for a long time. As a result, the domestic manufacturing industry is unable to compete with foreign countries and absorb less and less international investment capital, which is difficult to prevent the worsening financial situation in Argentina.

In early September 2018, us interest rates rose, the us dollar continued to strengthen, and the Argentine peso experienced a precipitous devaluation. Some scholars pointed out that the devaluation of peso would exceed 100%, which greatly reduced the attraction of emerging economies.

Argentina's currency board system of fixed exchange rates led to a serious devaluation of the peso, which greatly weakened the international competitiveness of commodities and severely hit Argentina's trade exports. Generally speaking, if a country pegs to a strong currency, which allows unlimited convertibility under a fixed exchange rate system, it must have very close trade links with the pegging country. But Argentina's share of exports to the us, at just 12 per cent, is far lower than that of the UK and France. The fixed exchange rate system makes Argentina fall into the situation of sluggish exports and weak economy. The Argentine government is unable to flexibly use monetary policy and can only use limited fiscal policy to get out of the current predicament. To this end, the Argentine government must ask the international monetary fund for a loan in return for a substantial reduction in the fiscal deficit. However, the deteriorating economic situation has forced the macri government to bring forward talks in Washington with the international monetary fund on disbursing aid funds in return for next year's fiscal balance.

Since 2016, the Argentine government has engaged in a wide range of sovereign debt financing, and the scale of foreign debt has continued to expand. By the end of 2017, the foreign debt had accumulated to $233 billion, an increase of about 28 percent compared with 2015. In addition, former President cristina fernandez DE kirchner increased subsidies for the disabled and the poor during her time in office, as well as printing money to change the balance of payments deficit, which not only increased government spending but also triggered serious inflation. Mr Macri's government scrapped some subsidies in 2017, about 17 per cent less than in 2016, in an effort to save the country's ailing economy. But the reduction in subsidies has led to a rise in commodity prices, combined with a severe devaluation of the currency, and inflation is expected to exceed 40% this year. In addition, Argentine Banks were unable to turn over funds normally and the huge civil service was not restrained in financial expenditure, further aggravating the financial burden on the government. Argentina's economy is in dire straits because its large foreign debt and frequent defaults make it difficult to get investment and aid from international organizations.

The United States and other western countries have been advocating the superiority of private property rights system, and relying on their own international status, forced to promote financial liberalization policies in the world, induced Argentina to promote large-scale privatization at home, so that Argentina gradually fell into economic difficulties. Because private capital is weak in Argentina, state-owned enterprises are the main pillars of the economy; Privatization of state-owned enterprises will greatly reduce the competitiveness of national industries, weaken the state's control over the economic lifeline and strategic industries, and even lose the ability to bargain with international capital. Now, these countries refuse to provide international financial aid to Argentina for a small reason of lack of public collateral, and some even go so far as to embezzle the personal savings of the Argentine people, increasing the financial burden of the Argentine government. In addition, argentines have sought to avoid the current economic risks by converting their pesos into dollars and transferring them to foreign institutions such as jpmorgan chase. However, instead of taking proper care of their assets, foreign institutions engaged in extensive money-laundering activities, resulting in huge property losses for Argentine nationals. At the same time, corruption was rampant in Argentina, many bureaucratic comprador colluded with foreign capital, causing huge wealth to drain abroad, and the government's debt increased rather than decreased, gradually pushing Argentina to the brink of financial bankruptcy.

Argentina is located in the southeast of South America, east of the Atlantic ocean, rich in natural resources, very developed farming, food and meat accounted for a large share of Argentina's foreign trade. But a severe drought in 2017 led to a massive reduction in Argentina's food production, exacerbating its balance of payments imbalance. So instead of relying solely on agricultural exports, Argentina should diversify into manufacturing and financial services. The Afghan government should actively implement the policy of opening to the outside world, encourage foreign enterprises to participate in the domestic petrochemical industry, warehousing and logistics and other industries, and create a good investment environment for them. In addition, actively introducing foreign-funded institutions, allowing them to set up branches and branches in their own countries, on the one hand, can bring advanced technology and management experience to boost employment in China, on the other hand, it can also stimulate the innovation and reform of domestic enterprises and enhance their core competitiveness. Developing diversified industrial models can make the domestic economic structure more perfect and the products exported to foreign countries more abundant. It can also make greater use of foreign capital to boost domestic economic growth. At the same time, it can avoid the imbalance of international payments caused by the single industrial structure, ensure the stable operation of macro economy to a greater extent, and restrain the occurrence of domestic debt crisis.

The Argentine government blindly implemented financial liberalization at home and fully opened the securities banking industry to foreign investors. Within a few years, the control of financial lifeline fell into the hands of western countries, leading to a serious debt crisis in the country. The Argentine debt crisis reminds us that financial openness is like a "double-edged sword". Good use can promote the country's economic growth quickly, while bad use may undermine the country's financial security. For the us has relied on dollar hegemony to run the imf, forcing other countries to pursue financial liberalisation policies as part of global economic expansion. Therefore, when we open up the financial sector, we must take into account our own national conditions and steadily open up the financial sector. We must be prudent in opening up the banking, securities and other sectors, and exercise certain financial controls over capital flow projects when necessary, so as to eliminate the impact of certain unexpected factors on the macro economy. In addition, in today's turbulent world, China should adopt a flexible exchange rate system in order to attract foreign investment and promote trade openness. In some special time can adopt fixed exchange rate system, but must base on the economic situation at that time, ensure the country's financial security.

Much of Argentina's current difficulties and setbacks have to do with excessive government intervention. Therefore, when our country is developing economy, should coordinate the relation between the government and the market, when the government carries on the intervention, strengthens the market proper self-regulation function. In addition, it is important to vigorously attract foreign investment, alleviate the shortage of domestic capital, and promote the economic and social development of the country, but debt must consider the use of the project and the country's ability to repay. Even though our economy is in good shape and our fiscal deficit is well below the risk threshold set by the international rules, we cannot afford to be complacent. In order to attract foreign investment, some local governments have blindly borrowed money for development, resulting in a series of local debt problems. Most of the funds raised by local authorities come from Banks. Once their debts expand, a large amount of debt risks will accumulate, causing a major impact on the banking industry and threatening the financial security of the country to some extent. Therefore, China should establish a debt safety early warning mechanism, pay close attention to the debt management of local governments, and promote economic development while ensuring financial security.

Because of the lack of financial regulation in Argentina, the interest groups of the comprador have been generated. In the process of financial opening, these interests listen to the Suggestions of privatization and liberalization of western countries, ignore the strong impact of foreign enterprises on domestic enterprises, allow foreign institutions to dominate domestic strategic industries such as securities and banking, and even give up the regulation of international capital flows, so as to obtain huge corruption benefits. This rampant behavior has brought huge debt pressure to the domestic economy. Therefore, the Argentine government should strengthen financial regulation, curb the collusion between bureaucratic comprador and foreign capital, and guard against the erosion of international capital. In addition, due to fiscal indiscipline, Argentina has been running a huge fiscal deficit, and the market is unable to repay the debt. Once there is financial turmoil, it is easy to erupt a debt crisis. Therefore, the Argentine government should strengthen fiscal discipline and reform fiscal mechanism. First, we should cut down government agencies, eliminate useless personnel and improve the efficiency of government. Second, reform the social security mechanism, reduce public welfare, reduce fiscal expenditure; Finally, we should adjust the tax rate reasonably, strengthen tax administration, put an end to tax evasion and punish all kinds of corruption. Only in this way can the domestic fiscal burden be reduced and the debt crisis be avoided.


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Book Review和Book Report有何区别

2019-12-05 21:11:34 | 日記
Book Review和Book Report,大家觉得看起来是不是很像,但这却是国外大学两种不同的论文类型。由于Book Review和Book Report在某些方面比较相似,所以很多留学生都会把它们弄混,那么它们的区别在哪呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

Book Review

What is a book review?

Book review是对文本,对象,事件或现象的敏锐评估。这些评论不仅涵盖书籍和书面文字,还可以涵盖建筑,艺术,时尚和美食等方面。

book review的一个重要组成部分是argument,其后是commentary,而不仅仅是summary。



为了说明book review的组成,以下是其功能:

It must have a concise summary of the content.


It should offer an in-depth assessment of the content.


It should suggest whether or not the audience would appreciate the written work.

此外,通常有两种写book review的方法:

Descriptive review – 在这里,本书的内容和结构要尽可能客观地呈现。只需要有关这本书目的的基本信息。

Critical review – critical review根据文学和历史标准评估和描述所选书籍。 它应包括关于作者目的性和技巧性的陈述,以及作者(在您看来)如何成功做到这一点。

How to Write a Book Review?




由于其简短而简洁的性质,人们通常使用anecdotes和catchy quips来开始他们的review,只要能有效地表达他们提出的论点即可。


1. Author’s name, the book title, and main theme

2. Relevant details about the author, such as his identity and stand on the issue.

3. The context of the book and/or your review, as your choice of context supports your argument.

4. The book’s thesis. If you are reviewing fiction, however, this may be difficult since they rarely display obvious arguments.

But the process of identifying the book’s angle can allow you to show what specific contribution the book is trying to make

5. Your own thesis about the book

Summary of the content

book review的这一部分应该简短,因为您的分析至关重要。在开始编写assessment时,请记住使用直接从本书中获得的具体证据来支持您的论点。


Your analysis and evaluation of the book

Book review的分析和评估应根据您的论点细分成不同的段落。当您考虑整本书时,这尤其具有挑战性,但这将有助于区分您论点的许多要素,从而可以使您清楚地提供支持证据。


What is the purpose of a book review?

book review的基本目的是帮助观众或读者决定是否应该花一些时间阅读本书。 因此,book review应该能够辨别书的中心思想,以及作者的方法和风格,然后对书的整体进行完整evaluation.

what is a book report?

按照教科书的定义,book report是一种书面作文,可以对书面作品(fiction或者nonfiction)进行总结,描述并有时进行评估。

虽然这适用于学术,但book report主要用作学校练习,通常用来确定学生是否确实阅读和理解了书本。它讨论了本书的内容,包括标题,情节,人物和作者,因为这也表明学生可以理解手头的文字。

重申一下,book report 不是 book review,因为后者要求作者对书进行个人critique。 book report通常遵循基本格式,其中包括以下详细信息:

l Book’s title and year of publication

l Author’s name

l Book’s genre

l The book’s primary subject, plot, or theme

l Concise summary of all the key points or ideas incorporated in the book

l The reader's reaction to the book, which can include the identification of its obvious strengths and weaknesses

l Quotations from the book used to support general observations

为了进一步了解book report的内容,应考虑其多种形式。book report可以以不同的形式编写,例如plot summaries, theme analyses, 以及 character analyses。

无论您希望编写哪种类型的book report,关键要素都是必不可少的,它们可以帮助您传达为什么应该阅读或不阅读这本书。在任何book report中,始终应包含以下内容:

l Book report type

l Title

l Author

l Setting, which includes both place and time

l Character names and description

l Quotations and passages from the books as supporting evidence

How to Write a Book Report?

撰写book report可能会很有趣而且令人兴奋,但是它的框架会使事情变得非常困难。 这是一个简单的指南,可帮助您完成此过程:

Choose the book you wish to work on



Read the book religiously

尽管太明显还是要指出一点,从头到尾阅读本书对于写book report的过程至关重要。 一些学生选择只浏览本书,只阅读某些部分。另一些学生则直接网上搜索已有的信息。



1. Story plot - what is it about?

2. Setting - where do the events take place in the book?

3. Characters – who are the significant characters? Identify their relationships with each other.

4. Themes - what are the main ideas about society and life that the characters and plot symbolize?

5. Symbols – Are there any symbols the writer used to convey abstract concepts?


1) What is the topic of the book?

2) Identify the relevant events

3) List down all the important people described in the text

4) What have you learned?

Work on your outline

Outline起着重要的作用,因为它可以帮助您很好地简化写作过程。它是一种框架,可以使您清楚地了解成功的book report的外观。

将您收集的所有信息按照逻辑结构进行组织,包括introduction, body和conclusion。您的想法也必须包括在,紧随其后的是支持证据。

如果您需要book report writing service,请随时与我们联系。

What is the purpose of a book report?

book report可以客观总结书籍中提出的论点和主要思想。然后,该报告应提供足够的信息,以帮助确定该书引起读者的兴趣。

Book Review vs. Book Report


为了再次强调book review和book report之间的区别,book review是对所讨论书的深入分析。 这需要作者的批评和严格的分析。

另一方面,book report 是对书籍的客观概括。这里引用了它的不同组成部分,例如情节,主题,人物和本书的整体主要思想。

When are the book report and book review usually assigned?

具体取决于您学校的课程;还请记住,可能会要求您多次完成此任务。学术机构通常会要求学生上交book reviews 和 book reports,以检查他们是否读过这本书,以及评估他们对书本信息的理解程度。

尽管book review和book report都带有某种熟悉的感觉,但编写它仍然很复杂。学生经常认为book review和book report之间没有太多差异这一事实已被认为是一个问题,

因此,无论付出多少努力,其成绩都低于理想水平。还有一个问题,不是所有的学生都是读者,辨别book review 和book report之间的差异变得更加困难。

以上就是关于Book Review和Book Report的区别讲解,现在大家总算知道这两者的区别了吧,以后可别再弄混了。


Paper代写:American agriculture

2019-12-05 21:05:16 | 日記
本篇paper代写- American agriculture讨论了美国农业。作为一个发展保护性耕作多年的国家,美国仍然在广泛而深入地开展试验研究,为进一步发挥保护性耕作的潜力而努力,他们的不少经验和做法值得我们借鉴与思考。美国农业发达的国家,长期的农业自由贸易,促进了农业的飞速发展,并积累了大量先进的科学技术的致富经验。农场主要在市场的要求下,生产出市场所需要的产品,营销公司将农场的产品加工后推向市场,消费者最后买到的是最适合自己消费习惯的农产品,正是这种良性的生产、销售体系使农业生产进入到了良性循环之中。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

As a country that has developed conservation tillage for many years, the United States is still carrying out extensive and in-depth experimental research to further realize the potential of conservation tillage.

New ideas on the best conservation tillage scheme are put forward. At the annual conference of agricultural engineering, American scholars proposed that the best mode of conservation tillage suitable for the United States is not no tillage, but deep pine and large amount of straw mulch. They argue that 30 percent of the crop is not covered enough, and that more than 70 percent or even 100 percent of the crop should be covered to give full play to the benefits of conservation tillage. The function of covering is more important than that of no-tillage. It is believed that deep pine is beneficial for rainfall infiltration, erosion reduction and water storage, and has obvious effects on dry farming. Another reason for the emphasis on deep pines in the United States is that the trampling and need to become loose during the winter and spring when livestock graze on the ground.

We will vigorously develop covered crops. A one-year crop called ryegrass, which covers farms across Indiana in the winter, is not herbage, but a protective farming system. Covering crops has become an important part of America's efforts to improve conservation tillage systems.

Quantitative study of drought resistance. In auburn, Alabama, for more than 100 years, conventional and conservation tillage on each side of the plot was found to be less than half a metre high for conventional maize and more than a metre high for conservation tillage. Some plots of conservation tillage and traditional crops are dry. The purpose of the experiment is to let farmers know that conservation and conservation tillage can improve drought resistance, but it is also limited. For example, during the drought in this county, farmers can survive for about 3 weeks longer. Some experimental stations are studying the drought resistance of conservation tillage quantitatively, which can be used as reference for farmers' production decisions.

Pay attention to the conservation tillage system research Georgia experiment stations, a report said the local farmers would not cover crops, because of the need to spending the extra cost, but with cattle, cattle can eat spring cover crops, income more than the cost of planting cover crops, conservation tillage with cattle in the local development direction. More papers suggest that conservation tillage should become an integrated production system, combining farming, crop mulching, crop rotation, and pest control techniques.

Six scientists at the U.S. department of agriculture's research station in auburn, Alabama, have spent more than $3 million a year studying conservation tillage for nearly a decade, according to the chief scientist. At two of the meetings, American scientists presented papers on conservation tillage, mostly project findings. This is a far cry from the notion that conservation farming in the United States has been going on for decades, and is now primarily applied. Conservation tillage, it seems, is a technology that is constantly being enriched and developed. It is far from being realized. Conservation tillage is developing in the same way around the world, with new conservation tillage patterns, techniques, tools and benefits being reported.

Some American scientists question the growth of conservation tillage in the United States, arguing that it has been slow in recent years, especially with no tillage. It is much lower than South American countries such as Brazil and Argentina. As the first country to carry out conservation tillage, the area of no-till till now is still around 20%, while the area of conservation tillage is still around 60%.

They argue that the lack of state-level planning, guidance and promotion may be an important reason. Although there is a national conservation technical information center in Indiana, there are only four employees. Another reason is that experts' voices are inconsistent. Some say that increasing production, others say decreasing production, some say that no tillage is good and some say no tillage is not good, which may have some influence on farmers' decision-making.

The United States is a country with advanced agriculture. Long-term free trade in agriculture has promoted the rapid development of agriculture and accumulated rich experience of advanced science and technology.

In the United States, large quantities of agricultural products are available to consumers quickly, as producers, have their own way.

The fresh oranges from the trees were covered with dust and uneven. After processing plant, change, smooth and attractive, uniform and neat, has become a qualified commodity. This has to go through cleaning, corrosion, waxing and other processes. This is naturally much more expensive than the fruit that comes from the trees and goes to market. The quality is high, of course, and the price is good. This is the advantage of deeper processing and higher added value, real income increased.

In fact, from another point of view to increase income, the production of processed agricultural products is also much higher. The loss of processed fruits and vegetables can be controlled within 5%, otherwise the loss may be about 20% to 30%.

Deep processing, not only in the vegetable and fruit preservation technology, but also in the development and utilization of some agricultural products. Take ma ling rong as an example: the price of potato fresh sales is 1 kg of l yuan; Processed frozen fries can reach 15 to 25 yuan a kilogram, up 15 times in value. If further processed into French fries, a kilo can be sold for 40 yuan, a gain of 30 times.

In the United States, agricultural production tends to be concentrated in one region, such as the citrus belt, and citrus is grown in several hundred kilometers. If it's a vegetable belt, there are hundreds of farms around. It's easy to think about the question of whether such a large farm in the United States, with such a high yield, would lead to low prices for agricultural products because of the concentration of the market.

In fact, as long as a reasonable product system can overcome this problem. The reasonable product system mainly includes: the service of the whole process of agricultural means of production; Post-harvest processing, storage and transportation services; Technical guidance service; Market information service; Sales services; The entire agricultural product circulation service. In California, for example, 70% of the total agricultural production is after delivery, while only about 30% is before production and harvest. After a farm finishes picking, a professional company will be responsible for your sales. Although farmers invest more after giving birth, the returns are comparable and the risk rate can be said to be zero.

The farm produces the products required by the market mainly under the requirements of the market. The marketing company pushes the farm products to the market after processing, and the consumers finally buy the agricultural products most suitable for their consumption habits. It is this kind of benign production and sales system that makes agricultural production enter a virtuous cycle.

The American almond society is a successful example of agricultural industrialization. More than 200 years after its founding, the society has matured and perfected itself, and now it's no longer a simple farm to grow and manage, but to think about how to effectively sell almonds across the region to the world. As a member, farmers can earn considerable gains simply by concentrating on increasing their output while ensuring quality.

In many supermarkets in Europe and the United States, agricultural products storage and transportation companies and wholesale markets can be seen everywhere with the words "organic food". Organic food has become a natural and healthy choice for many consumers in Europe and the United States.

Before organic food enters the market, must pass the strict examination of certification authority, just can obtain the certification that is qualified to use organic food standard. With this label, the average selling price of such vegetables and fruits can be increased by 25 to 35 percent, but as producers of organic farms, they must produce according to strict production requirements, all of which are guided by the instruction manual. Because it is grown organically, not only do the fruits and vegetables taste good, but they are also resistant to storage.

The United States has a specialized organic farming association, whose members are organic farmers. Starting an organic farm takes at least three years, from application to final certification. After the farm's application, the organic society organizes a committee to evaluate whether the farm's location, soil and water resources are suitable for organic food production. During the transition period from conventional production to organic planting, the commission shall inspect the products twice a year, including production site, purchase record of agricultural materials and sales record. All the inspection shall be passed before being accepted as a member of the association and qualified to use the label of "organic" in fruits and vegetables produced by the farm. After becoming a member, the annual inspection is needed once a year. Only through the annual inspection can the continuous production of organic food.

It's not easy to get the name "organic." it's under this rigorous testing system that the quality of organic food is guaranteed. Strictly speaking, the green food produced in China cannot be compared with organic food, because there are some differences in the production link. Thus, green food grade A and AA came into being, and AA was the organic food in A complete sense.


Essay代写:New media art in the post-image era

2019-12-05 20:55:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- New media art in the post-image era,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了后影像时代的新媒体艺术。如今,随着艺术媒介的不断发展,与数字媒体相关的艺术也得到了普及,这样也使后影像时代的主要思想与数字媒体、当代艺术以及新媒体所表现出的艺术创作新理念相统一。网络信息技术在不断发展,新媒体技术和当代艺术的融合是必然的,在目前甚至以后的数字信息市场激烈的竞争中,两者可以互相借鉴,互相补充,扬长避短从而实现自身的价值,从而在竞争中争取到优势。

At the present stage, we have entered the information age, contemporary art design is undergoing great reform, the emergence of digital media technology, in the content, form, means and carrier have affected contemporary art design. In recent years, digital media has not only improved the basic landscape of social information services, entertainment and publishing, but also greatly influenced contemporary art and contemporary vision. With the continuous development of artistic media, the art related to digital media has also been popularized, which also unifies the main ideas of post-image era with the new ideas of artistic creation expressed by digital media, contemporary art and new media.

At present, with the rapid development of digital technology and network technology, people's life, culture, economy, politics and other aspects have been unprecedented impact, of course, the category of contemporary art also included. The continuous development of digital media technology has met the basic needs of modernization and diversification of contemporary art design, which not only provides opportunities for the development of contemporary art, but also brings new challenges to contemporary art. How to grasp the opportunity, face the challenge, further deepen the integration of digital media technology and contemporary art, this is the main problem to be solved now.

With the development of information technology by leaps and bounds, in the fierce competition with the traditional information technology, digital media can be unique, it has been able to show that it has irreplaceable advantages. First of all, it's very convenient. Digital media technology in the hardware and software technology after the blessing, can let the user get rid of the traditional cumbersome operation, simple, convenient, fast new mode of operation, so that the man-machine can achieve independent communication, not only save time, but also harvest unexpected surprise. Second, they can communicate with each other. In the traditional information dissemination technology, information dissemination can only be unilaterally released, while users are in a passive state of acceptance. However, the current digital media technology is mutual, and the effective use of the unique network media can allow simple interaction and communication between people or between people and machines. Users can choose information according to their own needs, and express their opinions at the same time, striving to realize the integration and sharing of resources in an open space. Finally, digital media is virtual. Digital media can use simulation technology to create a virtual world for users in 3d space. When users enter, their vision, smell, taste, touch and hearing can be acquired through virtual sensors, with a realistic sense of immersion. The virtual reality, in the real world is difficult to express the theme can be completed in the use of digital media. And digital media can also convert all traditional information such as images, sound and text into recognizable binary coded Numbers. This is a kind of unity with a comprehensive nature, so that the direct boundaries of different forms of expression can be broken through to a certain extent, so as to achieve standard unification, and interconnection can be carried out naturally.

The main purpose of communication art is to spread culture. Whether it is traditional art or new media art in the post-image era, the communication value and influence of thoughts, feelings and emotions should be considered comprehensively. However, in this regard, traditional art is relatively limited, unable to fully reflect the various connotations of art. Now can use digital media technology to solve this difficult problem, continuity and interaction are the main characteristics of the digital media technology, it can perfect show art connotation, create the exquisite artistic atmosphere for people, make people's senses, can completely into grade in art culture significance.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and the development of science has promoted the zeitgeist, people's aesthetic taste and art itself to change. It is not only the internal requirement of the development of contemporary art design to abandon the backward concept, but also to adopt digital media technology and fully combine it with the integrated development, which also provides the continuous power for cultural inheritance and communication. At the end of the 20th century, new media art had the greatest influence and extended the most widely. After entering the 21st century, the world began to pay extensive attention to new media art. In modern times, the museum of modern art in the United States opened exhibitions of new media and contemporary art, which shifted people's attention from traditional art to new media art, which has become a new trend of new media art in the 21st century. China, however, also followed, in 2003, hosted the first China digital technology prize exhibition - "art cup", starting from the digital media technology has been gradually penetrate into the field of traditional Chinese art, then people gradually accept and love the new media art, digital media and get more successful integration of contemporary art. For example, for the application of online games, the artistic expression mode of new media art award, which combines images, sounds, words and interaction, has been fully reflected in online games. The stories and historical background set in online games are the extended forms of literature and art. In the game, there are different plots and characters, different musical backgrounds and pictures, which are presented in combination with traditional performing arts. Such as a digital game, the characters in the game is dressed up with national characteristics, the images of the bias is the ancient buildings, in this form completely manifests the clothing history, architecture and the knowledge about art, and this game is the Chinese classical music as background music, the digital media technology and artistic elements, in order to present a perfect game.

With the continuous development of network information technology, the integration of digital media technology and contemporary art is a reflection of The Times. In the current and even future fierce competition in the digital information market, the two can learn from each other, complement each other, enhance strengths and avoid weaknesses to realize their own value, and thus gain advantages in the competition. In the development of the future, is no longer only raw or scientists can effectively use the familiar media technology, artists can to digital media art, should develop both's universal talent, the so-called digital media art talents, through in this way can the fusion of digital media and contemporary art can be sustainable development.

